• The Sietch will be brought offline for HPG systems maintenance tomorrow (Monday, 27 May 2024). Please remain calm and do not start any interstellar wars while ComStar is busy. May the Peace of Blake be with you. Precentor Dune

Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

Alright - maybe just explain in simple terms how a "tradie" like THASF is better off under the American Empire than he would be were the USA isolationist.
10 years down the isolationist line:
"Why is no one buying our certified American well paid tradie made goods and when they do the ships with them disappear. Must be oligarch sea dragons. Also why is everything so expensive, and when we try to order from competition overseas either the well paid tradies in the other sector say we can't or the same oligarchic sea dragons eat it".
Bonus points: explain to someone from the middle east how he's better off with the town he lives in bombed to rubble and rival gangs of Islamicists fighting each other for power, than he would be were he still living under an oppressive but stable secular dictatorship.
Dunno, the stable secular dictatorship tried to explain the reverse to them in 2011 but apparently they didn't listen.
Have you considered also preaching to North Koreans about how well they are off under a stable secular dictatorship?
Yes, Islamic crazies exist in the Islamic societies and somehow the locals don't treat them with appropriate disdain and caution. Hell, even we don't, and thanks to idiotic immigration policies, we can see that they do in fact exist in those cultures in our very own cities, complete with observing how they operate and how they get public support, it's quite an interesting piece of political strategy really. No, it doesn't take le evil CIA scheming for them to get at least close to power, they exist and operate completely independently of any conspiracies real or imagined.

Seems like the Western self-critics are kinda divorced from the realities and priorities of the societies of third world shitholes who they defend from western influence. The world doesn't revolve around western political fringe's criticisms of "forever wars", be it from isolationist right or pacifist left, and feels no compulsion to conform to their simplistic and politically convenient visions of how things are.
Compared to what?

Let's say the mighty US of A goes in and freedomizes the Korean Peninsular.
What would be the likely result?

Life is shit for a Nork under Tubby Leader, but what is the alternative you can offer?
It's hard for it to be worse. It won't get better the way things are.
Freedomizing gives them a chance for a better future. They can waste it like many Muslim societies did, but looking at their southern brethren, they have better chances.
And regardless, how do we fix the situation we're in?
More localism, more sensible people running for public office in their states, and so on. People of good character have ceded way too much ground.

Get it into your heard that the foreign policy machine is nowhere near important to the deep rot you are pointing out. It's mostly independent really. Look at other countries. Some even with quite lefty policy, joining into the complaining about muh genocide in Gaza, like Sweden - yet they have the same local problems, sometimes even worse, cities full of third world migrants, ridiculous laws facilitating that, leftists going crazy in education, ordinary people even more economically stuck as welfare cases, and so on.
The foreign policy machine goes hand in hand with the deep, corruptocrat rot. They are the same thing. The idea that they are separate institutions, that there are these loathsome center-left bureaucrats on one side and an incorruptible Team America: World Police on the other, is frankly absurd. It's all the same thing. Every war we fight is an opportunity for the Shadow Government of contractors, consulting firms, and NGOs (i.e. Halliburton, Black & Veatch, Booz Allen Hamilton, the Atlantic Council, Stratfor, McKinsey, etc.) to carve out new fiefdoms.

No they are not. You are naive if you think you are. This very same naivety among our elites has led to the migration crisis. Different cultures are different, news at eleven.
Why not listen to them in their own words, then?

"It would have been better if Saddam had stayed, I wouldn't have lost my legs ... This would have never happened because there was no sectarianism under his rule," said Nasser, who now plays basketball for a paralympics team from a wheelchair.

"Compared to three to five years ago, it's much better. But compared to 10 years ago when it was under Gaddafi, it's totally, totally unstable" he said.

"We also had this spate of terrorist organisations and individuals operating in the country, which we never had before 10 years ago," Fetouri added.

"Obama destroyed Syria. It's very simple. This guy is more concerned about his legacy than people. He's a hypocrite who is using refugees and humanitarian aid to shine up his image. … This guy could have been a hero, but he chose to be a villain."

Sounds to me like they would have been better off left alone.

Read up on any societies that still live in clans before repeating that.
A lot of these countries we helped demolish had secular dictators who ruled with an iron fist and kept order. Bombing and deposing them and flooding their countries with arms did not make our security situation any better. It single-handedly created the refugee crisis. We wouldn't have this massive immigrant problem if we learned to just stop dropping JDAMs on people's homes. That's a fact.

It's not about the piece of cloth, it's about what it represents.
Of course anyone controlling a massive organization will get rich one way or another.
But the anarkiddy complaining with a pacifistic tone is no solution at all. At best you would get a return to the era of warlords. The kind of order and at least occasional local peace we enjoy is possible only by taking the conflicts to a level of states.
Though i understand it may be getting questionable to those living in states that are not nation-states.
Yeah, I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and a conscientious objector. I just don't see the point.

That's a whole lot of hindsight abuse right here.
Also, the whole Ottoman Empire, yeah, surely that sounds like a very friendly and innocent thing mostly interested in making house furniture that le evil western government murdered for no reason at all.
Would you prefer the Islamic world's poor and stupid tribes of religious fanatics united and warring against other peoples like us instead?
You don't know what could have happened. Sure, in one timeline, they might have waged war against us. In another, they could have liberalized, in time, attracted by the lure of Western economic power and Western luxuries, just like the Saudis.

Literally everything wrong with the Middle East is because of our own meddling, from overthrowing Mosaddegh to backing the Mujahideen against the Soviets. The instability and the formation of VNSAs is because we can't stop meddling with the region and upturning people's lives and destroying any chance they had at prosperity.

Not *we*. Their own compatriots usually.

I've been more pro-war than Bush Jr since he was president.

Wars exist for as long as human civilization, and will continue for as long as it does. Take any more or less exotic major culture, it did wars, and probably was good at it. It is part of human nature in terms of social organization at this point.
That's frankly ridiculous.

Modern technology is turning the underclass of the planet into a single, large community. Everyone knows someone else from the opposite end of the planet, now. That state of affairs didn't exist a hundred years ago. Hell, it didn't exist thirty years ago. I know Ukrainians and Russians. They don't want to be sent to die by Zelensky or Putin for nothing. They don't want to be homeless, either. Both of these are very rational and simple desires.

I think what you really need is a close look at the more lefty socialist run western countries to get the idea that grass is greener on the left side out of your head. There you have all the shit you complain about and then some, but with none of the neocons and wars.
Infrastructure? Dude, the worst of them want us to not even have industry, military or otherwise. To save the planet they say.
The green movement is a huge scam to sell wind turbines and solar panels that don't work and don't provide consistent base load power. The ruling class are behaving as if we have already reached peak oil, and a bunch of drill rigs and refineries are about to become "stranded assets". They are pivoting to renewables just to sell us a bunch of shit that doesn't work before rug-pulling all of us and leaving us trapped in a technocratic, data-driven hell world.

Here we see the same 'obsession with numbers' that George Monbiot demands of us as we contemplate how to produce our food and live in our landscape, and it reveals the elision between Machine Environmentalism and the elite-driven tech revolution it is part of. What we can see is that both achieve their goals through the process of datafication: the quantification of everything. The pattern of reality will be transformed into bits and bytes, comparisons and yields, numbers and statistics, until even novels and friendships and meadows and family meals on winter nights can be measured and compared and judged for their relative contributions to efficiency and sustainability.

There is a rift here, and we should gaze deep into it, because there is something down there that we need to make out. It is the ancient rift between those who embrace the mindset of 'datafication' and those who are repelled by it. It is a very old rift - 'datafication', in the form of sums and the written language they are recorded in, is one of the foundations of civilisation - and I suspect it can never really be healed, because it marks the border between two distinct ways of seeing. In my last essay I wrote of them as the ratio and the nous, but we could just as well call them left and right brain, mythos and logos, or - perhaps most simply - the sacred and the profane.

The Fourth Revolution, and the Machine Environmentalism which it contains, offer us a profoundly profane vision of the world. Life in this understanding is not a sacred thing - what does 'sacred' mean after all? - but an engineering challenge. It is something which can be studied, quantified and constantly tweaked until we arrive at the most efficient version, best suited to our needs and designed to achieve maximum efficiency, equality and progress. The world of Big Data is a world in which an astute study of The Numbers can always help us arrive at the right conclusion.

Don't you have that? Most of us in civilized countries have that and more, we can even sit and shitpost on internet basket weaving forums. It's not what we consider ordinary people in those tent cities. Junkies, migrants, people who should be either in an asylum, prison, or another country in an ideal world. Throwing more money at them like the bleeding hearts on the left want would only attract more of them.
It's very interesting - and kind of horrifying to me, frankly - to see someone express the kind of sentiment toward fellow human beings that is usually reserved for seagulls.

What kind of patriot wants their neighbors to be poor and desperate? Why have we baked needless cruelty and sadism into everything?

Cost of housing where?
Blame environmentalists who are willing promoters of legally enforced artificial land scarcity combined with mass migration. It's basic economics, if something has rising demand yet limited supply, it's gonna get expensive.
Also the urbanization push has gone too far IMHO, that's also a contributing factor, city land was always more expensive than the alternative.
But there isn't limited supply. There are 15 million vacant homes in the US. The rising house prices are because we've let foreign investors buy them up and sit on them and use them as a store of value instead of letting people actually live in the damn things. For that matter, these MDF pieces of shit full of Chinese insulation that we call houses aren't fit for rats to live in, to begin with.

For decades, American society has been built around disgusting, stomach-churning corner-cutting in every conceivable way. We eat hyper-processed industrial waste full of seed oils, drink estrogen-laced water, and live in gruesome, industrially-erected shitboxes that some greedy developer and ten Guatemalans tossed together in an afternoon, and then we wonder why we're not mentally or physically healthy. We're going to end up going out like Rome, at this rate. Stark raving mad and with lead on the brain.

But you yourself said you see the world's peoples as undifferentiated, so which way is it?
In spirit, in some ways, perhaps. But that doesn't mean I want all of our resources to be shared equally between all of us to the detriment of American workers, no.

And don't repeat lefty memes like the one about medieval peasants.
For one medieval peasants were never fully out of "work". They never had vacation in the same sense of modern urbanites, who can sit on their asses and get drunk half dead for all they care, or travel to another country for 2 weeks, no one will give a damn.
But a medieval peasant could not explain to his pigs that they aren't getting food because it's a holiday, or to the cows that they can spend a day or three unmilked because it's holidays...
Life on a farm, especially pre-modern one, was always at least half time work.
People spend a lot of time idling at work. The modern workday is ridiculously long. What's the point of being at work for eight hours if you only get four hours of actual work done?

Granted, in my case, since I do shift work, I never really had the luxury of a 9-to-5. I go for twelve hours straight.

Armed conflicts pre-date the Davos Man by millenia, and will outlive him most likely by even more.
The wars that NATO have been involved in, in the past few decades, have not been nationalistic in intent, but globalist. These wars are aimed at deliberately eroding our borders and sovereignty.

Do not exaggerate the numbers in front of people who know them.
If the neocon hating people who complain about military spending had their way, the airmen you speak of will have nothing to fly, nor even to practice their qualifications as pilots on.
This is what our country was busy doing to our own servicemen:

In a sane society, everyone who pushed the lethal COVID-19 vaccines would be charged with treason. Instead, people who refused them were fired from their jobs, harassed, displaced, and, in this example, even roughed up.

Your problem here is that you are joining up so many angles of attack that your political position is no longer coherent. You can't spend half the post criticizing the "American empire" and then the other half criticizing the demolition of it, and then take a dump on mostly strawmen of the whole political spectrum...
Make up your damn mind on what you want and how does that fit with other political factions or not, and then make up your mind on what to do with potential allies (there will have to be compromises with them, and also with reality in general) and with irreedeemable enemies (your pacifistic sentiments may not survive that).

I think Bezmenov had quite a better story of whose system's design it was.
I don't want an American Empire. I want a prosperous American Republic as the Founding Fathers intended, disentwined from central banker scum and their foreign wars and emancipated from the just-in-time logistics system that has made us over-dependent on people who hate our guts. If it weren't for the Deep State sabotaging us, wasting so much of our money on pointless wars, and handing so much of our wealth to China, the US would have literal space colonies all over the damn Solar System by now. Let's quit pretending that our future and our birthright hasn't been stolen right out from under us.

Our media presented the recent wars in the Middle East as "bringing democracy to poor, unenlightened savages". We did nothing of the sort. We protected the USD's reserve currency hegemony to keep it from inflating into uselessness, mostly to prop up Wall Street Ponzi schemes based around financial derivatives and algo-trading, but also to keep folks over here from complaining about a rise in the cost of goods.

Your mistake, I would think, is that you think there is one single "American Empire" that lumps all of these different competing groups with their own individual desires for wealth and resources together. To the contrary. A lower or middle-class American rural-dweller or suburbanite who is struggling and stagnating because of lost job opportunities and rising consumer good costs has no common cause with the financial criminals at Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, or JP Morgan Chase, just as a cow has no common cause with a blood-fatted tick feasting on its ass.

There never actually was an "American Empire", just a bunch of tax-slaves of financial criminals, bound and gagged and forced to watch while they steal our livelihoods. We are replaceable to them. In fact, after we got wise to the mass Ponzi with Occupy and all that, they decided right then and there that they would demolish America and replace us. What do you think DEI and ESG are for?

Correct, as long as the democrats are in change... the money either goes to crippling our enemies overseas or to crippling us domestically.
You see Vyor.
To them, it's either we spend money on wars thag we should not be helping out because some contrived reason such as "we started it" "Jews" or "They are the real savior for the whites"
Or we attempt to make sure domestic spending goes no where
The foreign policy machine goes hand in hand with the deep, corruptocrat rot. They are the same thing. The idea that they are separate institutions, that there are these loathsome center-left bureaucrats on one side and an incorruptible Team America: World Police on the other, is frankly absurd. It's all the same thing. Every war we fight is an opportunity for the Shadow Government of contractors, consulting firms, and NGOs (i.e. Halliburton, Black & Veatch, Booz Allen Hamilton, the Atlantic Council, Stratfor, McKinsey, etc.) to carve out new fiefdoms.
But as we see from other countries, it is completely superfluous to the problems in question, as they can easily be caused without one - hence it does not go hand in hand.
These places also have their NGO complex, often with even more openly and hardcore leftists in charge of it, and they are the source of the damage.
The grain of truth in that comment is that the leftists are very, very much interested in infiltrating the foreign policy machine and have some success in it, much like with nearly all other institutions. But the irony is that if it wasn't the case, it would be acting in such an active way that the "anti war" people would be twice as mad about it as they are now.
Why not listen to them in their own words, then?

Yeah, sure, journos, and people complaining more about current problems than past ones.
Sounds to me like they would have been better off left alone.

A lot of these countries we helped demolish had secular dictators who ruled with an iron fist and kept order. Bombing and deposing them and flooding their countries with arms did not make our security situation any better. It single-handedly created the refugee crisis.
Well sometimes they also swung that iron fist at us or our allies. That's something all the deposed ones have in common.
We wouldn't have this massive immigrant problem if we learned to just stop dropping JDAMs on people's homes. That's a fact.
No, that is a lefty narrative with nothing in common with reality. Why the fuck are so many of the migrants in Europe from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Eritrea or Morocco? Who the fuck bombed those places? I'm quite interested in wars and i missed it somehow.
They are evidence that this is a narrative for convenience for classic "useful idiots" in the various anti western circles.
Bomb them or not, doesn't matter, the reasons for mass third world migration are largerly independent and at home IMHO. There is a reason why they all head for western countries, and not for the geographically and culturally closer places like Gulf States or anywhere peaceful but poor really.
Yeah, I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and a conscientious objector. I just don't see the point.
Then it is never too late to learn at least how the rest of the world thinks, if you haven't noticed, JWs are not widely considered a wise or socially beneficial movement, nor are one that has managed to set up a country of their own.
You don't know what could have happened. Sure, in one timeline, they might have waged war against us. In another, they could have liberalized, in time, attracted by the lure of Western economic power and Western luxuries, just like the Saudis.
We can make educated guesses. But we know what they did before Ottoman Empire. We know what they did since Islam exists. We know what they did to quite liberal and westernized at a time Iran and Lebanon.
The rest is hedging bets and states doing their actual duty of minimizing known external threats to their people.
We also know that most of the problem cases do not have the kind of oil wealth Saudis do, and replicating the Saudi model is absolutely impossible without that.
Literally everything wrong with the Middle East is because of our own meddling, from overthrowing Mosaddegh to backing the Mujahideen against the Soviets. The instability and the formation of VNSAs is because we can't stop meddling with the region and upturning people's lives and destroying any chance they had at prosperity.
Not "we". Everyone, including the locals especially. There is not some mythical natural state of peace in Middle East that our or anyone else's mythical meddling is disrupting. Read some history. It was a mess already even back when the Roman legionaries marched through that part of the planet, and it was a mess before that too.
You did have a probably unintended point before, the closest to a "default" state of things is bands of warlords and their subjects roaming the land and fighting over everything remotely worth fighting for. Some societies organize beyond that, others not, or not much.
That's frankly ridiculous.

Modern technology is turning the underclass of the planet into a single, large community. Everyone knows someone else from the opposite end of the planet, now. That state of affairs didn't exist a hundred years ago. Hell, it didn't exist thirty years ago. I know Ukrainians and Russians. They don't want to be sent to die by Zelensky or Putin for nothing. They don't want to be homeless, either. Both of these are very rational and simple desires.
Many cultural differences are subtle enough that some may miss them in the forest of individual divergences and communication limits.
How many Muslims on the internet have you had trying to convert you?
How many Buddhists?
The former for me is definitely double digits, the latter is zero.
Spare us the truisms, we all know that everyone breathes, eats and shits, but in more ethereal and culturally driven desires, divergences in who wants what do emerge, sometimes quite large ones.
If you want to see everyone being one large community, sure, the internet is your kaleidoscope. Whatever you want to see, you will find a way to see it, build your own bubble, to your custom specifications. But if you focus on seeing things for what they are rather than what you wish they were you may see something inconvenient.
The green movement is a huge scam to sell wind turbines and solar panels that don't work and don't provide consistent base load power. The ruling class are behaving as if we have already reached peak oil, and a bunch of drill rigs and refineries are about to become "stranded assets". They are pivoting to renewables just to sell us a bunch of shit that doesn't work before rug-pulling all of us and leaving us trapped in a technocratic, data-driven hell world.

So why only ruling classes of some states do that, but not others?
As i said, there are different factions even among the elites.
It's very interesting - and kind of horrifying to me, frankly - to see someone express the kind of sentiment toward fellow human beings that is usually reserved for seagulls.
Reality is horrifying in such ways. You either get desensitized to it or develop various unhealthy coping mechanisms for it to veil yourself from it.
What kind of patriot wants their neighbors to be poor and desperate? Why have we baked needless cruelty and sadism into everything?
Plenty of patriots in our circles will openly state that most of those people should not be our neighbors in the first place.
Communities have to consist of people with things in common to be that. A random hodgepodge of people a community do not make.
But there isn't limited supply. There are 15 million vacant homes in the US. The rising house prices are because we've let foreign investors buy them up and sit on them and use them as a store of value instead of letting people actually live in the damn things. For that matter, these MDF pieces of shit full of Chinese insulation that we call houses aren't fit for rats to live in, to begin with.
That's not how the real world works, you are repeating the propaganda of the same leftist ideologues whose real world works you despise right here.
Thinly veiled commies use that argument everywhere, usually right before advocating for land grabs and mass immigration.
What's 15 million homes on the scale of the number of homes in USA, which is roughly 140-150 million homes? Naturally on such large scale, at least few percent have to be undergoing legal processes, repairs, awaiting for sale, things that often take years, or otherwise it doesn't take some weird conspiracy for them to be vacant. It's 10% of the total number, is that really unreasonable for such things?
For decades, American society has been built around disgusting, stomach-churning corner-cutting in every conceivable way. We eat hyper-processed industrial waste full of seed oils, drink estrogen-laced water, and live in gruesome, industrially-erected shitboxes that some greedy developer and ten Guatemalans tossed together in an afternoon, and then we wonder why we're not mentally or physically healthy. We're going to end up going out like Rome, at this rate. Stark raving mad and with lead on the brain.
Well here you have few of aswers why so many of those homes have to be vacant at any time.
Some of these things could be fixed fairly easily as Europe doesn't have them, for others one would have to reach to East Asia for proven solutions, and again a difference, our elites, unlike Japanese or Taiwanese, would not be willing to use those.
In spirit, in some ways, perhaps. But that doesn't mean I want all of our resources to be shared equally between all of us to the detriment of American workers, no.
But do you want them shared? To what degree? Once you let the dam of commienomics burst, how do you manage it carefully, while realisticly, it would not be you, but the Schwabs of the world? This is not a solution for this mess at all, it is another step deeper.
People spend a lot of time idling at work. The modern workday is ridiculously long. What's the point of being at work for eight hours if you only get four hours of actual work done?
That's a statistical misunderstanding of how some things need to be done at all. Technically a security guard is not needed 99% of his work time.
But the nature of his work is such that he has to be there all the time just in case one moment that 1% situation happens.
Optimization is good and in everyone's interest, but it's not always possible, or cheap.
The wars that NATO have been involved in, in the past few decades, have not been nationalistic in intent, but globalist. These wars are aimed at deliberately eroding our borders and sovereignty.
LMAO. If they were imperialistic, we would have had a blue flagged Roman Empire on cocaine.
The most NATO skeptical western countries often are those least interested in their borders and sovereignty.
This is what our country was busy doing to our own servicemen:

In a sane society, everyone who pushed the lethal COVID-19 vaccines would be charged with treason. Instead, people who refused them were fired from their jobs, harassed, displaced, and, in this example, even roughed up.

Just servicemen? We both know it's not the case so stop trying to rile up anti-military sentiment with such misdirections. On the other hand overplaying the lethality also does not make you look reasonable to the casual observer either.
I don't want an American Empire. I want a prosperous American Republic as the Founding Fathers intended, disentwined from central banker scum and their foreign wars and emancipated from the just-in-time logistics system that has made us over-dependent on people who hate our guts. If it weren't for the Deep State sabotaging us, wasting so much of our money on pointless wars, and handing so much of our wealth to China, the US would have literal space colonies all over the damn Solar System by now. Let's quit pretending that our future and our birthright hasn't been stolen right out from under us.
Some of the Founding Fathers were still around when USA dealt with some Islamic shitsters in Libya. Oh how history rhymes...
There would have been no space colonies anywhere, or even a moon landing, if the people who complain vacant homes without thought had the power and there was no cold war.
Our media presented the recent wars in the Middle East as "bringing democracy to poor, unenlightened savages". We did nothing of the sort. We protected the USD's reserve currency hegemony to keep it from inflating into uselessness, mostly to prop up Wall Street Ponzi schemes based around financial derivatives and algo-trading, but also to keep folks over here from complaining about a rise in the cost of goods.
So you are arguing that it was in US interest after all, just in a different way that bleeding heart idiots would not accept as an argument?
Your mistake, I would think, is that you think there is one single "American Empire" that lumps all of these different competing groups with their own individual desires for wealth and resources together. To the contrary. A lower or middle-class American rural-dweller or suburbanite who is struggling and stagnating because of lost job opportunities and rising consumer good costs has no common cause with the financial criminals at Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, or JP Morgan Chase, just as a cow has no common cause with a blood-fatted tick feasting on its ass.
On the contrary, it does. If the cow stupidly falls into a lake and drowns, the tick will drown with it.
There never actually was an "American Empire", just a bunch of tax-slaves of financial criminals, bound and gagged and forced to watch while they steal our livelihoods. We are replaceable to them. In fact, after we got wise to the mass Ponzi with Occupy and all that, they decided right then and there that they would demolish America and replace us. What do you think DEI and ESG are for?

Do you seriously think DEI and ESG are exclusive to American Empire, America, or Empires in general?
No, this shit is spread wherever cultural marxists are allowed to preach their idiocy to clueless youth. They don't care what language their useful idiots speak and how rich they are, they will take all.
It's such a wonderfully destructive meme-disease that those relatively immune to it obviously notice that they could wield it as a weapon. First it was Soviets, now it is China.
But as with bioweapons, those can be devastating even in nature, without a team of weapon engineers aiding its deployment.
Of course this is yet another issue that should break your illusion of united elites - a lot of the neocon and related right do complain about US industrial reliance on China and want to take harsh measures to cut it. Hell, even democrats are starting to see the problem.
Of course it's way too little and too late, but it's a start.
And regardless, how do we fix the situation we're in?
The issue is that sane people are a vanishingly small minority.
As we have covered, every political position is fucked up.

I am almost certain there is no fixing this. we are already dead.

If there was hope, I think it will maybe be in the smashing of the tech cartels and instituting free speech. I can see people of all sides banding together to say "fuck the megacorps". And a slim chance to also push back against govt censorship in the USA maybe. (need BOTH to happen)

If both happen it would potentially allow people to point out all the systematic gaslighting that is going on, and start to deprogram that fanatics that are holding us back.
Then it is never too late to learn at least how the rest of the world thinks, if you haven't noticed, JWs are not widely considered a wise or socially beneficial movement, nor are one that has managed to set up a country of their own.
Their very own doctrine prohibits the establishment of countries of their own, and they think that everything around the world is some sort of an empire of false religions. At best, they're an isolated group, and at worst, they're larping as ancient Israelites.
Reality is horrifying in such ways. You either get desensitized to it or develop various unhealthy coping mechanisms for it to veil yourself from it.
Reality is also violent in many ways, and I for one, am glad that we can express ourselves in rather........violent ways.
It was never truly a dark age.
A lot of advancements in society came forth during those times
Anyone that thinks the middle ages was some kind of dark age is an uneducated moron that shouldn't be listened to and anyone that uses such a person as a source deserves the same level of derision.
The Dark Ages and the Medieval era are two distinctive regions of time, noone with a cursory understanding of history implies that the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages are synonyms...
We should clarify what we mean by "Dark Age". The original meaning was something like "era of history that we know next to nothing about". But more light gradually got shone into that era.

Around the time of the fall of the Western Roman empire, apparently there were some serious natural disasters. The climate changed serverely - in one year the Nile froze.
Later on came the Medieval Warm Period, which was by all reports quite nice.
The Dark Ages could loosely be set as the years between the implosion of the Western Roman Empire and the coronation of Charlemagne to my mind.

These were difficult times but those in the ruins of Rome’s western domains did a lot more than just scratch out a living for themselves. This is an age of heroes after all, of Arthur and Beowulf.
The Dark Ages and the Medieval era are two distinctive regions of time, noone with a cursory understanding of history implies that the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages are synonyms...
The Dark Ages could loosely be set as the years between the implosion of the Western Roman Empire and the coronation of Charlemagne to my mind.

These were difficult times but those in the ruins of Rome’s western domains did a lot more than just scratch out a living for themselves. This is an age of heroes after all, of Arthur and Beowulf.

Problem: there was a consistent effort to preserve information from the time. The only histories that were lost were oral, but even most of those were preserved in some fashion. There was never a dark age around that time, it's purely a myth born of "enlightenment" figures that loved jacking off rome and then anti-theists bought into it.

An actual dark age happened around the time of the bronze age collapse in most regions, but that's well before rome.
We should clarify what we mean by "Dark Age". The original meaning was something like "era of history that we know next to nothing about". But more light gradually got shone into that era.

Around the time of the fall of the Western Roman empire, apparently there were some serious natural disasters. The climate changed serverely - in one year the Nile froze.
Later on came the Medieval Warm Period, which was by all reports quite nice.
I consider a dark age to be an age of darkness. in the fantasy story sense.
> And so the dark lord conquered the lands and a 1000 year reign of darkness began.

We are living through:
the death of democracy.
the death of the middle class
the death of freedom of speech
the death of freedom to own stuff (you will own nothing and be happy)
the death of western civilization
the death of countless babies being sacrificed in ziggurat temples
the death of countless conscripts fighting in wars
the death of the family
the death of western medicine
the death of western science
the death of journalism (we only get propaganda)
the death of education (math is racis. schools exist to be brainwash children into a death cult)
the genocide of caucasians
worldwide sodom and gemorah.
the normalization of pedophilia

and probably a bunch of other horrors.
we are transitioning into serfs ruled by insane pedo cultists.
AI killer drones are gonna make things so much worse as soon as they see more widespread deployment.

but hey, at least we got some cool new iphones to consume porn with.
But as we see from other countries, it is completely superfluous to the problems in question, as they can easily be caused without one - hence it does not go hand in hand.
These places also have their NGO complex, often with even more openly and hardcore leftists in charge of it, and they are the source of the damage.
The grain of truth in that comment is that the leftists are very, very much interested in infiltrating the foreign policy machine and have some success in it, much like with nearly all other institutions. But the irony is that if it wasn't the case, it would be acting in such an active way that the "anti war" people would be twice as mad about it as they are now.
It seems like you’re implying that they’ve attempted to infiltrate the foreign policy machine and only been partially successful. What I’m saying is that they’re already there. That ship has already sailed.

We don't have some kind of inviolate foreign policy machine fighting the Reds. The Reds are already here. The call is coming from inside the house.

Yeah, sure, journos, and people complaining more about current problems than past ones.
Yes, but I could scarcely imagine anyone who could deny the humanity in their pleas, or who could argue that they’re different enough from us that their descriptions of their own experiences should be treated as meaningless or irrelevant to us.

It's not like we're talking about little green men who stepped out of a UFO. These are human beings. Misguided, perhaps. Religious fanatics, quite possibly. But still, they are human.

Well sometimes they also swung that iron fist at us or our allies. That's something all the deposed ones have in common.
Very often, they were deposed after a period of relative peace. Bush Junior went after Saddam long after he ceased to be a real threat. Sarkozy went after Gaddafi after a brief period in the 2000s where the two were basically in cahoots.

Last month, French police detained and questioned Sarkozy about illicit payments Gaddafi is said to have made to Sarkozy's 2007 presidential election campaign. A few days after Sarkozy was released from detention, he was ordered to stand trial for corruption and influence-peddling in a related case, in which he had sought information on the Gaddafi inquiry from an appeals court judge. The scandal has highlighted a little-appreciated bind that Sarkozy faced in the run-up to the Libyan intervention: The French president, who took the lead among Europeans in the military campaign against Gaddafi, was eager to compensate for diplomatic blunders in Tunisia and Egypt and most likely angry about an arms deal with Gaddafi that went awry. Sarkozy, it now appears, was eager to shift the narrative to put himself at the forefront of a pro-democracy, anti-Gaddafi intervention.

This sounds less like Sarkozy deposing a tyrant to rescue people from his supposed tyranny and more like a corrupt clown cleaning the skeletons out of his closet.

No, that is a lefty narrative with nothing in common with reality. Why the fuck are so many of the migrants in Europe from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Eritrea or Morocco? Who the fuck bombed those places? I'm quite interested in wars and i missed it somehow.
Because the places we bombed were providing border security holding back the people from those other places. Gaddafi said it himself:

"Now listen you, people of NATO. You're bombing a wall which stood in the way of African migration to Europe, and in the way of Al-Qaeda terrorists. This wall was Libya. You're breaking it. You're idiots, and you will burn in Hell for thousands of migrants from Africa and for supporting Al-Qaeda. It will be so. I never lie. And I do not lie now,"

Well, we can all see what happened. His prognostications came true.

They are evidence that this is a narrative for convenience for classic "useful idiots" in the various anti western circles.
Bomb them or not, doesn't matter, the reasons for mass third world migration are largerly independent and at home IMHO. There is a reason why they all head for western countries, and not for the geographically and culturally closer places like Gulf States or anywhere peaceful but poor really.
The reason why they're all migrating to the West is not exactly because they're drawn here by our wealth and prestige like moths to a flame. The reason why they're all migrating to the West is because we have tons of taxpayer-funded NGOs that are practically dragging them here.

Then it is never too late to learn at least how the rest of the world thinks, if you haven't noticed, JWs are not widely considered a wise or socially beneficial movement, nor are one that has managed to set up a country of their own.
I'm not a practicing JW. Not since childhood, anyway. It's a very, very silly cult. Regardless, many of my foundational beliefs did come from the experience of being raised as one.

I cannot even begin to tell you how hurtful it is, to be told your entire young life that the world as we know it was due to end quite soon and be magically replaced by a better world with no death or misery, only to slowly realize that it was a hideous lie and that you're trapped in an engine of despair that will slowly grind your bones down to nothing without remorse.

There are no words to express precisely what that feels like. I would have vastly preferred being told the full, unvarnished truth from the start.

We can make educated guesses. But we know what they did before Ottoman Empire. We know what they did since Islam exists. We know what they did to quite liberal and westernized at a time Iran and Lebanon.
The rest is hedging bets and states doing their actual duty of minimizing known external threats to their people.
We also know that most of the problem cases do not have the kind of oil wealth Saudis do, and replicating the Saudi model is absolutely impossible without that.

Not "we". Everyone, including the locals especially. There is not some mythical natural state of peace in Middle East that our or anyone else's mythical meddling is disrupting. Read some history. It was a mess already even back when the Roman legionaries marched through that part of the planet, and it was a mess before that too.
You did have a probably unintended point before, the closest to a "default" state of things is bands of warlords and their subjects roaming the land and fighting over everything remotely worth fighting for. Some societies organize beyond that, others not, or not much.
My point is that the West have never actually allowed the powers in that region to modernize and secularize without constant interference. Interference which, by the way, is leading to people in the region being more impoverished, more uneducated, and more likely to join terrorist organizations and sectarian militias out of sheer resentment or desperation.

Did you know that ISIS paid their troops, and that the main reason why people joined them, in many instances, was because the money was better than many alternative and legal forms of employment?

One significant expenditure is salaries, the provision of which may also be an incentive for potential recruits. At the beginning of the uprising in 2011, the monthly minimum wage for public sector employees in Syria ranged between 9,765 and 14,760 Syrian pounds ($176-$266).64 By 2013, the steep drop in the value of the Syrian pound reduced public sector wages by about 60% to an equivalent of $68-$103.65 By contrast, the Islamic State is estimated to pay approximately $400-$600 monthly to each fighter, with married fighters receiving an extra stipend per wife and child.66 Some Nusrah Front fighters reportedly claimed in 2013 that their siblings and cousins fought for the Islamic State because the pay was better.67

"Got laid off of your gubmint job? Come to ISIS! We'll pay you sex-tuple!"

Many cultural differences are subtle enough that some may miss them in the forest of individual divergences and communication limits.
How many Muslims on the internet have you had trying to convert you?
How many Buddhists?
The former for me is definitely double digits, the latter is zero.
Spare us the truisms, we all know that everyone breathes, eats and shits, but in more ethereal and culturally driven desires, divergences in who wants what do emerge, sometimes quite large ones.
If you want to see everyone being one large community, sure, the internet is your kaleidoscope. Whatever you want to see, you will find a way to see it, build your own bubble, to your custom specifications. But if you focus on seeing things for what they are rather than what you wish they were you may see something inconvenient.
Fair enough. I've never had anyone try and convert me, but then again, I mostly hang out in nerd circles, and the nerds of all cultures tend to be more similar than we are different.

So why only ruling classes of some states do that, but not others?
As i said, there are different factions even among the elites.
Yes, but the Overclass are not as divided as people think.

Reality is horrifying in such ways. You either get desensitized to it or develop various unhealthy coping mechanisms for it to veil yourself from it.
But does it really need to be so distasteful?

Plenty of patriots in our circles will openly state that most of those people should not be our neighbors in the first place.
Communities have to consist of people with things in common to be that. A random hodgepodge of people a community do not make.
Well, if that is the case, and if people really do wish for segregation, then wouldn't the logical course of action be to leave these MENA countries undisturbed rather than running up and vigorously rattling a tree with a wasp's nest in it and getting stung by waves of refugees?

These are mutually contradictory positions. On the one hand, you want military interventionism to keep the rest of the non-NATO world in line through fear. On the other, you want the survivors of these conflicts to never reach our shores.

Even the managerial-class center-left corruptocrats get this wrong. They like to pretend that refugees just kind of appear out of the ether. They don't talk about where they're coming from, or why. They're not Syrian Refugees, or Libyan Refugees, or Yemeni Refugees, or whatever. They're just "refugees", with no qualifier. It's absurd.

There was stability (and peace, and remarkably evenly-distributed prosperity) in Libya under Gaddafi, whom the U.S. and some of its NATO allies killed. There was stability, peace, and moderate prosperity, also in Syria under Assad, whom the U.S. and some of its NATO allies tried to kill. Gaddafi and Assad were the two non-sectarian nationalist leaders in the Middle East; NATO downed one, and still tries to down the other. The U.S. plan to overthrow the secular government of Syria and replace it with a sectarian - specifically, fundamentalist Sunni and Saudi-allied - government, had actually been drawn up by the CIA in 1957, but couldn't be carried out until 2011, and Obama has been putting it into practice ever since.

There was stability throughout the Middle East before the U.S.-led NATO bombing campaign enabled the chaotic opposition forces to capture and kill Gaddafi, and before the U.S., Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and UAE, organized the intended overthrow of the secular (non-sectarian) Shiite leader of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, in order to replace him with imported fundamentalist Sunni jihadists, passionate to establish a fundamentalist-Sunni Islamic state there (a terrorist-state, it inevitably would be, but NATO likes that fine, because it produces yet more of a market for its 'defense' contractors such as Lockheed Martin — you scratch my back, Lockheed; I'll scratch yours, NATO).

NATO is the biggest hoax in the history of the world: it's an extension of a fascist CIA takeover of the formerly democratic nations, of the United States and Europe, by infiltrating fascists into NATO, and its associated propaganda organs: the Atlantic Council, the German Marshall Fund of the United States, USAID, Open Society Foundations, Brookings Institution, American Enterprise Institute, and other Establishment (i.e., Western aristocracy-controlled) organizations.

If you don't want refugees, don't start wars. Very simple.

That's not how the real world works, you are repeating the propaganda of the same leftist ideologues whose real world works you despise right here.
Thinly veiled commies use that argument everywhere, usually right before advocating for land grabs and mass immigration.
What's 15 million homes on the scale of the number of homes in USA, which is roughly 140-150 million homes? Naturally on such large scale, at least few percent have to be undergoing legal processes, repairs, awaiting for sale, things that often take years, or otherwise it doesn't take some weird conspiracy for them to be vacant. It's 10% of the total number, is that really unreasonable for such things?

Well here you have few of aswers why so many of those homes have to be vacant at any time.
Some of these things could be fixed fairly easily as Europe doesn't have them, for others one would have to reach to East Asia for proven solutions, and again a difference, our elites, unlike Japanese or Taiwanese, would not be willing to use those.
What is more patriotic? Letting a fellow American go without a home, just because some Chinese fat cat absentee owner investment firm made a phone call and scooped it up from literally thousands of miles away, sight unseen, or that same American having access to affordable housing?

This is the central paradox of the neocons. You feel obligated to support capitalism in principle, of course. This stance is not at all unreasonable, given the wealth and prosperity it brings. However, the people currently engaged in capitalism do not feel obligated to reciprocally support you.

Don't take my word for it. Look at the causes they pour their money into and see for yourself:

But do you want them shared? To what degree? Once you let the dam of commienomics burst, how do you manage it carefully, while realisticly, it would not be you, but the Schwabs of the world? This is not a solution for this mess at all, it is another step deeper.
People complain about the middle class in America eroding, but they don't understand why that's the case.

There isn't one America. There are two Americas. There is the Wealthy, Liberal, Urban America, and the Poorer, Conservative, Suburban-Rural America. These two main groups are locked in a huge class struggle.

This is not a difference between "city" and "country." Hardly any Americans live or work on farms or ranches anymore. The big divide is within metro areas, between the blue downtowns and their inner-ring suburbs that are home to the American oligarchy and its children and retainers, and the red exurbs; outer-ring suburbs tend to be battlegrounds between the Democratic and Republican coalitions. This geographic concentration hurts the Democrats in the Senate and the Electoral College. At the same time, Democratic blue core cities in majority red states can often circumvent state governments by appealing directly to Congress and to the enforcement layers of the federal bureaucracy and judiciary, as well as to the media and corporate elites controlled by the national party.

The Democratic coalition is an hourglass, top-heavy and bottom-heavy with a narrow middle. In addition to hoovering up the votes of college-educated Americans, the Democrats are the party of the Big Rich—tech billionaires and CEOs, investment banking houses, and the managerial class that spans large corporate enterprises and aligned prestige federal agencies like the Justice Department and the national security agencies. This mostly white and Asian American group cannot win elections without the overwhelming support of Black Americans, and smaller majorities of Hispanic and Asian American voters, clustered in the downtowns and inner suburbs. The high cost of living in Democratic hub cities forces out the multiracial middle; the exceptions tend to be civil servants like police and first responders and teachers who can (sometimes) afford to live in or near their downtown jobs.

The social base of the Democrats is neither a few liberal billionaires nor the more numerous cohorts of high-school educated minority voters; it is the disproportionately white college-educated professionals and managers. These affluent but not rich overclass households dominate the Democratic Party and largely determine its messaging, not by virtue of campaign contributions or voting numbers, but because they very nearly monopolize the staffing of the institutions that support the party—K-12 schools and universities, city and state and federal bureaucracies, public sector unions, foundations, foundation-funded nonprofit organizations, and the mass media. By osmosis, professional and managerial values and material interests and fads and fashions permeate the Democratic Party and shape its agenda.

The urban centers of America consist largely of the professional-managerial class, researchers, designers, bureaucrats, and so on, and the service industry serfs (David Graeber's "dog-washers and all-night pizza deliverymen") who support them. This is a class of people who are paid very well to look very busy without actually accomplishing anything of any real substance.

This group stands in direct opposition to the interests of the suburban-rural tradesmen, farmers, and so on, who are a more egalitarian and liberty-minded demographic and less economically divided than the urbanites.

The suburban/rural American population have seen our fortunes decline specifically because the urbanites have deindustrialized America and shipped all our jobs overseas to line their own pockets. This process has dismantled America's industrial base and, ironically enough for the neocons, made America substantially weaker militarily and less capable of replenishing consumed war materiel.

Rufus over on FiC (with whom I had a falling-out because of his center-left managerialist leanings) blurted out some hogwash about how liberal and enlightened American cities subsidize backward and bigoted rural areas with their taxes. He called rural/suburban Americans "leeches". He doesn't understand a goddamn thing about America. To the contrary, our urban centers are the piggy banks of disgusting gilded-age fat cats, professional-managerial class yuppies, and the horde of practical slaves who dust their mansions and apartments, make their lattes, launder their clothes, and walk their poodles. I can hardly stand to be in them, these places nauseate me so much.

In a different, better world, American cities could have been more egalitarian, with a smaller divide between the lowest-income and highest-income earners. Instead, they are hives of unfettered decadence and decay, practically owned by a small handful of monopolistic megacorps and greedy developers. These megacorps are remaking our cities in their own image, building giant corporate campuses, like Tim Cook's donut and Jeff Bezos's testicles, that look like public parks but are closed to the public, walled off from the depressing decay and encampments of homeless junkies around them. It's like something out of a dystopian cyberpunk novel.

That's a statistical misunderstanding of how some things need to be done at all. Technically a security guard is not needed 99% of his work time.
But the nature of his work is such that he has to be there all the time just in case one moment that 1% situation happens.
Optimization is good and in everyone's interest, but it's not always possible, or cheap.
I've worked a job where much of the time spent on a shift is standing a fire watch, so I'm very much aware of the concept of 24/7 coverage. However, not all jobs need it, and even though I hate how Davos this sounds, a lot of things can be done with a paperless office and telecommuting, eschewing office buildings entirely. That's a large part of the city, right there, completely gone. Erased. The property developers won't be happy about that.

If people are opposed to urbanization, telecommuting is actually a great way to retard the growth of cities, or to increase the ratio of residential space to office space. The only reason why bosses are opposed to it is because they like having actual fiefdoms of people trapped in cubicles because it makes them look and feel important. It's kind of a weird exercise in mass sadomasochism.

LMAO. If they were imperialistic, we would have had a blue flagged Roman Empire on cocaine.
The most NATO skeptical western countries often are those least interested in their borders and sovereignty.
The idea that there is a great Soviet Bear or Chinese Dragon that we need to keep in check is outmoded. A Cold War relic. Behind closed doors, Putin, Xi, and the rest of the globalists are all part of the same coalition. The fight against BRICS is a mirage. A hallucination. Something to keep the minds of the little people occupied while we're robbed blind.

Just servicemen? We both know it's not the case so stop trying to rile up anti-military sentiment with such misdirections. On the other hand overplaying the lethality also does not make you look reasonable to the casual observer either.
According to Denis Rancourt, COVID-19 vaccines have killed 1 in 470 people alive today, globally (approximately 1 death per 800 doses). His claim is that well over ten million people are dead from it so far. Another, recent study indicated that 1 in 35 people having a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot had elevated troponin levels (i.e. heart muscle dissolving into their bloodstreams).

Myocarditis has a five-year survival rate of 50%. We have no idea how many people are walking around right now with subclinical myocarditis whose hearts are ticking time bombs who will simply drop dead within the decade without a transplant.

If anything, the potential for mass casualties from this has been grossly understated.

Some of the Founding Fathers were still around when USA dealt with some Islamic shitsters in Libya. Oh how history rhymes...
There would have been no space colonies anywhere, or even a moon landing, if the people who complain vacant homes without thought had the power and there was no cold war.
The sixties were a tantalizing taste of the power and influence America could have had. Who sabotaged it, and for what purpose?

So you are arguing that it was in US interest after all, just in a different way that bleeding heart idiots would not accept as an argument?

On the contrary, it does. If the cow stupidly falls into a lake and drowns, the tick will drown with it.
This is yet another trap that neocons fall into. It is the assumption that everything that benefits America also, by extension, benefits you.

I don't see a monolithic "America" or a monolithic "West", like you do. I see multiple groups of people under the same banner competing viciously for resources. Our Elites are the primary beneficiaries of warfare, and they are clearly hostile toward the rest of us and trying to cut us off from wealth and health.

They said it themselves. They said it openly. They just don't need so many people anymore. They have AI and robots to take up the slack, and machines don't demand human rights, medical and dental plans, sick days, maternity leave, or any of that.

He says it himself. We're building minds. The trouble with this is that once you start building minds, you have to decide what sort of mind you want to populate the world with.

Do you trust the ruling class to populate the world with the right kind of mind? With your own sort of mind? Do you think the people doing this sort of thing can ever be trusted with that kind of power? Or are you one of the many who think it's all just smoke and mirrors, and that they can't actually do it for real?

If they can build minds, they will build compliant minds. Useful minds. Not dissident minds, and certainly not conservative ones.

Do you seriously think DEI and ESG are exclusive to American Empire, America, or Empires in general?
No, this shit is spread wherever cultural marxists are allowed to preach their idiocy to clueless youth. They don't care what language their useful idiots speak and how rich they are, they will take all.
It's such a wonderfully destructive meme-disease that those relatively immune to it obviously notice that they could wield it as a weapon. First it was Soviets, now it is China.
No, of course I don't. It's everywhere. It's coming from the highest institutions throughout the West.

Curtis Yarvin calls it the "Cathedral".

For instance: in 2021, Harvard, Yale, the Times and the Post are on the same page. If there exists any doctrinal difference between any two of these prestigious American institutions, it is too ineffable for anyone but a Yale man to discern. (Though it may say something that Gray Mirror is not taught at Harvard.)

In 1951, Harvard, Yale, the Times and the Post were on the same page. But Yale in 1951 was on nowhere near the same page as Yale in 2021. If you could teleport either Yale into the other's time zone, they would see each other as a den of intellectual criminals.

So it's not just that everyone—at least, everyone cool—is on the same page. It's more like: everyone is reading the same book—at the same speed. No wonder all the peasants are seeing conspiracies in their motherfucking soup. If you saw a group of bright red dots move across the evening sky this way, what would you think they were? Pigeons? Remote-controlled pigeons, illuminated by lasers? Sometimes even Occam is baffled.

But as with bioweapons, those can be devastating even in nature, without a team of weapon engineers aiding its deployment.
Of course this is yet another issue that should break your illusion of united elites - a lot of the neocon and related right do complain about US industrial reliance on China and want to take harsh measures to cut it. Hell, even democrats are starting to see the problem.
Of course it's way too little and too late, but it's a start.
It's not an illusion. We have a problem with united elites who don't respect borders or sovereignty. That's a fact.

Anyone that thinks the middle ages was some kind of dark age is an uneducated moron that shouldn't be listened to and anyone that uses such a person as a source deserves the same level of derision.
First of all, it's Paul Kingsnorth, criticizing the greens for trying to sell people stupid crap. Secondly, I can tell from that statement that you did not read the article and don't know what it's about.
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It seems like you’re implying that they’ve attempted to infiltrate the foreign policy machine and only been partially successful. What I’m saying is that they’re already there. That ship has already sailed.
jesus fuck

"I am a cisgendered millenial who has been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder"
"I used to struggle with impostor syndrome. but at age 26 I refused to internalize patriarchial ideas of what a woman can or should be"
"I am tired of feeling like I am supposed to apologize for the space I occupy rather than intoxicate people with my efforts, my brilliance, I am proud of me, full stop"

... a psyhchological disorder is by definition so extreme it is significantly limiting your ability to function on a daily basis.

this whamon is mentally ill. the CIA is literally running a recruitment ad of a mentally ill person who is proud of her mental illness.
This whamon has multiple psychological disorders. having explicitly admitted to anxiety disorder and imposter syndrome. she is also clearly a narcissist egomaniac.
so that is three mental disorders.

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