Battletech BattleTech discussion thread: May the light of Hanse Davion guide us

....I really, really need to learn how to properly art, since Zerg-infested Battlemechs would be a kickass crossover project.

You've seen Infested Terran units like Marines? Scale it up to Battlemechs. :)
Legend of the Black Marauder

"The Black Marauder resembles an MAD-3R Marauder with flat black paint, although its shape supposedly looks somehow "wrong" and its "proportions not quite right", too sleek yet of terribly imposing bulk and with too-smooth angles. It has no serial number and no other factory markings whatsoever.

Its presence seems to grow larger when sight is obscured by darkness, fog or smoke, incidentally circumstances in which it seems to perform markedly better.

In some instances the 'Mech was—always inconclusively—described to move in ways that are impossible for a Marauder (or any 'Mech), including one tale where it was said to have turned its "head" by bending its long snout just forward of the arm joints and revealed a maw with rows of serrated teeth."
Legend of the Black Marauder

"The Black Marauder resembles an MAD-3R Marauder with flat black paint, although its shape supposedly looks somehow "wrong" and its "proportions not quite right", too sleek yet of terribly imposing bulk and with too-smooth angles. It has no serial number and no other factory markings whatsoever.

Its presence seems to grow larger when sight is obscured by darkness, fog or smoke, incidentally circumstances in which it seems to perform markedly better.

In some instances the 'Mech was—always inconclusively—described to move in ways that are impossible for a Marauder (or any 'Mech), including one tale where it was said to have turned its "head" by bending its long snout just forward of the arm joints and revealed a maw with rows of serrated teeth."
Huh... was this made before or after Starcraft became a thing? 'Cause it looks like someone was a fan of Starcraft, haha.

Edit: Though, a Chaos-infected machine makes more sense, if it's older. Looks like a Daemon Machine.
Huh... was this made before or after Starcraft became a thing? 'Cause it looks like someone was a fan of Starcraft, haha.

Resulting crossover thought: Bit of the Clan Invasion Fleet runs into Niadra who's here because blowing up the Protoss warp drive mid-trip sent her spiraling off in strange directions, her abandonment issues rise to new hights because the Jump Drives scramble her telepathic control. So there's now roaming feral Infested Clanners and a Zerg hitchhiker who has to slow hers down to re-establish control.
Honestly, it comes off as more generic eldritch horror tropes than anything specifically Starcraft or 40K.
Well, the concepts for the Warp do sort of come from Eldritch tropes, and Blizzard did basically "adapt" the Zerg from the Tyranids since they were originally planning to do a 40k game before they had to do their own thing with Starcraft (much how like Doom was originally meant to be an Aliens game before id couldn't get the license), so it makes sense.



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If you want to make BattleTech maps, sarna-img-generator is easy to use. That said, I recommend downloading the full release and editing the Excel spreadsheet that comes packaged with the release, because downloading it direct from Google Drive didn't work for me.


If you're comfortable using PyCharm or VS Code to run Python scripts, I whipped up a script that'll handle updating the factions of each system for a specific era:

import openpyxl

# Define the dictionary with abbreviations and corresponding lists of strings
abbreviations = {
    "abbr1": ["string1", "string2"],
    "abbr2": ["string1", "string2"],
    # Add more key-value pairs as needed
    # Ref: "abbr1": ["string1", "string2"],

# Load the workbook and select the desired sheet
#file_path = '' Replace with specific file path
file_path = 'Systems By Era.xlsx'
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path)
sheet = workbook['Systems']

# Iterate over each row in column B
for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_col=2, values_only=False):
    cell_b = row[1]
    if cell_b.value:  # Check if the cell has a value
        # Search for each value in the dictionary
        for abbr, strings in abbreviations.items():
            for string in strings:
                if string in cell_b.value:
                    # If found, change the corresponding cell in column Y
                    col_y_index = openpyxl.utils.cell.column_index_from_string('Y') - 1
                    sheet.cell(row=cell_b.row, column=col_y_index + 1).value = abbr
                    break  # Stop searching once a match is found for the current abbreviation

# Save the changes

How to use the script:
  1. Manually create your new faction entries on the Factions sheet. Required data: ID (abbreviation), name, associated color (hex).
  2. Make a list of the planets you want for each faction, and DOUBLE CHECK THE SPELLINGS. The script uses exact matches, so if you typo, planets will NOT change factions.
  3. In the abbreviations section of the script, put your list(s) into this format: "abbr1": ["string1", "string2"], . This will allow the script to cycle through all planets associated with a faction, then through a list of factions.
  4. Set the file path to the Systems By Era spreadsheet - use \\ in a places where a \ would normally go.
  5. The script is set to handle 3025 by default. If you want to change any era besides 3025, go to this line and change the value Y to the value of the appropriate column:
    col_y_index = openpyxl.utils.cell.column_index_from_string('Y') - 1
  6. Execute the script.
  7. Open the spreadsheet and do a manual save. (When I ran the script, it seems the file changes trigger Excel to load a recovery version.)
  8. Do a test render to check if all the intended changes appeared.
  9. If not, find and correct typos in the script or manually fix the specific entries in the spreadsheet.
Note: It's also better a blobby maps than more geometric ones.

EDIT: You can associate abandoned planets with regions by replacing the A (abandoned) value with A([Faction Abbreviation]).
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How bad would things have gotten if Operation Rat occurred AFTER the Wedding while the Liao's were headed home and Hanse announced the Cause Belli as Max's attempt to replace him with a doppelganger?
Well, a decent chunk of the success of RAT was due to fucking with Max's head and making him think Hanse was still his puppet and feeding him signals.

So revealing the whole thing would make Max realize that he couldn't use any of that stuff and maybe actually have to do strategy against an enemy he couldn't control.

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