AntiSemitism Bill in the United States

No they are different. Trumps EO while not great at least they copied the definition that was used and made it their own.

(i) the non-legally binding working definition of anti Semitism adopted on May 26, 2016, by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which states, “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities”; and

I can accept a definition that says basically "ill will towards Jews is anti semitism."

What I don't consider ok is the new law which says whatever the IHRA says

Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:

  1. Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
  2. Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
  3. Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
  4. Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust).
  5. Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
  6. Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
  7. Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
  8. Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
  9. Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
  10. Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
  11. Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
The bolded parts are objectionable.
The holocaust remembrance organization is trying to make a double standard for Jews to receive preferential treatment while these types of actions towards other nations would not be called racist.

3, and 11 Accusing people of being responsible for actions of other people who are part of their group is a thing that is done to more than just Jews. I mean we've had you and Marduk disparage all Muslims/Arabs for the actions of some of them. Either it's ok to judge societies by some individuals when those individual acts are "common" or done by those in power, or it's not. Hell @Bacle wanted to punish and deport all Ethnic Russians back to Russia and hold them responsible for the actions of Putin and the current government of the Russian federation.

6. If someone has citizenship or the possibility to gain easy citizenship in another nation then would it not be prudent to take a closer look. I knew accusations of dual loyalty can be ugly. But you are in the military right? You have to deal with clearances to get confidential info. If you did end up marrying a Chinese, Russian, or Iranian woman wouldn't that cause possible complications? Hell if you went with any foreign citizen like a German too.
7. This is also asking for special treatment its ok to be against all ethnostates besides Israel? There are many valid reasons to be against the establishment of a Jewish state in the holy land that aren't from a unique hatered of Jews.
9. The objection to this is obvious.
10. is laughable. So if Israel decided to take out it's neighbors for living space, declare themselves the supreme race, and eliminate those they call less in death camps, we can't say they ae Nazis? All others can be compared to Nazis but not Israel? That's a double standard.

We should not support it.

Also I was wondering if you had the same issues. And I don't care if you deal with it or not, it just means that some responses might be missed.
Dude, you keep lying about what I said in that argument.

@Marduk how many times does someone have to lie about what I said before it becomes intentional harassment?
Dude, you keep lying about what I said in that argument.

@Marduk how many times does someone have to lie about what I said before it becomes intentional harassment?
I apologize feel free to correct what I said, that's why I tagged you. But I remember you saying that any Russian person who is not outright anti Puttin or anti Russia should be deported back to Russia did I misremember?

Would it be anti semitism to have the same done to anyone who holds Israeli citizenship they must be anti Bibi or anti Israel or be deported there?
I don't support such a thing, just want to clarify that. I just want consistency.
Economists are the biggest lairs and grifters in the 'blue collar' classes, outside of the trans-pushers, and mostly just exist to tell boardrooms how to fuck the average joe better for their quarterly earnings report.
If you don't respect the ezper
ree trade' just removes the sensible protections for domestic workers, domestic industry, military industries, makes us reliant on foes for economic input, and tries to pretend that the US populace is 'above' low and middle end work that pays an honest days wage.
I mean, it is? Why should an American leave his high paying tech job to go make a cheap chair?

Do you want America to lose its economic lead?

Cannabis should never have been banned in the first place
It's a narcotic. It should not be allowed anywhere near a human body except for medical reasons. And even then, it's still a deadly thing. Do you know how many drug addicts got addicted by prescription drugs?

Not alone, and not without help of the liberals like the Beatles, Pink Floyd, and other parts of the 'counter culture' which helped undermine the Soviets at home due to mass popularity by showing the less 'conservative' sides of the US that appealed to Soviet youth.
Yes, I'm sure the Beatles were essential to bankrupting the USSR and rebuilding the US military.....

The local factories physically cannot spring back up overnight
LMAO, who gives a damn for the cheap textile mills? The US has Silicon Valley and high tech manufacturing.
LMAO, who gives a damn for the cheap textile mills?
The people who worked there stuck in a place with nowhere else to work. And it was mostly automotive supply chain, IIRC, not textiles. 'Least from my position in Michigan, where The Detroit happened.

The US has Silicon Valley and high tech manufacturing.
Silicon Valley is almost purely software at this point, the top-tier semiconductor manufacturing moved to Israel and Taiwan.
I apologize feel free to correct what I said, that's why I tagged you. But I remember you saying that any Russian person who is not outright anti Puttin or anti Russia should be deported back to Russia did I misremember?

Would it be anti semitism to have the same done to anyone who holds Israeli citizenship they must be anti Bibi or anti Israel or be deported there?
I don't support such a thing, just want to clarify that. I just want consistency.
No, you want to lie about what I said, attempt a gotcha against me as part of your simping for those who are hating on Jews, and then try to play dumb when I call you out and ask a Staff member if your actions constitute harassment.
I mean, it is? Why should an American leave his high paying tech job to go make a cheap chair?
Because most of the US doesn't have high paying jobs you dolt, but then against I know you are just a troll pretending to stake out ridiculous conservative positions to make the Right look bad.
Do you want America to lose its economic lead?
We already lost most of it when we off-shored the guts our our economic engine; we still have the SWIFT system, and can leverage that to rebuild our domestic manufacturing and other industries.

And frankly when Reagan killed the shipyard subsidies, the US lost the ability to actually enforce our economic might as well, because the dollar is propped up more by CVN's, B-52's, attack subs, and boomers than by Friedman's Wall Street delusions.

Friedman's delusions are why we are losing our economic might to short term quarterly gains.

But then again, you aren't debating honestly, you're a troll out to make the Right look bad by staking out ridiculous and farcical positions.
It's a narcotic. It should not be allowed anywhere near a human body except for medical reasons. And even then, it's still a deadly thing. Do you know how many drug addicts got addicted by prescription drugs?
Yeah, you're either a full believer in Reefer Madness propaganda, and/or a troll out to stake out ridiculous positions to make the Right look bad.
Yes, I'm sure the Beatles were essential to bankrupting the USSR and rebuilding the US military.....
It wasn't the US military might that caused Chernobyl to happen and cause the self-destruction of the USSR, but it was fear of US cultural dominance that made the Kremlin try to hide how bad Chernobyl was, and thus destroy trust between Moscow and the outlying republics.
LMAO, who gives a damn for the cheap textile mills? The US has Silicon Valley and high tech manufacturing.
'Cheap textile mills' aren't domestic shipyard industry, domestic car industry, domestic electronics industry, or many other things shipped over seas for the sake of quarterly earnings reports, you dolt.

But then again, you're not an honest debater, just a troll out to stake out the most ridiculous positions in an attempt to make the GOP and Right look even worse.
ridiculous conservative positions
.....This site is completely cut off from reality. Free trade is literally the most mainstream position you can have, because everyone likes cheap stuff.

At any rate, I'm out. If we can't even agree on fundamentals, we can't agree on anything.
.....This site is completely cut off from reality. Free trade is literally the most mainstream position you can have, because everyone likes cheap stuff.

At any rate, I'm out. If we can't even agree on fundamentals, we can't agree on anything.
I'm an Independent whose never put an R next to my name, just thinks the Dems are insane, so I don't have to appease any of the old conservative delusions you want to entertain.

You are either a troll here to stake out the most ridiculous conservative positions to make the Right look stupid and ignorant of modern issues in favor of the delusions that have powered the GOP's pre-Trump decline, or a perfect example of why the old school GOP was losing the American public till Trump came along.
If you don't respect the ezper

I mean, it is? Why should an American leave his high paying tech job to go make a cheap chair?

Do you want America to lose its economic lead?
Americans should make a robot to make cheap chairs if they don't feel like making them.
When America had the biggest economic lead historically, it wasn't relying on third world sweatshops to enable it. It was rendering them uncompetitive instead.
LMAO, who gives a damn for the cheap textile mills? The US has Silicon Valley and high tech manufacturing.
As above. You should give a damn, and we should be making robots to do it for us. It's not easy, but isn't making robots like that exactly why we are having those high paying tech jobs?
.....This site is completely cut off from reality. Free trade is literally the most mainstream position you can have, because everyone likes cheap stuff.
If only there was free trade with certain countries that love the current "free" trade.
Go open a business in China, i dare you, they will fix your views about what ways does free trade apply.
Dude, you keep lying about what I said in that argument.

@Marduk how many times does someone have to lie about what I said before it becomes intentional harassment?
If you are being accused of an extreme view or something like that, report it properly.
I apologize feel free to correct what I said, that's why I tagged you. But I remember you saying that any Russian person who is not outright anti Puttin or anti Russia should be deported back to Russia did I misremember?

Would it be anti semitism to have the same done to anyone who holds Israeli citizenship they must be anti Bibi or anti Israel or be deported there?
I don't support such a thing, just want to clarify that. I just want consistency.
If Israel was waging wars against US allies you would have had a great point, but as far as reality is concerned US and Israel tend to be on the same side of proxy wars.
What kind of leftist caricature does one have to be to want to treat allies and enemies the same, and call it consistency?
No, you want to lie about what I said, attempt a gotcha against me as part of your simping for those who are hating on Jews, and then try to play dumb when I call you out and ask a Staff member if your actions constitute harassment.
I'm not lying, it's just that your "clarification" of only those who aren't outright anti Putin/Russia isn't that important it does not make you position that much better.

If Israel was waging wars against US allies you would have had a great point, but as far as reality is concerned US and Israel tend to be on the same side of proxy wars.
What kind of leftist caricature does one have to be to want to treat allies and enemies the same, and call it consistency?
Is Ukaine a US ally now? I must have missed their accession into NATO or the senate ratifying a treaty with them.
The point is the American people can decide who is an enemy and who is an ally. If 60 percent of the population wants to ally with one country or be hostile to another. Shouldn't the government follow that?
If you are being accused of an extreme view or something like that, report it properly.
No, just King Arts continuously lying about what was said and playing dumb when I confronted him about lying about what I said.

How many times does a poster have to knowingly lie about what another poster said before it becomes harassment, because this isn't an 'extremist rule' issue, at this point.
I'm not lying, it's just that your "clarification" of only those who aren't outright anti Putin/Russia isn't that important it does not make you position that much better.
And here you admit you know/saw my argument's there, my reasoning, and that you just don't like it, so you lied about it again in here, in an attempt to fuck with me and involve me in your simping for those hating on Jews.

You just want to use that argument to deflect and obscure your own bullshit, anytime someone pins you on something uncomfortable, so you can try to spin shit onto me or force me to defend myself again because you lied again.
No they are different. Trumps EO while not great at least they copied the definition that was used and made it their own.

(i) the non-legally binding working definition of anti Semitism adopted on May 26, 2016, by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which states, “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities”; and

I can accept a definition that says basically "ill will towards Jews is anti semitism."

What I don't consider ok is the new law which says whatever the IHRA says

Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:

  1. Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
  2. Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
  3. Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
  4. Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust).
  5. Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
  6. Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
  7. Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
  8. Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
  9. Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
  10. Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
  11. Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
The bolded parts are objectionable.
The holocaust remembrance organization is trying to make a double standard for Jews to receive preferential treatment while these types of actions towards other nations would not be called racist.

3, and 11 Accusing people of being responsible for actions of other people who are part of their group is a thing that is done to more than just Jews. I mean we've had you and Marduk disparage all Muslims/Arabs for the actions of some of them. Either it's ok to judge societies by some individuals when those individual acts are "common" or done by those in power, or it's not. Hell @Bacle wanted to punish and deport all Ethnic Russians back to Russia and hold them responsible for the actions of Putin and the current government of the Russian federation.

6. If someone has citizenship or the possibility to gain easy citizenship in another nation then would it not be prudent to take a closer look. I knew accusations of dual loyalty can be ugly. But you are in the military right? You have to deal with clearances to get confidential info. If you did end up marrying a Chinese, Russian, or Iranian woman wouldn't that cause possible complications? Hell if you went with any foreign citizen like a German too.
7. This is also asking for special treatment its ok to be against all ethnostates besides Israel? There are many valid reasons to be against the establishment of a Jewish state in the holy land that aren't from a unique hatered of Jews.
9. The objection to this is obvious.
10. is laughable. So if Israel decided to take out it's neighbors for living space, declare themselves the supreme race, and eliminate those they call less in death camps, we can't say they ae Nazis? All others can be compared to Nazis but not Israel? That's a double standard.

We should not support it.

Also I was wondering if you had the same issues. And I don't care if you deal with it or not, it just means that some responses might be missed.
Huh, I knew you couldn't read.
Did you read the entire EO Trump did?

Here, let me quote it.
(i) the non-legally binding working definition of anti Semitism adopted on May 26, 2016, by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which states, “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities”; and

(ii) the “Contemporary Examples of Anti-Semitism” identified by the IHRA, to the extent that any examples might be useful as evidence of discriminatory intent.
Huh, so looks like Trumps EO ALSO included that
You missed US government recognizing Russia as an adversary state.
US president also signed the Budapest memorandum containing certain promises to Ukraine.

Propose that referendum, see if anyone cares, win it if they do, stop clowning around if you lose it or if no one cares, ok?
As far as i know, the government is currently aligned with the majority of the public here, so i don't envy your chances.
Ok? If Americans want to be opposed to Russia that's ok, if they want to be opposed to Israel thats ok, if they want to be opposed to China thats ok. If they want to be opposed to the EU or anyone thats ok.

What do you think my position is? I'm not saying we should be an enemy or friend to anyone. I'm simply arguing against those who are trying to limit the rights of Americans to speak against foreign nations.

Because here is the thing Americans have the right to speak against Russia, Ukraine, Israel, or Palestine. And if you don't like it that's too bad.

No, just King Arts continuously lying about what was said and playing dumb when I confronted him about lying about what I said.

How many times does a poster have to knowingly lie about what another poster said before it becomes harassment, because this isn't an 'extremist rule' issue, at this point.

And here you admit you know/saw my argument's there, my reasoning, and that you just don't like it, so you lied about it again in here, in an attempt to fuck with me and involve me in your simping for those hating on Jews.

You just want to use that argument to deflect and obscure your own bullshit, anytime someone pins you on something uncomfortable, so you can try to spin shit onto me or force me to defend myself again because you lied again.
I did not lie. You can deal with it, because what you are doing is like if someone said "I support sending banker Jews to jail." And then someone said that person said they supported jailing Jews. Then that first person startred crying "I never said that about ALL Jews!" They don't have to add banker.

Huh, I knew you couldn't read.
Did you read the entire EO Trump did?

Here, let me quote it.

Huh, so looks like Trumps EO ALSO included that
I missed that, sorry. I disagree with Trumps EO.
Ok? If Americans want to be opposed to Russia that's ok, if they want to be opposed to Israel thats ok, if they want to be opposed to China thats ok. If they want to be opposed to the EU or anyone thats ok.

What do you think my position is? I'm not saying we should be an enemy or friend to anyone. I'm simply arguing against those who are trying to limit the rights of Americans to speak against foreign nations.

Because here is the thing Americans have the right to speak against Russia, Ukraine, Israel, or Palestine. And if you don't like it that's too bad.
Colleges aren't people dude. And wouldn't be unconditionally entitled to taxpayer money even if they were.
Want to speak against any foreign nations you want, run your college off private funding only.
Will the colleges take that stance, make your guess. In the meantime, worry about whether they will allow you to oppose BLM and LGBT. I think we both know the answer. Somehow they don't lose federal funding for that.
You are either pretending to not understand what are we talking about or actually don't understand, and i know which option makes you look worse.
Ok? If Americans want to be opposed to Russia that's ok, if they want to be opposed to Israel thats ok, if they want to be opposed to China thats ok. If they want to be opposed to the EU or anyone thats ok.

What do you think my position is? I'm not saying we should be an enemy or friend to anyone. I'm simply arguing against those who are trying to limit the rights of Americans to speak against foreign nations.

Because here is the thing Americans have the right to speak against Russia, Ukraine, Israel, or Palestine. And if you don't like it that's too bad.

I did not lie. You can deal with it, because what you are doing is like if someone said "I support sending banker Jews to jail." And then someone said that person said they supported jailing Jews. Then that first person startred crying "I never said that about ALL Jews!" They don't have to add banker.

I missed that, sorry. I disagree with Trumps EO.
So this law is nothing new. It just makes trumps EO legally binding.

Yet had this been done under Trump, those on the right would not have said shit and been happy to watch islamists get kicked out
Let's see:

Is what you claimed I said, before I confronted you this time.

Then you replied with:

Which is you admitting that what you initially claimed I said is outright false, and your knew it, but thought you'd get away with it.

You doubled down when I called you out:

Where you admit you even remember my 'clarification' of the argument before, and admit you just didn't like it.

Which mean you knowingly lied about what I said when you brought the argument into this thread, just to help boost your simping for anti-Israel/anti-Jew positions.

You were deliberately lying about what I said, and hoping to get away with it, and are now back-peddling from me when I confront your lies.
No there was no lie, but your addition is meaningless "Oh not all Jews just the rich banker jews are the ones I have a problem with, and those who don't condemn them. If a Jew condemn the Jews that act that way I'm ok with them."
"Oh no not all Russians just the ones invading Ukraine are the ones I have a problem with, and those who don't condemn them. If a Russian condemns Russia and Putin I'm ok with them."
That's you Bacle.

Colleges aren't people dude. And wouldn't be unconditionally entitled to taxpayer money even if they were.
Want to speak against any foreign nations you want, run your college off private funding only.
Will the colleges take that stance, make your guess. In the meantime, worry about whether they will allow you to oppose BLM and LGBT. I think we both know the answer. Somehow they don't lose federal funding for that.
You are either pretending to not understand what are we talking about or actually don't understand, and i know which option makes you look worse.
The people on colleges are though. Also you are the one who is bringing in BLM and LGBT. But here is the thing the powers that be are totally ok with that. The "conservatives" did nothing to stop the riots for those things. But the second people are protesting against Israel. The disloyal neocons are like "How dare you complain about a foreign nation! I can tolerate burning American flags and insulting America but don't you dare touch precious Israel!"

Also for your last thing, obviously people who pretend to not understand are worse, liars are worse than people who are mistaken. Bad faith is bad.

So this law is nothing new. It just makes trumps EO legally binding.

Yet had this been done under Trump, those on the right would not have said shit and been happy to watch islamists get kicked out
Ok Trumps EO is also unconstitutional and wrong. I don't suck off Trump and everything he did.
The people on colleges are though.
And they aren't getting the money to begin with, the colleges as in institutions are.
Also you are the one who is bringing in BLM and LGBT.
No, the law in question deals with such things too, with one indirectly, and with the other directly.
But here is the thing the powers that be are totally ok with that.
I don't fucking care what you think "powers that be" are and what you think they are ok with.
The "conservatives" did nothing to stop the riots for those things.
I don't care what they did, what they didn't, what they might do, what they considered, what they say they do, what they will do etc.
Nevermind that if they did you would conveniently forget anyway.
The fact that "conservatives" may or may not have been retarded in the past has absolute zero value as an argument to the fact that we should not be retarded about this or another issue in the present or the future.
But the second people are protesting against Israel. The disloyal neocons are like "How dare you complain about a foreign nation!
If we can get the leftists to fight each other over bloody Luxemburg even, we should do it.
This is political equivalent of saying "If you are not strong enough to stab the enemy knight through his breastplate, for the sake of consistency you should also not stab him through the arm joint". This is some kind of idiotic point irrelevant to reality and only relevant to people who can't stand Israel have.
I can tolerate burning American flags and insulting America but don't you dare touch precious Israel!"
Those are literally the same faction politically.
It's extremely hard to find America haters who like Israel, or Israel haters who like America.
Especially among the more Muslim crowd, they are the ones who coined the terms "Great Satan" and "Little Satan".
Also for your last thing, obviously people who pretend to not understand are worse, liars are worse than people who are mistaken. Bad faith is bad.
A devious enemy you can fight against as you know where he stands, the idiot on your side on the other hand, what do you do with him he's getting in the way, makes drama about no one else wanting to follow his idiot strategy, and he doesn't understand why others don't want to.
Or worse yet, the former may just be pretending to be the latter. It's hard to tell a difference.
No there was no lie, but your addition is meaningless "Oh not all Jews just the rich banker jews are the ones I have a problem with, and those who don't condemn them. If a Jew condemn the Jews that act that way I'm ok with them."
"Oh no not all Russians just the ones invading Ukraine are the ones I have a problem with, and those who don't condemn them. If a Russian condemns Russia and Putin I'm ok with them."
That's you Bacle.

The people on colleges are though. Also you are the one who is bringing in BLM and LGBT. But here is the thing the powers that be are totally ok with that. The "conservatives" did nothing to stop the riots for those things. But the second people are protesting against Israel. The disloyal neocons are like "How dare you complain about a foreign nation! I can tolerate burning American flags and insulting America but don't you dare touch precious Israel!"

Also for your last thing, obviously people who pretend to not understand are worse, liars are worse than people who are mistaken. Bad faith is bad.

Ok Trumps EO is also unconstitutional and wrong. I don't suck off Trump and everything he did.
I am just saying that the right wouldn't have complained had Trump been president
Those are literally the same faction politically.
It's extremely hard to find America haters who like Israel, or Israel haters who like America.
Especially among the more Muslim crowd, they are the ones who coined the terms "Great Satan" and "Little Satan".
I'm sorry but I'm not going to let you get away with this dishonesty when you poopooed American tactical military strategy regarding the war on terror because you thought they weren't being extremist enough, the only faction you see as sufficiently and effectively (lol) combating the Islamist threat are zionist retards when the U.S. defense establishment has basically written the book on how to deal with Islamist threats abroad and in the Middle East since they got Bin Laden, which you'll NEVER admit to as a victory in your perverted, theocratic, warped extremist interpretation of the world...
I'm sorry but I'm not going to let you get away with this dishonesty when you poopooed American tactical military strategy regarding the war on terror because you thought they weren't being extremist enough, the only faction you see as sufficiently and effectively (lol) combating the Islamist threat are zionist retards when the U.S. defense establishment has basically written the book on how to deal with Islamist threats abroad and in the Middle East since they got Bin Laden, which you'll NEVER admit to as a victory in your perverted, theocratic, warped extremist interpretation of the world...
I mean, we nation built instead of going in, killing Bin Laden and leaving.
We were kicking thker ass so badly they ran away for most of the year to replenish
I'm sorry but I'm not going to let you get away with this dishonesty when you poopooed American tactical military strategy regarding the war on terror because you thought they weren't being extremist enough, the only faction you see as sufficiently and effectively (lol) combating the Islamist threat are zionist retards when the U.S. defense establishment has basically written the book on how to deal with Islamist threats abroad and in the Middle East since they got Bin Laden, which you'll
Well considering how many of these Islamist threats still exist, so i'll take the book with a grain of salt. If killing leaders was the golden bullet for it, then said threats would be actually dealt with by now as many countries can and did try that, but where are we now?
Nevermind that Israel doesn't have the economy and military of a superpower to afford playing stupid games with nation building solely to be hopefully slightly less hated by stupid people who will hate them anyway.
NEVER admit to as a victory in your perverted, theocratic, warped extremist interpretation of the world...
I'm non-religious you retarded anarchist with your SJW soundbites and leftist media brainrot based interpretation of the world.

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