The shelves are getting empty

Admittedly part of that problem is that a lot of high calorie (though not necessarily healthy) food is available very cheaply, and a lot of things people do for entertainment these days do not require anything beyond sitting on a couch.
Never liked eating cereal at breakfast anyway. I crash after a half hour, feel hungry again, and generally hate the rest of the day. Cereal is not a breakfast food, it's an after-dinner snack.
I like my carbs with my evening meals. Breakfast and lunch is mostly fats and proteins. protein, fat and Carbs at dinner. Makes me feel tired and satisfied, replenishes glycogen from my workout.

I agree,Carbs in the morning don't stick and make me feel kinda shitty
Maybe America's inane rates of obesity will go down.

One of the annoying things about this, is how the 'science' of dietary health has actually been a big part of this problem. As others have noted, the food pyramid is a part of the problem, but it goes past that.

I forget which wave of 'this isn't healthy, you shouldn't eat it' it was, but some time in the 80's or 90's a big push was made to have less fat in your diet, and people generally replaced that with carbs instead. This was a terrible move, as carbs are one of the biggest sources of building fat in your body, while animal fat in your diet has a broad variety of nutritional properties, and for most people is actually easier to process and burn off than loading up on carbs.

Basically, unless you work a job that is very physically demanding, or you're a fitness nut who runs or works out every day, high-carb diets are a bad idea. There's nothing inherently wrong with carbs, but like everything else, you need to eat the right amount for your lifestyle, and the *#%($%(*ing food pyramid popularized the idea that we should have high-carb diets, just as first world nations were shifting over almost entirely to jobs that were only moderately physically demanding (where standing and moderate work with your hands was all of the exertion) or outright sedentary.

Yet another example of the cultural authority of 'science' causing a boatload of problems.
The Biden admin is being forced ask corporations to save Christmas.

Key Quotes:
"Walmart said it would “increase its use of night-time hours significantly and projects they could increase throughput by as much as 50 percent over the next several weeks.”"

"UPS said it would commit to use 24/7 operations “and enhanced data sharing with the ports” to move more containers out of ports"

Fedex said, “work to combine an increase in nighttime hours with changes to trucking and rail use to increase the volume of containers it will move from the ports.”

White House officials said, "Additionally, the Port of Los Angeles will move to 24/7 service, coming after the Port of Long Beach began similar operations several weeks ago."

From the article, "Lower-than-expected Christmas sales could hurt U.S. companies and pose a political risk for Biden."
Never liked eating cereal at breakfast anyway. I crash after a half hour, feel hungry again, and generally hate the rest of the day.
Pretty sure that was the intention all along. Easier to sell more product when the product doesn't last as long. It's like cheapshit consumer electronics, making it quality decreases the purchases per decade.

For the cOnSpIrAcY tHeOriSts, it might even have been part of the plan to make healthy kids hungry and unhappy during school hours, so the kleptocracy could triple dip by selling Ritalin and destroying the future of millions of middle class males.
Pretty sure that was the intention all along. Easier to sell more product when the product doesn't last as long. It's like cheapshit consumer electronics, making it quality decreases the purchases per decade.

For the cOnSpIrAcY tHeOriSts, it might even have been part of the plan to make healthy kids hungry and unhappy during school hours, so the kleptocracy could triple dip by selling Ritalin and destroying the future of millions of middle class males.
Ironically, a Chinese breakfast is actually the most filling thing.

Congee (the rice version of oatmeal) and Mantou (you can slice em open and stick bacon, sausage slices, even jam, though I've never tried jam) is the usual combo, though it varies by region.

Cheaper than cereal, tastes better, and it's versatile as hell.

When parents immigrated to Canada, my mother did not go looking for a high paying corporate job like the one she had in China and instead chose to become a stay at home parent and take care of me. I owe ever bit of my success to her.

And below are the humble, cheap, yet versatile mantou.


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