Rand Paul isn't really a libertarian though. Or... I guess he sorta is, but he's much more Social Conservative with a Libertarian bend. He's certain less of a Libertarian than his father is.
To a certain extent, yes, but he lacks the desire for Order I feel is necessary for the country to thrive.

Eh, those things aren't mutually exclusive though. I simply consider him as both. The same way one could be a libertine and a libertarian. If you don't like libertarians, then yeah, voting against Rand Paul is the correct choice, 10 times out of 10, because that's how often he'll vote libertarian.

Personally, I'd say the difference between Ron and Rand Paul is exactly why Rand Paul would be a great GOP leader for everyone in the GOP: he's really good at politics and parliamentarianism. He doesn't always swing for the fences, instead he has a lot of small bills that work to get stuff done, and also knows how to take a big swing: when there's a great chance he'll get a home run.

Also, don't underestimate how important parliamentarianism is. Knowing how to deal with senate parliamentarianism is how you get actual wins.
This I will agree with and, hey, I prefer him to Mitch and he's far better than Romney's ilk.
Man... sometimes I sit here and wish that our political extremes were defined by @Bacle, @Vyor, @Abhorsen, and myself... this may sound like I'm wishing for government that agrees with itself, but in actually the four of us are WILDLY divided on so many issues that if the Democrats and Left in the US hadn't gone crazy there's a really good chance that both Bacle and Abhorsen would be Democrats while Vyor and I represent two different historic strains of Republicans...
Man... sometimes I sit here and wish that our political extremes were defined by @Bacle, @Vyor, @Abhorsen, and myself... this may sound like I'm wishing for government that agrees with itself, but in actually the four of us are WILDLY divided on so many issues that if the Democrats and Left in the US hadn't gone crazy there's a really good chance that both Bacle and Abhorsen would be Democrats while Vyor and I represent two different historic strains of Republicans...
Not sure where that would leave me; as while I've found myself myself agreeing with all of you on various topics, there are others where the divide is so strong I can't see myself sharing a political party with any of you.
Man... sometimes I sit here and wish that our political extremes were defined by @Bacle, @Vyor, @Abhorsen, and myself... this may sound like I'm wishing for government that agrees with itself, but in actually the four of us are WILDLY divided on so many issues that if the Democrats and Left in the US hadn't gone crazy there's a really good chance that both Bacle and Abhorsen would be Democrats while Vyor and I represent two different historic strains of Republicans...
What can I say? I've always had a bit of moose in me.
In what world would @Abhorsen be a democrat? More of a Ron Paul style libertarian from what I have seen.
Eh, I would, in such a world, likely fall on the left adjacent sorta thing, @S'task is right. I believe in abortion up to 8-12 weeks, gay marriage, mass drug legalization, adult trans rights to pay for a transition, a lot of police/criminal justice reform, etc. Also, my personal behavior has some definite libertine elements, as well as being an athiest/agnostic, and some other stuff.

But I look at the lefty elements, even of libertarianism, and I go wtf! It's so freaking awful. I wish they weren't this way. But they are, and so I'm on the right (though the econ was never in question, I was always on the right economically once I did any econ).

Also, on a less shocking note, so many of the libertines I see (and know personally) are just fucked in the head, and let their libertine-ness define them, instead of having that as something they do. They choose to become a bunch of labels. I watch friends grabbing mental illnesses like pokemon, then showing them off to people. People I thought were okay people out of the blue advocating up to birth abortion. It really gave me a ton of respect for religion, honestly. I see what most people become without it or something else greater than themselves: just empty vessels. The scariest part? I could have ended up like that so easily. So, so, easily. I can just picture it.
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Eh, I would, in such a world, likely fall on the left adjacent sorta thing, @S'task is right. I believe in abortion up to 8-12 weeks, gay marriage, mass drug legalization, adult trans rights to pay for a transition, a lot of police/criminal justice reform, etc. Also, my personal behavior has some definite libertine elements, as well as being an athiest/agnostic, and some other stuff.
See, even I'm pro most of those things.

What makes me not libertarian are my foreign and economic policies. A mixed market economy with a robust culture of charity (actual charity, not government give mes) is objectively the most stable and happy metric. Too many regulations and government programs cause the issues we see with the economy right now, but on the other hand too few cause Trust and Cartel based issues (we can see the result of which in the DRAM market, constant price fluctuations upwards whenever new fabs come online to keep profits higher than the supply would normally allow and that actual competition would never sustain).
Man... sometimes I sit here and wish that our political extremes were defined by @Bacle, @Vyor, @Abhorsen, and myself... this may sound like I'm wishing for government that agrees with itself, but in actually the four of us are WILDLY divided on so many issues that if the Democrats and Left in the US hadn't gone crazy there's a really good chance that both Bacle and Abhorsen would be Democrats while Vyor and I represent two different historic strains of Republicans...

yeah what your discribing is called populism.

Its something that happens only when some one has fucked up big time, because it involves a whole bunch of people who normally disagree on everything putting all of their issues aside because fuck those guys in particular. Normally after said issues causing this have been solved the populist movement disolves and normal politics begins anew.
Man... sometimes I sit here and wish that our political extremes were defined by @Bacle, @Vyor, @Abhorsen, and myself... this may sound like I'm wishing for government that agrees with itself, but in actually the four of us are WILDLY divided on so many issues that if the Democrats and Left in the US hadn't gone crazy there's a really good chance that both Bacle and Abhorsen would be Democrats while Vyor and I represent two different historic strains of Republicans...
And you'd be wrong.

Because I hate illegal immigration, hate the wokening of academia and society as a whole, hate the 'you cannot misgender that person or you are going to jail' type attitude of parts of the Dems, the ignoring the jihadi's in their midst (Talib and Omar), the fucking stuff like harassing Master Piece Cake Shop continuously.

I'm a Registered Independent for a reason, and it's because the Dems lost the damn plot; I just didn't see anyone on the Right worth supporting till Trump.

Maybe stop acting like just because I care about the environment, don't hate taxes, and don't hold to all the views of tradcons or establishment GOP that I am just another 'Dem' without a D by my name.

This purity spiral BS a lot of the establishment type/tradcon type in the GOP engage in against independent voters is completely self-defeating. The GOP has to convince independents to vote for it, not act like it is owed their vote, and treating independent's like they are part of the Dems (which you comparison implies) doesn't help things.
What makes me not libertarian are my foreign and economic policies. A mixed market economy with a robust culture of charity (actual charity, not government give mes) is objectively the most stable and happy metric. Too many regulations and government programs cause the issues we see with the economy right now, but on the other hand too few cause Trust and Cartel based issues (we can see the result of which in the DRAM market, constant price fluctuations upwards whenever new fabs come online to keep profits higher than the supply would normally allow and that actual competition would never sustain).
The only thing I'd point out is that government is also a monopoly. Perfect world, I'd love an impartial god smite all the monopolists. In practice? This is used as an excuse to create monopolies.

Because I hate illegal immigration, hate the wokening of academia and society as a whole, hate the 'you cannot misgender that person or you are going to jail' type attitude of parts of the Dems, the ignoring the jihadi's in their midst (Talib and Omar), the fucking stuff like harassing Master Piece Cake Shop continuously.
You seemed to have missed S'task's point. The views above should be normal for all sides, from D to R. And without those views being R views, but instead being normal views, yeah you are a D in every respect. You like the socialism of FDR and Cost Plus Contracts, and what you condemn as 'purity spiraling' is basic conservativism.

You, like me, are stuck in a position of asking "is allying with republicans worth it?" What you can't do is what you try to do: fundamentally change what the Republicans believe in to engineer a win for progressive economics, any more than I'll get a win for legalizing heroin. Instead, work on what you can accomplish while within a republican frame of possibility.
It really gave me a ton of respect for religion, honestly. I see what most people become without it or something else greater than themselves: just empty vessels. The scariest part? I could have ended up like that so easily. So, so, easily. I can just picture it.

Thats part of what i went through. That and also I sort of 'allowed' myself to be fooled by the bullshit.
He's just spewing talking points from Putin, etc.,

The US must lead the world. If we don't, our enemies will!

I consider unipolarism as fundamentally detrimental to the majority of the Third World nations, which are majority non-white. What do we colored people get out of American unipolarism anyways? Nothing but pure resentment.

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