United States George Floyd Protests, Reactions and Riots


Not white, that said if we’re going by stereotypes.....I am inadequate

That said best not get me banned here

Anyway, gotta ask, what other weird old time actions will they do. First they bent the knee and now they started washing feet with a bowl or whatever already available.....there is something weirdly sexual here

Carl, not everything is sexual. This is a borderline satanic inversion of the Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday which you should know if your mother ever took you to that Mass. Where Jesus washed His Disciple's feet to teach them that no one is above the other and all must serve and love one another as He did, here, these people wash feet as a sign of submission and repentance for "privilege".

Were I the Pope, I would take a page out of Donald Trump's book and tweet that any Catholic involved is excommunicated for heresy.
White liberals have so little self respect that they apologize for being white. I personally blame white guilt and all the god damn critical race theory.

Just earlier this evening I was reading an article where some sociologist unironically said, “being a good parent might be racist”-that is making decisions in your children’s interest is racist if say they go to a good private school and not a failing public school.

Of course these people are targeting their children now with their racial abnegation propaganda.

Why though does the white liberal embrace such ideas?

I personally think it comes from a deep sense of guilt-they see themselves doing well and feel guilty when they see a poor black person struggling. A white woman who is a tenured sociologist who teaches a class of mostly white students about race theory feels extremely guilty at her comfort and good life.

They lack any religiosity, so washing the feet of black people assuages their consciences.

The pathology of white guilt and it’s manifestations in the liberal subject have not yet been fully studied. Maybe I should have gone into psychology.

Guilt, gullibility, and a profound lack of self respect.

This sort of thing predominates in discussions of colonialism, the history of the conquest of the new world, and so on. There’s a collective notion of original sin-that is white people did bad things and prospered for it. Whether that be stealing indigenous land or enslaving black people.

If your a rich white liberal with a good education-your going to draw a connection between said historical narrative and your own life. And the lives of your compatriots. It’s not a big step from “I’m privileged, I must counter act this” to “I must kneel and beg forgiveness for my ongoing sin”.

It takes both self respect, a calm and rational approach to history, true religion, and a keen eye for truth to be inoculated from this.

So why do these white people wash black people’s feet in self abasement? Because they really do feel that guilty, they really do feel their existence is inherently immoral. They really do feel they owe these black people their obeisance.

Of course they could all blow their own brains out, but then the people left wouldn’t be browbeaten and manipulated into acceding to their pathology. And believe me they are hellbent on making sure everyone either agrees with them or is terrified and pressured into going along with them. If only to avoid ostracism and potential violence.

Their’s a deep spiritual emptiness. And confusion in every liberal. Guilt pathology and the ideologies that both engender it and come from it are a way of dealing with this.

Ideally this could be dealt with by defunding these programs in universities. However anything beyond that would run into freedom of speech concerns. And far worse.
Yep. It is.

I would say now more than ever-we need real religion. The lack of religion is what has allowed this bacillus to spread.

Your only other option is to play their devil-edgily and with wry mockery say “I totally support 19th century racial hierarchy” or “segregation was for the defense of white people from black criminality.” Or something else straight outta Stormfront.

One doesn’t have to believe the above-it’s like a satanist flaunting Sabbhats and 666 tattoos to annoy, dishearten, and provoke Christians. In short, you can play their villain. To agitate them and put the onus on them to react irrationally or violently.

Problem with this is-you will be treated as genuine. Which is going to affect your career opportunities and if your known to express such opinions(even if you only express them out of defiance, not sincerity) your going to face severe ostracism, good luck getting a job or having many friends amongst people who aren’t genuine Neo-Nazis. If it becomes known you’ve said such things.

Of course from their perspective there is no distinction-which is good at the level they won’t bother trying to browbeat or indoctrinate you, if your a die hard racist in their eyes your about as redeemable as a demon in Christian theology, that is not at all. The bad however is that you lose all moral and social currency with everyone who is not a genuine Neo Nazi or white supremacist.

I suppose a third option could be simple unabashed indifference-“I don’t care, I’m privileged I don’t owe black people shit, and I plan on defending my privilege to the bitter end”. In that case, your not identifying yourself with their devils, but you are essentially declaring yourself their enemy. Think of it as unabashed hedonists or pagans in a Christian paradigm.

What you should not do is argue with them. Arguing with them leaves you open to psychological manipulation. And gives them moral legitimacy. Saying “I don’t have privilege” is like a sinner saying “I don’t sin”. It’s the refrain of the man lacking conviction. He can be told “well actually here you do”, and be psychologically manipulated into accepting their ideas. Though Christians rely on the Holy Spirit to open hearts and minds-these people rely on psychological trickery and twisting minds to gain compliance.

Do not give them legitimacy or act like you consider their beliefs legitimate. Play their devil if you must.

But be cautious about it.

And above all, do not cede an inch to them on their delusions of morality. They will think you immoral, and will say so. This is manipulation. Designed to use your conscience and innate human desire to be “good” against you.

I had a professor this year who explained to me my white privilege-I more or less said, “sure fine, I’ll defend it because fuck you I’m a privileged white aristocrat”(not an aristocrat but I do have money)-not in those exact words. But more or less.
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The wast majority of people need a spiritual crutch to lean on as they go through life. Much of the West excised God from their hearts and filled the void with consumerism, but found it hollow, so they keep showing folly after folly down their spiritual hole in order to convince themselves that they are good people.
The wast majority of people need a spiritual crutch to lean on as they go through life. Much of the West excised God from their hearts and filled the void with consumerism, but found it hollow, so they keep showing folly after folly down their spiritual hole in order to convince themselves that they are good people.

Ayn Rand was an Atheist, a “selfish” one at that, I think she’d probably shoot herself rather than have to deal with any of these kinds of assholes for prolonged periods of time
I honestly think privilege does come into it. These people are usually actually well off financially. The fact that not everyone is makes them feel guilty and offends their over developed sense of fairness.

It’s not fair that this or that happened or is, or was. Destroying monuments and atoning for colonialism or whatever-more than anything appeals to the liberal’s desire for fairness. After all if the world is fundamentally unfair-then it must be unfair for a fundamentally unfair reason. So rectifying the supposed cause of this unfairness will make the world right.
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I don't see how this ends in any other way then civil war.

I think this "Civil War" will have its "start" repeatedly postponed or prolonged, you can't exactly easily divide a country between two sides.....I think most people can and will go on with their day with little politics involved

Troubles with politics at the workplace regarding Right-Wingers and other Disagree-rs would be "silent"

But don't forget. One side loudly proclaims that EVERYTHING is political. And if you aren't for them you're against them.

It’s slow, even when they do stuff that impacts large swathes of people, it’s not enough to get everyone to start wanting to really fight

There’s a difference between being willing to fight in self defence and actually storming in for something that can decide the fates of large numbers of people by gathering fellow fighters

Nah, we're ANTI fascists, maaaaan. YOU'RE the fascist. Anyway, you know how there's that snake, that's all about freedom not being tread upon? LOL, Let's literally strangle the snake and tread on the freedom again, we're ANTI fascists! How could you be against us? We're the good guys, like the Harry Potter gang and you're Darth Vader!

(also, I'd like to see them try)

Well, compared to "bending the knee" this is more original

FOund this post of a based Black guy on reddit

Consider America cucked. These absolute tards would rather WASH THE FEET of blacks than just stop treating them differently.
Every white person you see at these protests and riots? THEY are the reason racism is alive. Cause yaknow, as a black man, nothing empowers me more than being told I'm oppressed and need special treatment and salvation from "white allies".
Bunch of virtue-signaling cucks and black people with no pride or shame. I'll never be ashamed to be black, but ffs this is the closest I'll ever come. I'm not alone btw, a large portion of my mostly-black community thinks this shit is disgusting and condemns it. Race is only an issue because these mfs won't shut up about it. White folks treat me with the same respect as anyone, hell - I MANAGE two whites and a mexican.

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