Recent content by Yinko

  1. Yinko

    Culture Miss Universe Megathread 😎

    So what's actually going on then? Did the second one resign in solidarity, did people bully the first, is there some messed up stuff going on in the background?
  2. Yinko

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    The exact same 3 actors as their world of warships ad. Where the buff (in both senses of the term) white dude plays a sushi chef.
  3. Yinko

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    So mean.
  4. Yinko

    History The problem of the uncanny valley

    First off, the origin of the question. Read this and had a couple of different explanations spring to mind. Sociopaths (I think this is the generally accepted answer) Aliens (popular idea with a certain subset of the population) Fey/Spirits (popular with a different subset of the...
  5. Yinko

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    Or, how a Furry three-some reacts when roomservice interrupts.
  6. Yinko

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    This shit is sick as hell.
  7. Yinko

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Apparently the US is now having a permanent deployment in Taiwan for special forces to help train the Taiwanese. Though, of course, "training" has often been used in the past as an excuse to move troops into an area. Still, interesting development.
  8. Yinko

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    Apparently, this quote is intentionally misattributed to avoid negative connotations. For all that fact-checking is worth these days. Dude probably shouldn't have said anything. I find it kind of funny though, that we quote Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and some of the worst humans in history...
  9. Yinko

    Funny Meme Video thread- The one for moving pictures

    Yeah, but you didn't live in Canada, so you didn't internalize that deep passive-aggressive angst eh?
  10. Yinko

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    That's not a dog, that's a gorilla.
  11. Yinko

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    Oof means oof!
  12. Yinko

    Images Clothes & How You Dress ?

    I wear a lot of Amazon Essential or LL Bean. Polos and Slacks. Like @Abhorsen I recently bought some combat flip flops, but mainly because they were the cheapest sandals worth a damn on offer. Generally though I wear either Brook's running shoes or Converses. I can run in either, because...
  13. Yinko

    AI/Automation Megathread

    Yay! Infinite fuckin drum solo with infinite fuckin skulls. I tried Suno V2 with various prompts, it was on par for AI. Which is to say, that a middle-school drop out from New Hampshire could have done better. Fucking Hampters.