The LGBT and the Right


Just Like That Bluebird
While it seems many on the Right, even the more Traditional portions of it, have made peace with the LGBT, as always there are those who... haven't given up the ghost, so to speak. In fact an argument that comes to mind that I have seen made quite often is something along the lines of "You have to mock and ostracize deviant behavior so it does not get normalized, lest it make way for even more depraved antics."

Which I don't get. Hell, I'm not even sure I want to get it. I can somewhat see it as a reaction to things like Drag Queen Story Hour and the ever expanding list of genders, but it still looks like a massive over-correction in that context. LGBT is not even that good an umbrella term, and the sins of one group under that umbrella don't reflect the others.

Seriously, what gives?
Which I don't get. Hell, I'm not even sure I want to get it. I can somewhat see it as a reaction to things like Drag Queen Story Hour and the ever expanding list of genders, but it still looks like a massive over-correction in that context. LGBT is not even that good an umbrella term, and the sins of one group under that umbrella don't reflect the others.

Seriously, what gives?
What gives is that “privacy of the bedroom” was a total lie. It was never stopping there and is pushed further and further into the public. The idea of a social vacuum of standards and everyone is free to do their own thing is a lie. Kids are being taught gay and lesbian sex in elementary school sex Ed. Pedophiles have their own advocacy modeled in the stead. Not sleeping with a gender queer transgender is transphobic. Drag kids are to be celebrated even as they are clearly abused. That’s what gives.

In the year or so post gay marriage I was very much “oh, this is fine, no big deal.” Then the cake baking incident happened, and it’s only gone further and further from there. Everything that was a warned about and dismissed as “slippery slope” has happened and more.
What gives is that “privacy of the bedroom” was a total lie. It was never stopping there and is pushed further and further into the public. The idea of a social vacuum of standards and everyone is free to do their own thing is a lie. Kids are being taught gay and lesbian sex in elementary school sex Ed. Pedophiles have their own advocacy modeled in the stead. Not sleeping with a gender queer transgender is transphobic. Drag kids are to be celebrated even as they are clearly abused. That’s what gives.

In the year or so post gay marriage I was very much “oh, this is fine, no big deal.” Then the cake baking incident happened, and it’s only gone further and further from there. Everything that was a warned about and dismissed as “slippery slope” has happened and more.
Then what line in the sand do you intend to draw, and how do you keep the good, dignified people on one side and the legitimate danger and bad faith on the other? Context is an important facet of things.

The left used the relatively normal gays to push destructive policy. As always the seemingly reasonable position was merely a Trojan horse.
And are the normal people to blame? I can't say I'm willing to blame them given LGBT is a very poor descriptor and an umbrella term that doesn't make much sense when you actually stop and look at it.
Then what line in the sand do you intend to draw, and how do you keep the good, dignified people on one side and the legitimate danger and bad faith on the other? Context is an important facet of things.

And are the normal people to blame? I can't say I'm willing to blame them given LGBT is a very poor descriptor and an umbrella term that doesn't make much sense when you actually stop and look at it.
People are to blame only for actions they themselves have taken.
My attitude towards homosexuality has never wavered or softened. The right has basically surrendered the culture wars, losing them for a variety of complex reasons.

Anyway, its abundantly clear the gay rights movement was designed as a wrecking ball against healthy norms for marriage and family, and now that its task(destruction of said mores and creating confusion) is done, the powers that be have moved on to other objectives.

TBH, I get very uneasy when in the presence of openly homosexual people, especially when they are flirty or forward. I had one very unpleasant experience with an obviously homosexual man at McDonald's who tried to actually touch me, (and get money for booze given he was a drifting loser). It took all my etiquette and decorum training not to tell him what I thought of him then and there.

In the end, we must hope for the last day in which degeneracy will have to make an accounting of its deeds.
I don’t know what you mean
Lemme try wording that better, do you think that the actions of the "LGBT" at large reflect on the people in their ranks who have largely done nothing wrong? Because I don't think the people pushing Drag Queen Story Hour and the relatively normal people are the same people.
Lemme try wording that better, do you think that the actions of the "LGBT" at large reflect on the people in their ranks who have largely done nothing wrong? Because I don't think the people pushing Drag Queen Story Hour and the relatively normal people are the same people.
The people pushing Drag Queen Story Hour are the LGBT advocate. Anyone who claims to still seek LGBT rights and supports LGBT advocacy are these people. This is the mainstream of the movement now.
It never wasn't the mainstream of the movement. The LGBT movement was extremely PR savvy about what was in the media face and what was hidden.

Many LGBT campaigners openly and candidly admitted that encouraging school children to engage in such behavior and pushing it in schools was their goal.

Of course the public was kept in the dark. They were told, "gays just want to marry, they don't want to enforce their lifestyle on you", this is a lie and always always was a lie.

The fact the American people were overwhelmed, browbeaten, gaslighted, and tricked into supporting it is of course undeniable, though the bulk of the population is complicit in letting it happen.
It never wasn't the mainstream of the movement. The LGBT movement was extremely PR savvy about what was in the media face and what was hidden.

Many LGBT campaigners openly and candidly admitted that encouraging school children to engage in such behavior and pushing it in schools was their goal.

Of course the public was kept in the dark. They were told, "gays just want to marry, they don't want to enforce their lifestyle on you", this is a lie and always always was a lie.

The fact the American people were overwhelmed, browbeaten, gaslighted, and tricked into supporting it is of course undeniable, though the bulk of the population is complicit in letting it happen.
And for the sake of argument, what of the gays who "Just want to grill"? Those who are not activists or taken in by weird postmodern theory?
There's a difference between tolerating something and being forced by others to praise it.

We know that the push for gay marriage was largely bogus: of the small percentage of gays who get married, upwards of 75% have no intention of keeping their vows. Gay activists speak openly of "transforming marriage," that is, making it over into a hedonistic partnership disconnected from family and community. Judging by their behavior, the most important part of a gay marriage isn't forming a sexual or social union, it's ordering a cake from a Christian bakery, and ruining their lives when they refuse.

What they wanted was not marriage but the defeat and humiliation of critics of homosexuality. They didn't want rights to exercise or duties to fulfill—homosexual marriage is uniquely dutiless—they wanted to dominate and punish their targets, silence debate within social networks, normalize pedophilia for their elite backers, and ultimately enforce criminal and civil sanction on political enemies.

I don't have a problem with individual gay people; it's true that I think acting on feelings of same-sex attraction is a sin, but so is a kleptomaniac acting on his urge to steal, or me acting on my urge to slack off and not fulfill my responsibilities. We all have our own crosses to bear in life, and I have no right to hate other people for theirs.

But LGBT activists would want me thrown into reeducation camps for expressing that opinion. I hope that the gay posters here understand the difference. I don't hate you; I hate the vindictive demons who claim to represent you.
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While it seems many on the Right, even the more Traditional portions of it, have made peace with the LGBT, as always there are those who... haven't given up the ghost, so to speak. In fact an argument that comes to mind that I have seen made quite often is something along the lines of "You have to mock and ostracize deviant behavior so it does not get normalized, lest it make way for even more depraved antics."

Which I don't get. Hell, I'm not even sure I want to get it. I can somewhat see it as a reaction to things like Drag Queen Story Hour and the ever expanding list of genders, but it still looks like a massive over-correction in that context. LGBT is not even that good an umbrella term, and the sins of one group under that umbrella don't reflect the others.

Seriously, what gives?
Remnants of protestant approach, i think.They were big on Old Testament,and everybody remember how Jahwe reacted to Sodom and Gomorrah.
.I am from Poland, and here homosexual never were ostracizied,probably becouse we are catholics ruled by gentry - which mean,that homosexual gentry as long as was discret was still privilaged, that partially goes for townspeople, and peasants...well,you were fucked as peasant,no matter orientation.
The real problem with the whole 'LGBT' label is that it is completely misleading.

L, G, and B are sexual orientations that meet with male/female biological sexuality. They have always existed, always will, and fighting against that is like fighting a tide using a bucket.

T is a mostly a delusion, with a few willing eunich/natural born hermaphrodites as outliers. This should be discouraged at all costs, and parents who allow kids to 'transition' before they turn 18 put in prison.

What the Right should be fightting is 'Gender Theory', not the LGBs. Gender theory muddles biological sex and sexual oreintaton in such a way as to render any meaningful definition impossible to arrive at. It was advanced by anthropologist circles who studied a few weird tribes and wanted to bring it to the mainstream.

Also, the Right needs needs to accept that LGBs do have voting power, money, social power, and can still families that are fine. They are here to stay, they have the right to marry, and they still bleed to defend this country as well. I think their should be a mother and father in the house, but I think it's more important children are being born at all. Invitro fertilization and other assisted reproduction methods allow homosexual's to effectively bear and raise kids. though gay men need a surrogate to carry the pregnancy.

The Right needs to stop thinking that just clinging to the past will work; it won't, and it will cost more votes as time goes on. Adapt or die is true for all political ideologies, and the Right needs to become a Big Tent if they want to survive going forward. People like Trump can pull in new voting blocks, but those people may be there for him, and not for having Christian dogma rammed down their political throats as policy. The Masterpiece cake thing is bullshit, and freedom of religion must be respected even as the LGB community is given marriage rights and all that comes with that.

A focus on the environment, like with the new Parks bills, cutting unneeded or cumbersome regulations, and preserving 1st/2nd amendment rights is a good way for the Right to go. Trying to make Christian dogma into secular law will most likely backfire and badly hurt the Right as a whole.

Which is why this is one fight the Right needs to let go of.
Trying to make Christian dogma into secular law will most likely backfire and badly hurt the Right as a whole.

What Christian dogma is being turned into new secular laws?
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How much of the “community” is full of guys who are genuinely attracted to the same sex and have body dysphoria?

Because political lesbians and transtrenders are a thing

They turn being “LGBT” into a weapon or status through which they gain fame and eventually go off to attack even heterosexual desires and beauty standards

Yeah, that’s not the Religious/Social-Conservative argument but I can get why people would have reservations regarding LGBT types outside of “morality”
How much of the “community” is full of guys who are genuinely attracted to the same sex and have body dysphoria?

Because political lesbians and transtrenders are a thing

They turn being “LGBT” into a weapon or status through which they gain fame and eventually go off to attack even heterosexual desires and beauty standards

Yeah, that’s not the Religious/Social-Conservative argument but I can get why people would have reservations regarding LGBT types outside of “morality”
The religious/social conservatives argument was that these people are out to destroy society and families.

We see some of this with doctors pumping boys with esterogen cause they dare to be unruly.

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