Humanity's Illusion (Highschool DxD)

Chapter 57
Okay. So... this one fought me. Hard enough that it delayed other stories. You can probably guess which scene in particular I had trouble with.

"Why did you agree?" Lacresha asked as they both got into the car. "You normally prefer to stay free of any group politics."

"Because I'm not going to turn away a couple of kids asking me to help teach them lessons that they can use to help defend themselves," Merlin answered as he closed the driver's door, giving her a look. "And I enjoy shooting for fun. Far less stressful than a shootout."

"First, those two are not children. Might I remind you of the Arctic? On top of that, I'm certain they are the age of majority," Lacresha countered. "Second, that isn't what I was referring to, and you know it."

Merlin sighed as he started the engine.

"I'm afraid," He admitted. "You aren't as deep into the supernatural as I am, for all your book smarts. There aren't governments able to crack down on gang violence like in the mundane political world. You always need to worry about some super-heavy hitter being around the next corner, or some punk growing freakishly fast in power. Leaves what governments there are cautious."

A strangle look came over Lacresha's face. Merlin chalked it up to her being reminded that she lived a more sheltered life.

"When people, creatures, like Ophis start making moves," Merlin shuddered. "I've only heard stories about the War, between Heaven and Hell. But I've seen some of the destruction that was inflicted on the world and the Underworld by it. I'd rather have some sort of anchor in that storm, all the better if they are human."

Lacresha winced.

"You don't trust anything non-human," She noted.

"Eh, I don't trust the ones that are too different. Fae are mostly human, just with a slightly different sense of morality," Merlin shrugged. "The local spirits here I just don't know enough about, but the devils have an inherent incentive to screw us mortals over and Fallen are fucked up, by both their history and with the younger ones their upbringing."

"True," Lacresha snorted. "But what about Philip's friend?"

"Eh, don't know enough about fox spirits, especially not Eastern ones," Merlin shrugged as he navigated the car out onto the street. "I know they're tricksters, but the girl seemed rather protective of him and skittish. I'll look more into it tonight, but given how she acted, I'm willing to guess she's more human than the devils."

Lacresha frowned, something churning in her mind.

"To change the topic, why did you agree to hire me?"

Merlin gave her a glance as he drove down the dark Chicago streets, streetlights only just starting to come on.

"Why do you ask?" He said. "Honestly, you were the most qualified of the people to apply. Plus, you already knew about the supernatural."

"Huh," Lacresha leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms in a rather deliberate fashion over her lower chest. "Was that all there was to it? My charming personality and looks had nothing to do with it?"

Merlin just laughed as he drove, deliberately not looking away from the street.

"Guns are loud," Aya groused as she ate. "I don't understand why people like them."

Philip snorted as he ate his own meal.

"Well, they are useful for defence and war. Easier to shoot someone than punch them," He pointed out, trusting in a ward he had placed to obscure their conversation from eavesdroppers. There had been an uncomfortable number of Fallen in the nearby block, practically advertising their presence with their, rather marginal, power being radiated. "Now, any thoughts about Merlin?"

"Eh, he seems okay," Aya shrugged. "I'm glad he's willing to help, but his secretary… I dunno. Something seems off about her."

"How so?" Philip asked.

"I can't put my finger on it, but something does seem off," Aya shrugged. "She doesn't seem dangerous though. Anyway… what do we do now?"

"Now?" Philip bit back a laugh. "We finish the meal unless you aren't feeling well."

Aya gave him a look.

"No, I mean…" She paused and sighed, giving Philip an exasperated look. "The other stuff going on."

"Ah," Philip dropped his gaze to his plate. "I'm not sure. Honestly, I'm realising I'm in over my head."

Aya gave him a pained, sympathetic look.

"If I may?" Tamamo spoke up, audibly. "Might I recommend continuing what you are doing? You know the three greatest threats; the Old Kings Faction, the Hero Faction, and Ophis herself. Ophis might be able to be talked down, based on your memories. Thus, you need information on the other two."

Philip winced, remembering the fragmented fanlation he read. He remembered that Ophis had been part of the main group before Issei was killed. But that version had been lacking portions, leaving him uncertain as to the how, and what happened. That Issei got better he only knew based on the fact that the series had continued.

Aya blinked as she realised the warding had blocked Tamamo's words, but not her voice.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" She asked the ancient fox, who giggled in response to the confused patrons in the restaurant, confused about the sudden strange new voice. "At least the warding will keep them from realising your voice came from us and what you said."

Philip sighed.

"Well, I suppose it's half a plan," He grunted, chewing on the last of his meal. "The other half will rely on finding sources of information on them. Okay, well, Aya, you want dessert, or should I pay so we can go?"

Aya shook her head.

"No," She drained the last of her juice, still being under the legal drinking age in British Columbia, before standing. "I'm done. And thank you for taking me here."

"My pleasure," Philip smiled warmly in response, making her heart flutter.

Philip paid the bill, and a short period later, they walked out the front door of the restaurant.

"Are we not going to call for a cab?" Aya asked as she put an arm around Philip.

Philip returned the gesture as he answered.

"One stop I'd like to make first," He said, vaguely, as he led her down the street. Aya's eyes flickered to a nearby store, her eyes widened as she giggled at the sight of the flower shop. "Do you have a preference?"

"Hello there!" A voice called from behind them. The woman that approached was perhaps a little older than them, dressed in form-fitting clothes that exposed more than a little cleavage and midriff, and was blatantly emphasising her chest with her posture. Philip felt Aya tense, he followed suit as a moment later the woman formed a barrier. Simple and meant to avoid eavesdroppers, but it was by no means subtle. "You're the magician, living in the suburbs, right?"

"Uh," Philip blinked. Beside him, Aya tightened her grip on him and glared. "That depends on who's asking."

"Well, me, obviously!" The unnamed woman beamed another grin, one that turned sultry. "So, I'll take that as a yes. Well, you two wanna have some fun?"

The question was accompanied by a wink.

Aya's grip became painful, and Philip felt his mood plummet.

"Why did you specifically approach us, if you are just looking for fun?" Aya nearly growled as she demanded an answer.

The sultry look faltered.

"Well, you two are the only ones in on the whole magic thing?" The woman gave a half-hearted chuckle, the sound dying as it left her throat. "Um."

The sultry look withered and died.

"I'm… interrupting something, aren't I?" The woman asked with a wince. "Well… I put my foot in my mouth… um… I'll just be going now."

The barrier shattered a moment later as the woman spun around and walked away, her gait no longer retaining its confident quality.

Aya gave a mournful sigh.

"That… ruined the mood," Philip grumbled. "Pretty sure that was a Fallen barrier. I see the local gang is making trouble for themselves."

There was a silent pause as something struggled in his mind before he continued.

"So, flower?"

"Maybe next time," Aya pouted, suddenly feeling very tired. "Call the cab please."

Philip nodded, both disappointment and relief written on his face, and reached for his phone.

"Philip?" Aya asked, her gaze falling to her hand. "Are you alright?

Her boyfriend blinked, then looked down, following her gaze. Slowly, he unclenched his shaking fist.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine," He breathed. "Just… my mind went to my mother and her… well."

Aya hugged him.

"Let's go home." She said.

"What the hell was that!?" Her boss hissed at her, his black wings making his silhouette seem larger as he towered over his subordinate. "You've roped people in that have put up a bigger fight!"

The woman stretched her arms above her head. Her own pair of black wings stretching out from behind her, lazily, in symmetry to her arms.

"You didn't see the way the girl was glaring at me?" She replied. "Plus, I don't think she was human."

Her boss frowned.

"Then what is she?" He demanded. "Another half-breed Fallen like us?"

"No idea, something Eastern is my guess, based on how weird her magic felt," The woman lowered her arms and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it with a flicker of power. "Given how much stronger than me she felt, I'm guessing a dragon. I'm pretty sure she is more powerful than-"

"Don't say it," Her boss sighed. "You know how he gets when people say there are beings more powerful than him. If you don't say it, I don't have to repeat it. Just… keep trying. If you can rope both in, great, but don't get yourself killed. The magician… the last one was very useful. His knowledge let the boss make the cops' attempts to track us a joke."

"Yeah, yeah, 'stronger together, and strength keeps us alive'," The woman snorted as she paraphrased the overused words. "I know the gang boss' favoured saying. Honesty, I get the impression those two are prudes, and while fun to tease, I'd rather not get killed, either. I doubt I'll get anywhere with them."

"Then we try another method," Her boss sighed. "We need strong people like that if we are to become more than just a gang."

"I think the local Fallen might be the ones that tried to use your mother to steal your books," Aya said as she stepped out of the cab. "There have been more of them around lately."

"Are you saying that because you dislike her hitting on us," Philip asked as he paid the fare. "Or because you are annoyed at the night being ruined?"

Aya fixed him with a look in response.

"Alright," Philip waved his hands in surrender. "I'll admit, it unsettled me as well, and I'm annoyed at her ruining the night for us. But it would make sense: they're too small fry to be considered by the larger players, thus my contacts couldn't find anything because it was all local."

"See!" Aya said, bouncing up the steps. "So, it might have been them, and we should investigate if they have any connections to the Khaos Brigade. Moreal might be willing to help interrogations!"

Philip gave her an unamused look.

"No torture, I already regret letting… asking, Moreal to get information out of her sister, even if it put her in a good mood," He sighed as he followed her into the house. "Anyway, want to watch a movie?"

"Hmmm…" Aya hummed in thought as she took off her shoes. "I want to, yeah. But I have no idea what to watch."

"Well," Philip paused. He glanced over at the couch, to where Kuroka was silently watching them, a grin plastered on her face, Koneko asleep in her lap. He glared at her. "No teasing. The night was ruined by a Fallen. Now, how about we watch Star Wars?"

Kuroka's face turned crestfallen.

"No," Aya shook her head, sitting next to Kuroka. "I'm not in the mood for that. I want something flashier and modern."

In the end, they decided to watch a generic action movie, Kuroka remaining with them. At some point, Koneko left back to Japan, well before any of them went to sleep.
Chapter 58
A.N. This chapter was easier to write, once I got around to it. Had a little bit of issue figuring out how to start it, though. For those unaware, the Galileo probe is this one.

"Moreal," Philip greeted as he stuck his head into the offices of the alchemy department. "How were things while I was gone?"

"Exhausting," Moreal replied, glancing up from some paperwork. "Floating castles aren't all that difficult, but the alchemy needed for long-term enchantments built into it, especially in Jupiter's atmosphere, meant we were brewing so many batches of potions for most of the week, just for the test model."

"Where's Aya?" The Fallen exorcists asked, shuffling the papers into a drawer. "I thought she didn't leave your side?"

"We aren't joined at the hip," Philip snorted. "She's off by herself buying cold weather gear since my episodes have decreased. Now, what's this about a test model?"

"They are teleporting a model of what will be the initial base to Jupiter, about know, I think," Moreal explained, sorting the rest of the papers before standing. "Rob is watching it now. I'll show you."

Philip followed her as she led him down the hall. A meeting room had had its table removed, permitting enough standing room for a small crowd to watch the spell being projected onto the wall, showing the inside of a storeroom located several floors down.

The man standing at the head of the group gave Moreal a nod, before speaking to the group.

"Okay, we are set it seems, so!" He threw his arms wide and gestured to the display. "I give you: the atmosphere of Jupiter!"

With a flash of teleportation magic, the display changed, showing layers of rippling clouds, one above, one below. A brown and yellow sky contrasted with strange whites, blues, reds and browns of the alien atmosphere. Lighting flashed in the distance, bridging the gaps between the layers of clouds.

As someone conjured a projection of the model to check on its integrity as it battled the winds of Jupiter, Philip stared at the scene being displayed from the distant model, ignoring the celebratory cheers of the rest of the group.

Something about the alien atmosphere, the distant image that was so out of reach in his past life, stirred some childish glee in him. Now, it was just within reach, so close that the group was experimenting with settling Jupiter.

"Ah, Rob!" Moreal waved at her lover. The magician struggled to get through the crowd, taking several moments to navigate the packed room. "You all ready to head out?"

"Yeah," He said over the shouting of the crowd. "I'm ready. We got cold weather gear?"

"Yes," Moreal grinned. "I picked it out myself. Let's go. I want to see what happened to the place after the rest got wiped out."

Behind the trio, as they left, there was a sudden wordless cry of dismay from the group as something smashed into the model. A few moments later, another cry arose, this one of disbelief.

"How the hell did the Galileo probe survive so long!?"

Merlin flinched as the wall of ice and snow hit them, the wind howling.

"I should have charged extra for the weather!" He cried. "How much further?"

"We're inside the wards now!" Moreal called back. "Not too much further! Should be just below that ridge!"

The group, composed of Moreal, Rob, Merlin, Philip, and Aya, with Lacresha taking up the rear, trudged their way up the small mountain, deep in the Caucasus. The hideout was well away from human settlements, ideal for a quiet place for research or storing materials. Its former Fallen masters' ability to fly made its isolation a limited problem.

Wind tugged at their bodies, Aya's tails billowing behind her while Philip drew his cloak tightly around his body, his coat feeling too thin, despite being made for Canadian winters. Both bolstered their cold weather gear with spells and ki techniques as they were able.

Merlin simply set his jaw to keep it from chattering as he kept alongside Rob, behind Moreal. The older magician kept his shoulders hunched, his hands stuffed in his pockets, and kept a steady trickle of power feeding into a heating spell, alongside a heat trap spell.

Rob's teeth audibly chattered as he kicked his way through the piled-up snow. His coat was far thinner compared to Philip's.

Ahead, Moreal kept her wings out to steady herself, angling the semi-corporeal constructs in the wind. Her own supernatural resistance kept her warm enough, bolstered by her spells.

Lacresha, keeping to the rear, kept her head up straight, sweeping her gaze back and forth, watching through the flying snowflakes. Her eyes were vigilant, despite the snow, for any movement or threats.

"Why did we have to teleport outside the wards?" Rob grumbled. "Don't answer that. I know, automated defences, teleportation being thrown off to leave us in the air, etc. etc. I'm just complaining to keep my lips from freezing."

"It will be warming inside," Moreal shot back at her boyfriend's complaining. "Here we are."

Glancing around, Aya noted they were still some distance from the previously mentioned ridge. A moment of concentration was all it took for her to see past the illusion.

With a wave of her hand, Moreal stripped away the barrier that hid the small cabin. Unlocking the door with a spell, she led the group inside, then down a staircase hidden beneath the floorboards.

"Alright, welcome to storehouse Kremling, as it used to be called," Moreal waved around as the others shook off snow and frost. The underground facility was larger than any of them had expected, based on her descriptions. One side of the single massive cavern was taken up by rows upon rows of shelves, some of them filled with a wide variety of materials, ranging from books to armour, swords, potions, preserved products, and even cans of food near what appeared to be a kitchen. "So, the alchemy lab is down at the other end. There is a small side lab that the lunatic used. There shouldn't be any traps, too risky with some of the stuff stored here, but I do recommend caution."

"Let me guess, set up during the Soviet Union?" Merlin asked as he rubbed his hands.

"Yup," Moreal nodded. "Oh, uh, fair warning, the kitchen in the corner… yeah, I wouldn't touch any of the food. It's been a few years…"

"Ew," Aya shuddered. "I thought the smell was just the alchemical ingredients."

"Yeah, a few of those have probably rotted away too," Moreal sighed. "Anyway, archives are on this shelf, lab is there. Hopefully, we have something here."

Aya watched as the others spread out, poking at the records, flipping through books, or inspecting artefacts. Merlin, in particular, seemed to be drawn to a small pile of exorcist swords.

But Philip instead made a beeline for the lab.

She hurriedly fell into step alongside him, her tails curling around his waist. At his questioning look, accompanied by a pause, she gave him a quiet smile and nod.

With his staff tapping against the floor as he walked, Philip resumed his pace.

As Moreal had described, the lab was tucked away. A door, unlocked, barred the way. Philip moved to open it, then hesitated. He twitched slightly, his head turning to one side as if listening to something, before he withdrew his hand.

"Okay, Tamamo recommended we be cautious, just in case," He said. "So, scanning spells, focused ones, looking for wards that were looking for scanning spells."

"And any enchantments that hide those wards," Aya replied, nodding. "You look for the wards, I handle the enchantments?"

"I was thinking you hide my spells while I work, looking for both," Philip replied. "I'm not quite as good as you are at that."

"No, you are," Aya pouted at him, then sighed. "I'm better at misdirection. Probably because I don't like lying."

Philip raised a hand and rubbed her back.

"Okay then, I hide and look for the wards, you handle the rest? On one; three, two, one!" Power surged through the formulas held in their minds.

Several moments passed as they stood there, studying the door, seeking any traps.

They both tensed and shared a look, before they pushed the door open together.

Within, the false image of a disorganised lab, with scattered books and diagrams lay as if it had been in use only a few hours ago. A flicker of Aya's power was all that was needed to burn it away, revealing the bare room.

A thick layer of dust revealed just how long it had gone unused.

"He never used this lab," Philip growled, the base of his staff ringing as it collided with the stone floor. "Damn it!"

"Based on the way the illusion was set up, it was meant to fool the other Fallen he was working with," Aya said, pulling him into a comforting hug. "Maybe the others will find something?"

"So," Merlin asked as he swept a spell over the disorganised stacks of notebooks, maps, textbooks, scrolls and the odd CD. "What's your game?"

"Hmm?" Moreal glanced up, seeing the way the American magician was looking at her. "What do you mean?"

"Every Fallen I ever met had some sort of plot or goal," He explained. "So, what's yours? Why work with Philip and the others?"

"Nowhere else to go, I love Rob, and… well, I need a group to be with. I'm an alchemist, I wouldn't last without support," Moreal answered. "Let me guess, lots of run-ins with the Grigori?"

"Something like that," Merlin gave her a side eye as he moved to another shelf. "But let's say I don't believe you. A couple-thousand-years old being surely would have picked up some nasty combat skills and spells."

"I'd agree, part of why I avoid the elderly," Moreal snorted. "I'm relatively young. Only been around for a few centuries."

"… huh." A troubled look set itself into Merlin's features. "You aren't lying."

"You have a lie detection spell?" Moreal blinked. "It can't be that foolproof."

"Not really, no," Merlin sighed. "Let me guess, sixth, seventh generation?"

"I think I'm fifth, though there was some separation involved and… uh, mixed generations," Moreal coughed. "So, it can't work off of reading the person's mind, since that could be detected… searching their micro expressions?"

"More divination of truth and lies," Merlin sighed. "I'll share a version of it with you, in exchange for a recipe for a truth potion."

"Eh, those are… essentially just barbiturates achieved through magical means," Moreal shrugged. "But sure."

"Great. Wish all the Fallen I dealt with were as human as you," Merlin snorted, then paused to collect a book. "Oh, what do we have here? Something disguised?"

"Oh, your spell reads intentions!" Moreal noted with interest. "And you could pick up on the intentions left behind by the person who interacted with it the most!"

Merlin winced but didn't deny it.

"Okay, let's see what we have here," The book's defensive spells came apart easily, betraying the caster's relative inexperience and desire to keep the book hidden. Merlin thumbed through the pages, his spell seeking specific emotions left behind. "Oh, hey! I got something here!"

"So, in short," Philip grumbled. "The mercenary band didn't trust the subgroup, but was expecting to be used as a source of income, not stabbed in the back, and was searching for the real lab?"

"Yup," Merlin nodded. "The good news is they narrowed down the area, the bad news is, that is a very dangerous area of the Himalayas that I have no idea how to refine the search area without getting close, and I have no idea how to get close safely."

"Teleportation isn't an option?" Lacresha asked.

"Well, it can be done," Merlin sighed. "But I don't know the terrain, and given its proximity to India, I'd be worried about the locals there getting upset. Yetis, gods, who knows what else."

Philip frowned.

"If I could find a local contact to help us search, would that help?"

"Depends on who and how far up the food chain they are," Merlin sighed. "I can try and narrow the location down, finding stuff is one of my specialities."

"Alongside burning down buildings," Lacresha teased her business partner. "But I have some ideas as well. Wouldn't need to be too close, but if we could get something related to the Fallen that were there…"

"I think I can manage that," Philip replied. "I'll need some time, but I can manage it."

"Great. In any case, I'll borrow the book to study," Merlin said. "Now, are we safe to teleport home from here? I'd rather not tramp through the snow again."

"Sure, I modified the wards," Moreal replied, before explaining. "The Brotherhood was looking to use this place as a new storehouse since it is isolated and well hidden."

"Fine by me," Philip shrugged. Something flickered in his eyes and something about the way his posture suddenly seemed stiff made a pit form in Aya's stomach.

Once Merlin and Lacresha vanished, Aya pulled Philip aside, away from where Moreal and Rob were discussing the supplies that were left behind.

"You okay?" She asked.

Philip stared at her for several moments, blinking, before slumping.

"Kind of. The fact that we have a plan helps, but… it's so frustrating that it keeps dragging on," Philip admitted with an exhausted sigh, slumping against her. His arm fell slack, kept up only by his staff. "I'm… scared of being pushed by this thing into doing something I'll regret."

Aya wrapped him in her tails, leaning her head against his.
Chapter 59
A week after the brief expedition, Rias, with a slight tremor of hesitation, led Philip out of the classroom of the Occult Research Club's clubhouse. He felt Aya nearby, leaving Issei, Asia, and Saji behind as they continued to practice with magic.

Philip could feel Asia and Saji's confusion, yet Ise had been, and remained, distracted, since before Philip and Aya had arrived.

"So, what did you want to ask me about Rias?" Philip asked. "You said it was important? Hopefully, you aren't asking me to do something I will regret."

Rias coughed uncomfortably, before shaking her head.

"No, no. I am… dealing with a personal issue, but one… potential solution I would like your opinion on," She said. "What do you know of Rizer Phenex?"

"Ah, your engagement," Philip said. Invisibly, Aya snorted as Rias' face distorted with embarrassment. "I'm not certain assassination is a viable option, however."

Flustered, Rias glared, crossing her arms in the process.

"No. That isn't what I mean," She sighed. "You're teasing me, aren't you?"

"Partially, and I just realised that it wasn't appropriate, my apologies," Philip hastily replied. "I wasn't thinking. So, my knowledge is… rather lacking, mostly from tabloids and research on his family's powers. Regeneration, limited by magical reserves and mental fortitude, fire, and is a playboy, in addition to the standard devilish powers. Anything beyond that?"

"No, I'm not upset," Rias gave another sigh. "That is a… simplified version. He is very accomplished in Rating games, only having lost twice to close allies to his house, which were by surrender rather than defeat. His peerage is also quite skilled."

"Okay," Aya spoke up. "What do you want Philip for?"

"Well… one possible way the engagement might be broken is a Rating game," Rias began before Aya interrupted.

"No, we are not going to join your peerage."

Rias shook her head, a slight smile on her face at the blunt statement.

"I was thinking mercenary positions, if the judges for the match would permit it," She said. "But I was expecting the refusal. No, I am hoping you could offer some advice, insight, or analysis into how I might be able to defeat him."

Philip frowned.

"Well, I am willing, but I presume something has changed?" He said. The half-truth came easily to his lips. "I read that the engagement was expected to last until you reached adulthood."

"The original plan had been until my schooling finished. I had hoped to drag it out by pursuing a degree… but my father and the head of House Phenex are close friends," Rias slumped. "He means well, but we have responsibilities as nobility, thus my father has changed the date. I am to meet Riser this afternoon."

"Well, that's a drastic change," Aya blinked. "What happened?"

"Well," Rias suddenly became nervous. Her eyes flickered to Philip before she spoke, a wince flickering across her face. "… another heir was killed. The general populace blames a Fallen, as several of the heir's peerage members were previously under or being watched by them, but my brother suspects that it was… someone else, using your spell."

Philip froze and Aya became pale.

Rias, taking their reaction as guilt pressed on.

"You aren't responsible. The assassin somehow slipped past all the guards, killing them in his main estate," She said. "The assassin probably would have used other tools, either way."

"I…" Philip stuttered. A sharp word from Tamamo, within his mind, jolted him. "I am not surprised that my spell was used, given the potential and flexibility, but what makes them think it was my spell?"

"No other spell can pull off a copy of a Spear of Light," Rias said, sympathy in her tone. "Though, there were indications of fire damage, from what my brother said. He probably would have had my father bring me back to the Underworld if it wasn't for the fact that the heir had been killed there."

"You said it was their main estate?" Philip tried to push a sound of disbelief into his voice. Tamamo whispered advice, coaching him into something less strained, more natural sounding and believable.

Rias nodded.

"That's right," She huffed. "It caused quite a panic, last week. I'm even more thankful for Aya's grandmother helping find the holes in my own defences."

"… I see…" Philip shook himself. "Well, we are getting off-topic. So, you are looking at how to defeat Rizer."

"Correct. I am hoping I can convince my father to call it off and let me choose my own husband," She pouted. "But the assassination has scared everyone and underlined the need for 'heirs and spares' as one news rag put it. So, my backup plan is a Rating game."

Philip slowly forced himself to set aside the bubbling panic and forced himself to focus on Rias' words. Thinking over the problem. He was briefly distracted when Aya's tail wrapped around him.

"Okay, first, make another backup plan," He said. "Just in case."

Rias suddenly blushed, glanced towards the classroom door, then away from it.

"I'm not going to ask," Philip said.

"I was surprised and pressed for time!" Rias burst out. "… you heard nothing."

"Not going to ask," Philip reiterated. "No, I am thinking political games, blackmail, pressure, leverage, whatever. Or arrange for something to interrupt the proceedings? Anyway, I'll let you think that over. Now, regarding Rizer… do you have copies of his Rating games?"

"I do," Rias nodded. She glanced at the classroom, blushed again, and then coughed in embarrassment once more. "I will have them ready for you after you finish the lesson."

"Oh, and how much are you paying us?" Aya asked, still slightly shaken.

Rias wilted.

"Can we discuss that later?"

Philip winced as the match finished.

"Well, he's a brute. His queen though… she has some skill. It's limited to her own skillset, however. Every one of those victories were about using his Peerage as ablative tools, wearing away at the enemy to make it difficult for them to counteract his regeneration," Philip observed. "None of the battles give me a good idea, just theories."

He leaned back in the borrowed chair.

To view the recordings, Rias had taken the two to the clubroom after dismissing the trio of new devils. She had even surrendered, however temporarily, her stuffed office chair behind the desk.

Aya shifted in Philip's lap as he leaned back.

"Okay, so the main theories are: One, Light-slash-holy item or spell kept inside him while he tries to regenerate, though this will likely leave the attacker vulnerable and drain their reserves. Two, the same, but concentrated on his head, this would be much more difficult but should trigger the safeties in the field due to the brain damage not being immediately healed, making it faster. Three and four are the same, using fields of Destruction, but that puts you at risk. Five is yet another variation, using some sort of holy item, though that is problematic for devils. The final theory is… well. Are you allowed to take alchemical explosives into a Rating game?"

Rias blinked.

"Part of me is intrigued, but the rest of me is alarmed at the idea," She said from where she sat across from Akeno on a couch. "I believe it would be allowed, but there is likely a limit that would render it impractical against Riser."

"Really?" Aya stared. "Why?"

"Ah, I recall an incident a few years ago where someone unleashed a vat of a toxic mixture that ate away at the arena barrier, damaging the stadium," Rias placed a finger on her chin in thought. "I know the ruling afterwards limited the number of alchemical ingredients and their type, that could be brought into a match, especially since someone else had manufactured additional phoenix tears in the match for use even earlier, but I don't recall the exact limit."

"Firearms?" Aya suggested.

"A possibility, and Koneko could probably handle firing a rocket launcher, but I suspect there would be political complications from using human weapons," Rias sighed. "An option I will consider, though getting them would also be an issue. Their normal limitations could be circumvented through spells and enchantments to let them pierce the magic barriers that protect devils, and while the damage wouldn't be lethal, it would certainly be enough to take them out of the fight, or give us a temporary advantage."

"Oh, that gives me an idea," Philip said. "Riser can't fight what he can't see or hear."

"Hmm, spells like that can be counteracted," Rias pointed out.

"But what about ones that cause damage to the eyes or hearing, even if it's temporary?" Philip countered. "Even if it's limited against Riser himself, it could be used against his Peerage. On top of that, I didn't see anyone use illusions beyond invisibility."

Rias frowned.

"There are… too many ways to detect someone to easily teach my Peerage how to move undetected," The red-headed king said.

"Decoys, fake attacks, altered landscape," Aya pointed out. "There are plenty of other options."

"I suppose I should have expected someone acquainted with Kitsune to be more knowledgeable about the application of illusions," Rias snorted.

"I wonder what else those two use illusions for?" Akeno interjected, her voice husky and suggestive, winking at her friend.

Rias gave a huff and ignored the implied statement.

"Moving on," Philip felt heat rising to his cheeks, noting that Aya's current position certainly didn't dissuade the notion Akeno pointed out. "How long do you likely have?"

"I don't know for certain. A few days if it does come to a rating game," Rias answered. Then froze as the teleportation circle at the back of the room lit up. "He's early. Too early."

She relaxed a moment later when Grayfia stepped out of the fading teleportation glow.

"Lady Gremory," The wife of the ruler of Hell greeted her sister-in-law. "My apologies, but I must request that you dismiss your guests and call your peerage together. It is almost time."

"I still have an hour… very well," Rias grit her teeth. Then a light went on in her eyes. "… actually, given Philip and Aya's connection to the Leviathan and third-party nature, I would request them to remain, as neutral observers."

Grayfia narrowed her eyes. But rather than outright demand their removal, she summoned a spell next to her ear and whispered something into it.

"Very well," She did not sound pleased, a moment later. "They may remain as observers, given your… disposition to the arrangement, Riser's reputation, and his potential knowledge of the spell used against the Astaroth heir."

Tamamo-no-mae howled with silent laughter that only Philip heard.

It took little time to summon Rias' Peerage, as they had all been told to remain near the Academy until called.

Philip noted that Kuroka arrived with her sister. Grayfia's gaze narrowed at the black-haired nekoshou, before slumping in quiet defeat when Kuroka joined Philip and Aya. The maid swiftly covered up her unprofessional demeanour beneath a mask of cool focus.

Finally, Grayfia announced the impending arrival of Rizer Phenex and his Peerage, the teleportation circle bursting into flame.
It's nice, hearing from, and about, minor powers.

After all, the big powers are such a bunch of loonies in canon.
I mean, the Brotherhood of Nod is named after... yeah. Plus they are putting a station inside the atmosphere of Jupiter.

They are a different type of loonies. Partly because they need and have better survival instincts.
Chapter 60
The atmosphere in the room notably dimmed, as a frown formed on Rias' face, almost a look of disquiet disgust. Akeno wore a stony mask, while the other members of Rias' Peerage wore a mix of confusion and nervousness.

Aya briefly wondered as she sat with Philip on one of the couches, if Rias had remembered to inform her Peerage members just what was going on. Given the devil heiress' feelings on the matter, the answer was likely no, not that Aya could blame her. An arranged marriage would certainly skew one's thoughts to forgetfulness.

As the flames within the teleportation circle rose higher, the temperature rose. Part of Aya wondered if Rias could sue Riser for any damages the flames caused, but the rest of her just tensed up, ready to spring into action.

Riser stepped from the flames before anything caught alight, the blaze dying down quickly behind him.

Aya found… he looked dishevelled, in her opinion. A wrinkled dress shirt only done half up, wild hair, the expensive jacket left open. Faintly slouched with his hands in his pockets adding to the image of a lazy, rich boy who had never faced hardship.

Some might have found him handsome, but Aya just found him plain. She almost started to snicker when she noted his shirt wasn't even done up right, a button having been missed at the bottom, making the shirt seem lopsided, disguised only by a half-hearted illusion, or perhaps amateurish.

The young man, presumably Riser Phenex, sighed.

"It's been a while since I came to the human world," He said airily. Aya noted it seemed a little forced, his pronounced words, spoken in English she noted, were just ever so slightly overpronounced. "My lovely Rias, I have come to see you."

A flicker of emotion drew Aya's attention to Ise, who scowled, and Rias, who kept a calm face but whose clenched fists revealed her emotions.

"Hmm?" Riser's gaze drifted from Rias to Aya, Philip, and Kuroka. "Rias, who are these? Send them away."

"We are not married, nor will we be, Riser. Do not order me around," The venom in Rias' tone was nearly palpable.

"May I introduce the Magician Philip and his associates, the Kitsune Aya, and nekoshou-turned-devil Kuroka," Grayfia interjected. "They are present as a neutral third party, at the request of Lady Gremory. Philip, Aya, Kuroka, this is Riser Phenex, third son of the House of Phenex."

Aya felt Philip shift slightly, almost imperceptibly, as he considered something.

She also noted a faint, brief look of uncertainty on Riser's face, a slight tensing of the muscles near the eyes, and a twitch of his eyelids, as he looked at Kuroka. He knows of her, then.

"Why would we need a third party?" Riser said dismissively, with a wave of his hand. "Our parents have already agreed that we are to be wed. Besides, pure-blooded devils are at risk of dying out. The situation is serious, far more important than some childish flight of fancy."

"Flight of fancy!? Childish!?" Rias stood, glaring at Riser. "I am willing to take a husband, Riser, but it will not be you. It will be one of my choosing, a right even those of the old houses have a right to!"

Aya sighed as they two began to bicker back and forth. She glanced over at Philip, noting that his gaze had become distant.

"Philip?" She poked him.

"Sorry," He muttered, shaking his head. "Tam just pointed something out about something Grayfia said."

The two devil kings continued to bicker back and forth. Riser's voice slowly gained a tone of ire, rising in volume to match Rias' angered one. Part of Aya was tempted to make a joke about 'bickering like an old married couple' but that would both hurt Rias' feelings and be the verbal equivalent of tossing a lit match into a gunpowder factory.

Grayfia simply watched the pair as they bickered, her face impassive.

Rias, Aya noted, was arguing based on legal precedent, her own feelings, and her rights. Riser, in contrast, was going on about how it was generous of him to have come to Earth, despite his dislike of it. How their parents had already come to an agreement and that they must abide by it, in addition to the devils' population issues.

"Kuroka," Aya said lightly, looking over the back of the couch at where the nekoshou stood. "Do you know anything about the laws Rias is talking about?"

"Just because I lived most of my life in the Underworld doesn't mean I memorised the law," The dark-haired woman replied. "Do you know Canadian law?"

"Some of it, my mom's a lawyer, remember?" Aya shot back. "So, Philip, you know anything about Underworld law?"

Philip started, glancing at her, startled out of a conversation with Tamamo.

"Uh, sorry, yeah, not really," He said. "Mostly what I looked at was what powers the Houses and Kings held, which is both a lot, and little. Lots of precedence, like the UK, gives them a great deal of leeway, but most of it seems to boil down to who's the stronger. That, and not a whole lot is made easy to access by most people. They still rely heavily on private libraries, no public ones."

"Ah," Aya replied, disappointed.

Rias, Aya felt, gave the more persuasive argument of the two. She certainly had the drive behind her, bolstered by laws. But Riser was unwilling to budge. Couldn't, Aya realised slowly. He seemed to be of the mind that they had no choice in the matter and intended to at least use the situation to his advantage to have some fun.

Neither was willing to budge, and every time Rias said something that could be remotely taken as a slight against his house, Riser became more aggressive and irate. At one point, he tried to change the subject and get closer to Rias, even attempting to touch her. His hand came back, restored in a burst of flame, after a shaky sphere, its edges poorly defined, of Rias' inherited power appeared in its path to remove the offending extremity.

"You…!" Riser cut the rest of his words off as his hand retreated, curling into a fist. "Fine! If I have to, I'll burn my way through your peerage if I must, first."

Aya tensed as Riser stopped keeping his power close, and instead let it run wild. Flames burst from his body, worn like they were instead accessories instead of fire. Philip stood, his staff in hand. Kuroka crouched slightly, ready to pounce.

Asia clung to Ise, the boy tense and pale, but with a determined glare on his face. Kiba had a sword ready in a flash. Koneko, like her sister, tensed for an explosion of movement. Akeno didn't move from where she had been preparing tea, but lighting flickered across her shapely form. Rias, behind her desk, kept the field of Destruction, wavering as it was, in place between her and Riser.

Grayfia pinched the bridge of her nose.

Aya could understand the maid's frustration. Riser's power wasn't vast. Kuroka could probably put out the same level of power as the third son of House Phenex. Which meant Riser wasn't anything more than a nuisance to Sirzech's wife.

Riser's gaze flickered over everyone in the room, then snorted.

"Magician, I suggest you leave. You have no place here, and none of your girlfriends could pose a threat to myself or my peerage," Riser said, lazily, as if he wasn't facing a room of hostility. "Rias. Your queen might be worth something. But the rest of your Peerage is trash."

Rias bristled at the flagrant insult to her Peerage, who as Aya knew, she treated as family. It made Aya briefly wonder about the legalities of Peerages. Were Peerages members of their houses automatically, or were they vassals or property?

"Enough," Grayfia cut through Riser's power with only a word, the temperature in the room seemingly dropping, even though it hadn't risen at all, despite the flames from Riser. "If neither of you will resolve this on your own… Master Sirzechs, Lord Gremory and Lord Phenex prepared a precaution. In truth, this was, no matter what else, to be the last meeting. Lady Rias, if you wish to push your opinion on the matter forward, you may do so through a Rating Game."

Quietly, Kiba explained what a Rating Game was to Ise and Asia, further cementing the idea that Rias was not telling her Peerage enough.

"There is another matter," Grayfia glanced at Philip. "To the Brotherhood's representative, given the insult and threat presented to you, Lord Sirzechs will provide compensation on behalf of the House of Phenex for the slight."

Aya blinked. True, if a fight had broken out, it would be bad for the Underworld politically, a neutral party being attacked… but the Brotherhood of Nod was a minor power, at best, from what she had been told. So why would Grayfia bother…. Oh. Aya held in a snicker as she relaxed. Sirzechs expected this to happen… and it gave him political leverage, though small, against House Phenex, by covering their son's faux pas. Enough that Sirzechs, could, say, get Rias' engagement annulled without embarrassing either house.

Philip simply responded with a nod of acknowledgement, before sitting back down.

As Aya leaned against him, she paused, remembering that Riser had seemingly implied he thought Kuroka was one of Philip's girlfriends. Kuroka was going to be an insufferable tease over it, wasn't she?

Aya sighed as Riser began to boast and needle Rias over her lack of victories in Rating Games, before summoning his own Peerage. She watched them and noted their appearance, apparent power and skills, but focused on Rias.

Later, Aya would realise that Riser had been trying to belittle Rias, in an attack of psychological warfare, matched by some of his later remarks about even ten days of training not being enough.

Eventually, Grayfia had enough and sent the arrogant ass on his way.

"Why not say something?" Aya whispered once Riser had vanished, once more in flames. "Should we have tried to get more time for Rias?"

"We're supposed to be a neutral group," Philip said, then shook his head as he looked into her eyes, silently urging her to not press the issue. "Now, I need to talk to… probably the council, actually, over the compensation. Probably won't be much, but friendlier relations would be appreciated."

"And it can't be nothing, or it hurts the leverage that Sirzech's just took," Aya nodded.

"Leverage?" Rias glanced over at them.

"Never mind the politics," Grayfia interrupted. "Lady Rias, you have ten days, starting tomorrow. I recommend you begin planning and preparing. Magician Philip, Lady Aya, Sirzechs has extended invitations to the Rating Game to you, as a courtesy."

"He has our appreciation," Philip said. "Rias, I assume you are going to ask for more ideas?"

"Yes," The redhead nodded. "If you happen to have a time dilation spell I am willing to cover any costs or lost income."

Philip snorted.

"I wish. No, no temporal manipulations. Pretty sure I read something about time travel being lethal, actually," He shook his head. "Now, it is getting rather late. I suppose I will meet with you tomorrow?"

"Excellent!" Rias grinned. "In ten days, we are going to blow Riser away."

"Yeah!" Ise cheered.

Grayfia simply took her leave. Shortly later, Philip, Aya, and Kuroka did as well.

"I assume you caught it too?" Philip asked as he reclined on the couch, Aya resting against his shoulder, her tails over the both of them like a blanket. "They waited quite some time before announcing Diodora's death. They moved the body too."

Aya nodded.

"Well, now that you mention it… yeah. I was more worried about the whole 'they knew it was your spell that did it'," She sighed. "… I really hate having to lie about that."

"I don't like it either," Philip sighed. "I should have aided Rias, or at least said something. Done more to help, but being a passive observer at least tipped things in Rias' favour, even if she seemingly hasn't noticed it. I was too distracted by Tamamo. She pointed out them having moved the body, and we got to theorising why. No evidence though, so it's all just guesses."

Aya hummed in agreement, then said nothing more. She instead opted to cuddle tighter against her boyfriend.

And then Kuroka flopped across both of their laps.

"You two are too serious," She said. "Rias will be fine. I'm teaching Shirone, and you are teaching the rest of them… so, on to another topic! Riser, as much as he is an arrogant jerk, seemed to think we were a thing!"

"No," Aya bluntly stated, glaring at the raven-haired catgirl as Philip gave an exasperated sigh. She curled an arm around Philip possessively. She didn't mind Kuroka's teasing, but she had a terrible sense of timing. "This is not the time for this."

"Fiiiiine," Kuroka, lain on her side across their laps moaned with a drawl. "… actually, I think I will stay like this. Your tails are very soft, and you two are warm."

"Yet again, more proof Kuroka is a housecat," Philip gave another sigh. "And her sister is the wildcat."

"My sister is too cute!" Kuroka protested as she resisted, successfully, Aya's attempts to push her off. "Now, how about we watch TV?"
Chapter 61
Asia forced herself to remain still as Philip stepped out of the cabin, Rias following him, the day after the meeting with Rizer, after a long hike up a mountain to a remote training camp owned by the House Gremory.

"Okay, so, we have a basic training plan," The magician announced to the Gremory Peerage. "I will be spending an hour teaching those of you skilled in spellcraft some useful spells. I will expect you to practice them later."

"The rest of our time here will be taken up practising, training, exercising, and building up your power," Rias joined in. "We have ten days before the Rating game. And we will win."

As Ise cheered, Asia briefly felt shame at her hesitation, before she nodded. Yet, doubt plagued her mind. She had been reborn as a Devil, thus, should she be more excited at the prospect of bloodshed?

"So," Philip continued. "Couple points to note. Ise, focus on using your Boosts on your rate of growth. If that doesn't work, just focus on the rate at which your body heals. Both you and Asia are also to experiment with your Sacred Gears."

"In addition, Aya is away talking with her grandparents who may agree to help train you," Rias took over where Philip left off. "Lastly, if any of you have ideas or concerns, go ahead and voice them."

"No such thing as a bad idea, just an impractical one in need of workshopping," Philip joked. "I'll be away most of the time, as will Aya, but I will help whenever I am present."

"Oh? Working on anything that we can use against that fried Chicken Bastard?" Ise asked, excited. Asia gave him a small, quiet, disappointed glare at his use of bad words before she paused, the look vanishing before anyone saw it, and briefly wondered if, as a Devil, she should instead be using that sort of language. Then again, Ise seemed to be the only one who did use swear words…

"No," Philip rolled his eyes. "I do have to teach Saji too, you know. Also, I have a job besides tutoring you three."

"Right," Philip clapped his hands. "We'll start with the first two spells I'll be teaching you. They are Sealing Barrier and Elemental Dart. We will work our way up to Elemental Lance over the next few days."

Asia swallowed as she felt butterflies in her stomach.

Unaware of Asia's nervousness, Philip began to lay out the basic mathematics of the spells. Asia appreciated the visual guide he gave, using illusions, but it didn't make the math any easier. It was more advanced than anything she had been taught by the Church. But she would push through it, for the sake of Ise, her new friends, and the second chance at life she had been blessed with.

Eventually, once Philip was certain they had the basics down, and after making a teasing comment about him being jealous over Devils' ability to not need hard formulas on the spells to cast magic, he set them to practice them.

Asia giggled as she hit Ise for the third time in a row with Sealing Barrier, his own spell fizzling out as his power was briefly constrained, his face falling.

"Alright, Asia, not bad," Philip complimented with a nod. "While I am gone, focus on tightening up your spells and casting them faster. Ise… yeah, find a target and practice on it. But you are keeping them tight and efficient, so good job there."

Ise deflated, slumping where he stood, but gave a nod.

"Alright," Philip turned to the far end of the field. With a wave of his staff, copies of Rizer appeared. "This-"

A blast of power made them all jump as one of the illusions was torn apart, cutting off Philip's words.

A moment later, Rias meekly lowered her arm. Her face flushed with embarrassment as she apologised, before turning around and heading back into the cabin, giving Akeno a death glare as the Queen giggled.

"As I was saying," Philip coughed and replaced the destroyed illusion. "You will be using these as targets."

Ise pumped a fist in anticipation. Asia frowned. She understood why Ise was excited, Rizer seemed like a bad person. But the butterflies in her stomach did not cease.

"Okay, just hit them with the Elemental Darts a couple of times, at your own pace," Philip instructed. "We can work on speed and accuracy later. Same with efficiency."

Ise took a deep breath, and as his Gauntlet appeared with a draconic voice shouting 'Boost!', he poured his power into the spell.

The small dart of fire fizzled out behind the illusion.

"Accuracy isn't bad, but the power was lacking," Philip critiqued. "Also, use ice, or some other element that won't cause ecological devastation."

"Ahaha…" Ise gave a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his head. "I, uh, only know the fire one…"

"Then go back and memorise something like ice or water," Philip sighed. "Okay, Asia, you are next."

Asia tried. She held her hands up and pushed the power into the spell. It even materialised before her… but not fully, collapsing into itself.

In the distance, the illusion of Rizer seemed to mockingly grin at her, even though Asia knew it was just mind. Or Philip teasing her.

She tried again, and this time, the spell stayed stable for several seconds, but she couldn't get the power to stabilize enough for it to release.

She paused, as Philip waited patiently, a slow frown forming on his face. She took another breath, ignoring the heat from her cheeks, and gathered her reserves again.

"Enough, Asia! Enough," Philip suddenly called out.

Asia blinked in surprise, then stumbled as the world seemed to sway around her.

Ise was suddenly there to catch her as she fell.

Philip sighed.

"Okay, that's enough for now," He declared. "Ise, keep memorising the other variants and practice with them. Asia… are you alright?"

"Um… I'm fine," Asia said as she tried to stand, after giving Ise a grateful smile, and desperately ignored her blush. "Um… so should I try again?"

She tried not to sound pleading.

Philip shook his head.

"Ise, why don't you go practice," He said. At the Pawn's reluctant look, Philip sighed. "I want to talk to Asia about it, before moving ahead."

Ise frowned but gave the magician a nod and went back to where the books had been left on a picnic table.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Philip turned to Asia, giving her a look. "You became very pale and poured far more power into that spell than you needed to. I'd have probably passed out around halfway."

Asia flinched.

"No, no, I'm okay," She held up her hands. "So, I just need to put less power into the spells?"

"… no," Philip frowned. "Tamamo seems to think there is more to it than that."

Asia flinched again. Philip snorted.

"You're worse than Aya at keeping things a secret, aren't you?" He accused with amusement. Asia just hung her head. "It's alright. I, nor Rias, will be mad. Now is a good time to find issues before we start heavy planning for the Rating Game."

Asia's butterflies turned into a hurricane.

"I'm… I don't want to be useless…" She started to sob. "But… I… I hate the idea of hurting people. I know… I know I'm supposed to be a Devil now, but…"

In the distance, she could hear Ise suddenly rush towards them.

"Is there a difference between Devils and humans, beyond the inherent magic?" Philip asked.

"Well, um," Asia sniffled. "Ah, the priests and sisters… they said that… Devils were evil, but… Rias isn't like what they said, and the one I healed, he was so kind."

A distant look flickered over Philip's face, a slight tugging at the side of his face.

"So, they were wrong, or didn't have the whole story," Philip said. "One would hardly expect the nice Devils to willingly go out hurting people."

Blinking Asia nodded.

"Ah, is everything okay?" Ise asked.

"One moment, please," Philip calmly replied, before looking back at Asia. "So, no offensive spells. You had no issue using the Sealing Barrier against Ise, so, as long as it causes no direct pain, do you think you could do that? If not, I can look into you getting alchemy lessons from Moreal, and we can look into teaching you to be more flexible with your healing."

Asia sucked in a breath as Ise put a supporting arm around her shoulder. She wiped her tears and leaned into his touch.

"If it helps Asia, she can use me as a target as many times as she wants," The boy declared.

"I… I am willing to try," Asia said.

"Okay," Philip nodded. "In that case, I will focus on buffs and debuffs I can teach. Unfortunately, illusions make up the bulk of my repertoire, so I will need to ask around for some spells."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Asia winced. "I didn't mean to cause problems."

"No problems," Philip denied. "I should broaden my own skillset anyway. Besides, I am being paid to teach you. Once you feel ready, I can teach you some of the basic stuff I know, though I haven't used it much. Given your reserves of power, I suspect you will be able to leverage them to greater effect than I could."

"Well, aren't you the cutest!" Masa Kato declared. The elder kitsune rubbed Asia's head, ruffling her hair. "Why didn't you say she was so cute!?"

Philip sighed as Aya wilted under her grandmother's teasing glare. Asia, for her part, didn't mind the affection, though she wasn't sure how to react to being hugged.

"Anway," Rias coughed. "Thank you for agreeing to help."

"After Aya described what the sleaze was like, I had half a mind to call some fae I know," Masa replied, smiling. Asia trapped in her embrace, by both arms and tails. "But that would probably be a bit too far. Even if he deserved it."

"Perhaps as a plan B?" Rias said. The coughed. "Now, you said you had a plan to help us train?"

"Correct!" Masa released Asia. "Now, your main issue is that his peerage has more experience and general power, correct?"

"That's correct," Rias confirmed.

"His regeneration is an issue," Philip added.

"Well, I'm not sure I agree," Masa countered. "After all, you already have everything you need to crush him on his lonesome. So, you need to take out his Peerage, divide and conquer."

"That is the general plan we had," Rias frowned. "What do you suggest?"

"Simple," Masa grinned and looked at Asia. "Could you try and bless this bottle of water for me, please?"

Asia swallowed, uncertain, but nodded before she prayed over it. She gave a brief hiss of pain, but pressed on, her Twilight Healing giving a green glow as it eased the pain.

Rias' grin became predatory when she felt the prick of pain from a single drop when she experimentally dripped it onto her skin.

"Oh, Lady Gremory," Masa asked. "Where is the rest of your peerage?"

A sudden yelp of pain echoed from across the camp as Ise took a blow.

"Rias is having them beat on Ise," Philip bluntly stated.

"No!" Rias protested. "They are helping teach him to dodge."

"How is it going?" Cain asked as he entered the lab. Then he paused and blinked. "Where is everyone else?"

"Given the time here in Berlin, asleep is my guess," Philip replied. "A pity temporal manipulation is still out of our reach."

"Gods can handle the side effects," Cain replied. "We cannot. Now, anything interesting?"

"Well, I think Asia has issues with causing harm," Philip said. "Um, Ise is quick to learn when motivated. Rias doesn't think things through."

"I meant about the project, though those are interested," Cain shook his head with a smile. "I have also prepared a list for you."

"Ah, thank you. Now regarding the project… well, without Heaven's system to pull power from, we need to use magazines or batteries of some sort," Philip said. "It will bulk up the design since having magicians charge them in combat isn't an option."

The young man stood from where he had been studying a diagram on one of the tables and walked over to another workbench, where a large, disassembled weapon lay.

"As for the goal… well, golems can handle the weight, and I certainly wouldn't want to stare down the barrel of a massive cannon, no matter what it shot," Philip snorted. "I think, with the modifications to the design I had and Moreal's crystal recipe, we can get these out at a decent rate."

"Excellent," Cain clapped his hands. "Now, head home. Get some rest. I can speak from experience when I say that teaching can tire one out quickly."

"Sure boss," Philip yawned. "Just wanted to read over the notes added to the design."

"Do it in the morning," Cain ordered. "You have the time. Also, the favour owed: I will have you attend the Rating Game. I have a few more things I would like, but I think that, and a slight discount for some alchemical ingredients will be sufficient."

"Yeah, alright," Philip snorted. "You think Rias will win?"

"Probably," Cain shrugged. "I've seen what her kin can do with Destruction, and what the Phenex can do. There is a reason Bael, was a King of Hell and Phenex a Marquis. Encourage them, and help them grow. And foster good relations."

"Yeah, I won't forget my main job," Philip shook his head before heading off. He paused for a moment. "Hey… and suggestions for taking out a Phenex with spells?"

"Keep the head from reforming," Cain replied. "Holy Light and Ice, with an Elemental Lance, should do it. No ability to think will keep them from moving or casting spells. Keeping them still long enough, that is the trick. What you should be asking is how to deal with his Peerage."


"He uses them disposably, as I'm sure you noticed. Make him pay for that."
Chapter 62
A.N. Sorry for the long wait. Projects to finish took a lot of energy. Fortunately, my exams are spread out. I will try to get back into the swing of things going forwards, but no promises.

"Okay," Philip clapped his hands as he stepped from the teleportation circle, calling Rias and her Peerage's attention to him. "So, while three days is not the amount of time I would have preferred for the basics, needs must when the devil drives."

Rias rolled her eyes at the pun. Akeno giggled in false amusement, while the rest of the Peerage looked lost. Aya, beside Philip, just sighed. Kuroka ignored it, instead focusing on her sister.

"So, until Grandmother Masa gets here, I will go over some of the spells that my boss recommended me to teach," Philip continued, pulling several books from his magic bag. "I will also be working with Rias and Akeno about some potential issues and plans. Asia?"

Ah, yes?" The former nun squeaked.

"This stack of books is yours," Philip handed them to her. She gulped as she felt the weight in her arms. "Ise, these are yours."

The teen boy gave a sigh of relief when he saw his stack was much shorter than Asia's, before quickly taking on an apologetic look towards the girl.

"Ah, I'll help you with yours, Asia," Ise offered.

"Um… but you have your own to read… I can do it," Asia replied, a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Due to Ise not having nearly as much power as you. He has to be conservative as a result," Philip explained. "If you have any difficulties, write them down, or record what you think the problem is, and talk to me tomorrow. I'm here to help."

"Koneko, here are yours," The white-haired catgirl frowned as she took the stack. "And these are for you, Kiba."

"Why?" The nekoshou softly asked Philip. "My sister is teaching me already."

"She is teaching you what she knows, and I know her magic abilities are lacking," Philip answered. "How high can you jump?"

Koneko tilted her head to the side in thought.

"Can you stop your momentum mid-air? How about changing directions or double jumping?" Philip pressed before she answered. "Your devil powers mean you don't need the exact formula to pull off those tricks. I've seen you fight. You are direct and tough, but you could be faster, in short bursts, more agile, with minimal investment."

Kuroka sighed. Philip just gave her a look with a raised eyebrow. The raven-haired catgirl had, eventually, begun to adopt more complex offensive spells, but unlike Koneko who preferred to pound problem's faces in, she preferred range combat.

"Don't give me that look," She grumbled in response to his look. "It's exhausting."

"You're reading and practising spells, hardly physically demanding," Philip shot back.

Koneko stepped over to her sister, then pinched her sister's gut.

"… stop lazing about," She quietly demanded, earning a squawk of protest from the elder catgirl.

Philip moved on.

"Aside from Ise, the rest of you also don't need to learn the spells exactly, just close enough that your powers can handle the rest of the heavy lifting," He glanced around. "Ise, focus on what comes easily, I don't expect you to know every one of those spells when we are done."

Kiba gave a slight cough.

"I notice that these are a mix of defensive barriers, movement spells, and spells to augment my sword strikes," He said. "But do you have a recommendation for me to focus my training?"

"Swords aren't within my area of expertise," Philip admitted. "Aya?"

"Can you make a chainsword?" At the blank stares she received, she shrugged. "What? Here, I'll show you a picture."

As Aya fished out her phone to present an example, Philip sighed.

"Kuroka, I blame you for this. She started playing Space Marine on the console recently," He grunted. "Ah, actually, Kiba? Masa's husband is a sword user, though he uses Japanese blades. He might have some advice."

Kiba frowned and gave a nod, then concentrated on the image Aya showed him.

From the ground at his feet, a copy of the weapon sprang into his hands.

"I mostly prefer Western swords," Kiba admitted with a smile. "But it would seem that I can make a chainsword."

The mechanical blade roared as its teeth churned, running down its length.

"Okay, I'm now jealous," Philip snorted. "Now, any other questions? No? Okay then. Aya, I'll leave you to help them while I talk to Rias and Akeno."

"Sure," Aya nodded. "Asia, while Kiba and Ise spar with sticks, why don't you alternate buffing and debuffing them, to practice the spells?"

"Why don't we talk inside," Rias offered, before leading the human magician towards the building her peerage was staying at in the retreat, for the duration of their training. "So, what issues do you see?"

"Well, for starters, you and Akeno are spellcasting brutes," Philip stated bluntly. "Can you control the shape, or use your powers to alter the terrain to your advantage?"

Rias frowned at Philip's blunt statement.

"While I do not agree with your… analyses of my abilities, I do see your point," She admitted. "What about Akeno?"

"Well, aside from flight and throwing lightning, I'm not aware of any of her other skills…"

"Good, keep hold of that focus," Aya said to Ise before glancing at Asia. "Asia, please try to do more than buff Ise. You're giving him a handicap."

"Ah, I'm sorry!"

Aya shook her head in bemusement. At least Ise wasn't staring at her chest anymore.

"Kiba, have you had any training in ki use?" She asked.

"No, I have not," The blond swordsman replied, having swapped the unfamiliar chainsword for his preferred blade before sparing. "But I do understand how the basics could work with my existing skills."

"Well, six days isn't enough to do more than practice the basics," Aya frowned. "My grandmother might have some ideas."

"Indeed I do!" Aya found herself enveloped by a pair of familiar arms along with a set of five tails around her waist. "Now, I only just got here, so I missed part of the conversation, but am I to assume that I am teaching Kiba here, too?"

"I would appreciate it," Kiba spoke up with a formal tone, bowing slightly as Ise collapsed into the grass at their feet.

"Alright then," Masa grinned, her arms and tails still wrapped around her granddaughter. "Meditation for everyone!"

Aya groaned, dreading meditation.

"Ah, Philip?" Ise called as he caught sight of the human magician. "Can I talk to you?"

After speaking with Rias and Akeno, and making some suggestions that they agreed to consider, Philip had returned to the others, to see them meditating. So, he had decided to write down some ideas for further refinement of their skills and potential pairings of Rias' Peerage that might prove effective in battle, rather than bother them.

Philip glanced up.

"Sure," He nodded to the teen. "Is something wrong?"

"Um," Ise hesitated as he stood, walking away from where the others were meditating in a circle. "Kind of? Can we speak in private?"

Asia shot a concerned glance at his back that went unnoticed.

"Alright," Philip stood and led the reincarnated Japanese devil around the corner of the building. "So, what's up?"

Ise seemed to slowly freeze, mumbling under his breath as he tried to organise his thoughts.

It took Philip a moment to realise the hesitant expression Ise wore tainted with pain. He internally winced, putting two and two together.

Ise, after several heartbeats of hesitation, suddenly changed his expression.

"Ah, I… um. So, are there any ways to quickly make someone more powerful?"

Philip blinked.

"Uh, kinda?" He replied. "Depends on what you mean by more powerful."

"Um," Ise once again fumbled. "I guess… uh, I don't know. Anything that could let me punch that fried chicken bastard in the face?"

Philip blinked at the teen's blunt desire.

"Well," He hummed with a frown. "Not really. Nothing besides planning, time, and training."

Ise wilted in disappointment.

"Brute strength doesn't win wars," Philip explained. "Brains over brawn, as the saying goes. Technically, there are alchemical processes that can boost one's physical abilities, but those have drawbacks and side effects, and on top of that, you need time to learn to adapt to the changes. Honestly, the biggest and most effective boost, with the fewest drawbacks, is becoming a devil, and of course, as you know the power boost is slow, over time."

Ise sighed.

"But something about the way you asked for this to be private tells me that wasn't the question you wanted to ask," Philip noted. "So… what pains you?"

Ise flinched. His skin paled slightly, and his cheeks took on a rose-hued tint.

The devil was silent for several moments. Philip patiently waited.

With a huff and a sigh, Ise rubbed the back of his head.

"I'm jealous of you!" Ise forced out, his arms thrown wide. "You've got a big-titted kitsune, Koneko's curvy sister, the student president, and you probably even have other beautiful girls too from across the world, and you're not much older than me!"

After the outburst, Ise slumped.

"I wanted to be a harem king. But I can't even get one girlfriend."

Philip blinked, processing what the teen said, then attempted to formulate his response. After a moment he frowned.

'Tamamo, would you kindly shut up!' He angrily directed at the fox spirit. 'Your laughter is not helping.'

Philip took a deep breath and pressed on in trying to formulate a response, hindered by his growing unease at the topic.

"So… first of all, please don't refer to Aya like that," He began. "Second, Aya is the only girl I am in a relationship with."

Ise blinked. His face turned apologetic.

"Sorry, I just… it's my dream, you know?" The teen said.

"Regarding Sona and any other girls… most of the women I interact closely with are already in relationships, or have no interest in me," Philip paused. Then sighed. "Admittedly, Kuroka has been blunt with her interest, but…"

He chewed his lip.

"Your parents, they love each other, yeah?"

Ise blinked, glancing at Philip.

"Yeah?" He frowned as he replied. "I mean… mom seems upset that I don't have a girlfriend… and they sometimes argue over it, but I mean, I guess."

"What I mean is… they have a relationship that you would want to have with someone else, right?" Philip pressed. "The relationship my parents have… it's toxic. I haven't been home in years. My father is a layabout, my mother an abusive miser that… never mind. Point is… I am… uncomfortable and uncertain about relationships. Aya? That… just kinda happened. I don't know if I love her… because I'm honestly not sure what love even is."

Ise rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"Ah, sorry," He said. "I just… I wanted to ask you how to get a girl but…"

"But I don't know how," Philip snorted, his face morose. "Look… I'm not comfortable with the idea of being involved in a relationship with multiple women. Reminds me too much of my mother. But… you wouldn't treat Asia like she was disposable."

"No!" Ise vehemently denied. "She's… sweet, kind. Like a sister to me."

"Why should anyone else you seek to be close to be treated any less?" Philip asked. "Look, far be it from me to judge others. If you want a harem, I'm not in any position to argue. Just… there are people involved, and people make their own choices… and deserve respect."

"I mean… I… I wouldn't want anyone to be treated the way Yuuma… Raynare treated me," Ise flinched and touched his gut. "I… yeah. I guess I get what you mean."

"Hey, don't take that to mean you shouldn't pursue romance," Philip interjected. "Just make sure that the relationship is built on trust, too."

Philip shook himself.

"Now, we've got only a few more days to get you and the other ready," He said, walking back towards the others. "Let's get back to it."
Chapter 63
A.N. Sorry about the wait. Took a while to get to this chapter, and write it. And edit it.

Rias scowled, her face twisting into a snarl as her brow furled. Her attempt at forming her Power of Destruction into an agile attack to get around Akeno's barrier failed; instead of the ribbon of destructive power snaking around the barrier, it rippled once, before tearing itself apart harmlessly without moving.

Philip noted that her face turned to a smirk when Akeno's own attack failed to penetrate her barrier, the lighting and unidentified spell mixed in being torn apart by that same crimson energy, summoned as a wall.

Further away from the two more powerful members of the Gremory Peerage, who floated in the air as they fought, Aya, Kuroka, and Masa sparred with the rest of the Peerage. Asia hung at the back; avoiding or blocking the occasional bullet of energy sent at her whenever Masa or Kuroka spotted Ise, Koneko, and Kiba's attention flagging.

The two brawlers and swordsman were putting up a decent fight, from what Philip could tell. Ise and Koneko were maintaining a steady advance against Aya and Kuroka, the latter looking annoyed at having to deal with close combat, but it was obvious that Masa was sandbagging.

The elder kitsune was content to let Kiba exhaust himself against her illusions, just offset ever so slightly from her actual position to make hitting her very difficult. Occasionally, Philip would catch the sight of one of her tails parrying Kiba's fast-moving sword, likely adding to the illusion that some of the blows were landing.

Nevertheless, Kiba was able to keep himself from focusing just on Masa. Every so often, he would make a sudden lunge or feint at Kuroka, near him, forcing her to scramble to defend herself, often leading to Koneko landing a few hits with her fists. Hits that he knew she was pulling, given the fact that Koneko had sent Kuroka into a tree the day before, during an earlier spar. Masa had admonished her for the lack of control, then grilled Kuroka for not teaching her that level of control. The lecture swiftly turned into a series of lessons for the two catgirls on properly controlled ki blows. Masa refused to let Kuroka get away with not dealing with hand-to-hand.

Ise, to both Philip's and Aya's mutual surprise, was doing well. Bursts of speed as he applied his Boosted Gear, before shifting it to his blows or reaction time, to keep pressure on Aya and keep her away from the other two fights, was keeping Aya on her toes.

That didn't mean he was doing well against her, of course. Even with the small number of spells he applied at the start, and the boosts to his physical durability and speed, Aya still outclassed him.

Philip winced as her claws of blue flames smashed against his fragile barrier, crushing through it into the crimson gauntlet of the Boosted Gear, enough force remaining to send Ise skidding backwards for several steps.

Kiba saw it out of the corner of his eye.

"Now!" He called. At this, Koneko suddenly abandoned her sister, lunging at Masa, while Kiba himself charged the dark-haired nekoshou. Kuroka backpedalled and would later deny that it was in a panic, that she was simply trying to open the distance enough to cast ranged spells and ki techniques. Against a fast Knight. No one believed her.

With a look of determination that reminded Philip of a determined puppy, Asia sent a new spell, one she had not used before in any sparring match, into all three of her allies. Ise's gauntlet declared a boost, and the young boy charged Aya once more.

As Kuroka was sent sprawling by Kiba hooking her leg with the side of his blade, Aya responded to Ise's charge by leaning back onto her tails, which kept her body supported, while her legs lashed out. Ise gave a wheeze as the air was forced from his lungs, before being sent sprawling near Asia's feet. He lay still, exhausted, while the former nun began healing him.

Kiba glanced at Ise, once, before looking at Aya as she leapt back to her feet and prepared to charge him. He glanced once at Kuroka, before tapping her on the head with the flat of his sword to 'knock' her out of the match, eliciting a groan of disappointment and defeat from her, before he glanced at Koneko. His face became torn at seeing her predicament, as he weighed his options.

Aya moved before made a decision, lunging and splitting into three forms as she charged, her claws outstretched for him.

With a grim look, he dashed into a countercharge, parrying two of her strikes and evading the third.

Aya wheeled around as two of her duplicates vanished, leaping into the air to slash down at him.

The Gremory Knight frowned, a confused look on his face.

At the last moment, Kiba abandoned his attempt at blocking, instead lashing out at a spot in the air.

The illusion of Aya vanished as she reappeared at that spot, a faint look of surprise on her face.

As they readied for another clash, Ise leapt up and began to sprint towards them, Asia applying another buff to him as he did so.

Before they could clash again, Philip called out.

"Time!" He yelled, as his phone beeped. "That's time. Masa, please let Koneko go."

Masa simply gave him a look, as she continued to hug the white-haired girl. Koneko, while frowning and wrapped in both of Masa's arms and all but one of her tails, did not seem displeased with the situation, the last tail rubbing the top of her head, between her ears.

Akeno and Rias landed a moment later. The dark-haired Queen simply wore her usual self-amused smile as she headed inside to collect towels and water for everyone.

Rias sent a glare at her Queen's back as she tried to get the frizzy mess Akeno's lightning had turned her hair into through static electricity under control. An attempt at a distraction, Akeno had called it.

"Okay, Rias, any thoughts?" Philip started by asking her.

Rather than reply immediately, the crimson-headed King scowled and carefully directed her power through her hair. After a moment, the static charge vanished, letting her guide the mess into something approaching her normal look.

"Well," Rias cleared her throat, slightly flushed in embarrassment over the bad hairdo. "I think I will need a great deal more practice in trying to use Destruction in a controlled manner. Fortunately, it works much better than I expected for defence."

"Okay," Philip nodded. "I recommend looking into more spells, better to have a wide breadth of capability than a depth since you have the raw power part of depth covered. Ise, Kiba, Koneko, Asia, good idea with the plan, but you should have practised it more."

Kiba sighed, nodding. A slight smile on his face despite their plan's failure.

Asia gave Ise a cheerful smile, as the boy slumped in disappointment.

"I can't argue," Kiba sighed as he walked over with the others towards Philip. "I was honestly expecting Kuroka to be the greater threat, not Aya."

"Hence why you sent Koneko after her," Maya grinned. "And what about little old me? Were you trying to be kind and go easy on me?"

"No, not at all. I recognised you were not trying to crush us as fast as you could have, but instead teach us," Kiba replied. "That, Rias advised me, made you the second most dangerous."

Rias nodded.

"Well, I'm glad to see you can prioritise threats," Maya said. "But why send Koneko here at me, and send Ise against Aya?"

"Koneko had the raw strength to keep you busy," Kiba replied, then gave the small girl an apologetic look. "We thought she could delay you long enough for me to take out Kuroka and help Ise against Aya. Unfortunately, that was not the case."

"Still, you four did well," Rias told her peerage. "Maya, will you please let my Rook go."

"Oh, very well. I do need to leave anyway," The elder kitsune pouted, releasing Koneko from her embrace. "Now, do all keep practising the ki techniques I've taught you."

"Yes, grandmother," Aya replied. "Say hello to Grandpa for me, please!"

"I will," Masa replied. "Now, I'm off. Best of luck, Lady Gremory, against Phenex."

Philip watched as Aya's grandmother vanished into thin air.

"Okay, so… tomorrow, you are facing Rizer's team," Philip announced. "Best of luck. Keep practicing but get plenty of rest. Don't be afraid to send me a text if you have a last-minute idea that you want my opinion on."

The Gremory peerage nodded, before breaking up to rest or talk with each other.

Rias, Philip noted with mild curiosity, kept her attention on Ise as he walked away, chatting with Asia, praising her for her assistance during the sparring match.

"Something wrong?" He asked her.

Aya made an amused snort, earning a questioning look from her boyfriend.

"Nothing," Rias replied, a faint smile on her face. "Now, do you have any thoughts on what our basic strategy should be?"

"Defeat in detail," Philip said. "Rizer spreads his Peerage out, aside from himself and his Queen, based on all his other matches. Stay as a single group, pick off one of the smaller groups, and then hit the next before they can regroup. Move fast enough, and you can knock out most of their Peerage without having to fight them as a group."

"Granting us an advantage against Rizer and his Queen through numerical advantage," Rias nodded. "That fits my initial strategy as well. Though I was thinking of splitting up my own Peerage, then using myself and Akeno to take out each group at a time."

"That leaves you exposed, and your peerage vulnerable," Philip pointed out. "How do you plan to deal with that?"

"I am still considering my options there," Rias replied. "Not that your suggestion is flawless."

"It leaves you vulnerable if you can't take out a group fast enough, or the others gather with Rizer to attack while you are dealing with one," Aya nodded. "Why not a trap?"

"That would depend on what terrain we are given," Rias sighed. "I have acquired a few options, simply alchemical materials we can use in a trap. But we were denied permission to purchase manufactured weapons."

"Now, I'll think about the strategy some more," Rias continued. "I seem to recall you having somewhere to be, now? … and what is taking Akeno so long?"

"Yeah, I guess we're off too, then," Philip nodded. "Later, Rias. Good luck."

"Thank you, Philip, Aya."

As Rias went looking for Akeno, Aya leaned over to Philip's ear.

"You didn't notice?" She asked.

"And what would that be?" Philip replied, giving her a questioning look.

Aya grinned.

"… Buchou and the pervert spoke about something last night," Koneko interjected before Aya could speak. "Don't know what they said, but Rias seems happier now, and Akeno seems… jealous?"

The catgirl shrugged.

"I was going to say I think Rias has a crush on Ise, but that… might be true still," Aya said. "… don't ask how I know what that looks like."

"My sister has been causing trouble.?" Koneko surmised.

"… yeah. Let's go with that," Aya said, blushing.

"I… don't think I need to ask," Philip coughed, feeling his own cheeks begin to heat up. Koneko ignored the byplay. "You never went anywhere, did you?"

"No," Koneko confirmed. "I was here since Maya put me down. Should I get my sister for you?"

"Sure, we need to leave," Philip sighed.

"… Okay."

Koneko walked over to where Kuroka had remained lying since Kiba had tripped her in the sparring match.

"… sister, time to go."

"Five more minutes Shirone…" Kuroka groaned. "I'm tired."

Koneko stared at her sister's prone form for a moment, then reached down and grabbed an ankle before walking towards where Philip was still standing with Aya.

"Hey! Wait, Shirone! Ow, stone! Hey!" Kuroka squawked as she was dragged through the dirt and grass. "Wait, my hair! Shirone, stop!"

"… Lazy," Was the laconic reply she received for her troubles before Koneko left her at Philip and Aya's feet.

"Philip, Aya," Kuroka glared from where she lay. "Stop grinning. It's not funny."

"Come on you," Philip laughed. "You have work in an hour, and I have to go over the latest prototypes of the project I'm working on."

"Then stop laughing and I'll get up!"

"I don't need you standing to teleport us," Philip replied as he directed power through the teleportation formula.
Chapter 64 New
A.N. Oops... I uh, forgot to post this, so have the 2 chapters. Also, I will be shifting my schedule. I will focus on writing and finishing arcs, before switching back to Libertatis Imperium, which probably only has 2 arcs to go before it ends, maybe a little more.

"So, once we're done with this, we're off to the Rating Game?" Aya bounced as she kept pace with Philip through the halls of the Brotherhood's headquarters.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" He asked her, waving as he passed an occupied office. "Aside from you not needing to do anything for this."

"I dunno," Aya shrugged. "I'm just excited for it, I guess. I want to see Rias kick Rizer's ass."

Philip snorted and shook his head, before checking the time.

"Well, we're running early, so we should have plenty of time," He said, stepping into the lab. "Boss."

Cain raised a hand in greeting, before yawning. The archmage sat slumped in a chair opposite the door, bags under his eyes.

"My apologies, I had a late night," He explained in an apologetic tone. "I presume everything is ready?"

"On my end, yeah," Philip nodded. "Not sure where the others are. We seem to be missing the prototypes for the larger two examples though."

"I think one of the others mentioned something about a last-minute change to the crystal," Cain said. "And I sent the others to haul in… Cabal."

The immortal man's tone became painful when he mentioned the name.

"The name stuck?" Aya snorted.

Cain shot her a withering glare that bounced off her grin.

"Yes, the name for the hybrid of an artificial genus loci of a supercomputer, collection of computer programs, spell-matrix calculation models, predictive algorithms, and a golem control system has chosen the name, Cabal," Cain sighed in defeat. "After the damn video game character. Who was psychotic and tried to kill humanity."

"Is… your Cabal going to do that?" Aya's grin fell. "I wasn't trying to be mean, it's just… funny?"

"I understand the humour in it, but it becomes tiring very quickly," Cain explained. "Especially when it is something from pop culture. To answer your question, however: No, Cabal is while rather robotic, also quite sane, and safe."

"Why is he being brought here for this?" Philip asked.

"Testing his analysis ability," Cain explained. "I want to see how long it takes him to figure out how the weapons work. I also intend to eventually have him control golems wielding them, in the distant future."

Aya cocked her head to the side, confused and a little alarmed. Visions of magitech AI rebellions flew through her head.

"That's… a little alarming?"

"Us humans don't have the raw power others do," Cain shrugged. "Besides, Cabal is… an artificial spirit. A Tsukumogami and genus loci, not a Hollywood AI. It would take deliberate abuse and corruption to turn him against people, and that much would more likely just kill him first."

"Hang on, does that mean Cabal is a 'god of the place' of Cyberspace?" Philip asked.

Cain grinned.

"Not quite, but I was wondering when people would catch on to what him being part genus loci would mean," Cain chuckled. "The space within the computer, to clarify, not all of virtual reality, nor the Internet."

"All hail the Omnissiah!" A member of the Brotherhood chanted, as they and another levitated a fridge-sized machine into the room.

"Omnissiah. Meaning unknown," A synthetic voice emanated from the machine. "Root words. Omni: Universal. Messiah: Savior, religious connotations. Context: indicates joke. Reactions: Member Philip, Amused. Associate: Aya, confused. Creator Cain, annoyed. Analysis: Joke referencing obscure material, or requiring knowledge known only by a small group. Data logged."

"Knock it off you two!" Cain barked at the two carrying in the machine. "Set it down there, so the camera can see the tables, thank you."

"So, why didn't either of you mention you were into 40k?" Philip asked the two members. Aya recalled that they were older members, having seen them working with Philip on this project before. But she couldn't recall their names. Not that she recalled ever interacting with them much either.

As they chatted, Aya sat in a chair by the wall, watching as Philip made small talk while waiting for the others to arrive.

As she quietly watched him, it struck Aya that while she accompanied him everywhere, partly out of fear of losing him, whenever he wanted to go somewhere it was almost always for work or preparing for the Khaos Brigade, sometimes both. Whenever he went somewhere for fun, it was always her dragging him somewhere she wanted to go. Barring that one ruined date.

She then realised she spent a lot of time at Serafall's concerts.

"Ah, good, we can start!" Philip declared as several more people filtered in. "Merlin texted me earlier; he can't come by. Something going on in Chicago with the local gangs that he wants to look into."

"Anything we should be concerned about?" Cain asked.

"He didn't say," Philip admitted and Aya felt a chill crawl up her tail and spine.

"Okay, so, the guns," Philip began. "I'll start with the basics, then let the rest explain the details behind each variant. Hopefully, the big two will get here by the time we get to them."

"So, unlike exorcist guns, which generally are made from a silver alloy to draw power from Heaven's system, these guns instead rely on a crystal battery. This lets us make them a lot tougher and cheaper to produce. They operate on the Elemental Spear spell, though they have a more limited library than a caster would have. This library can easily be modified, but ultimately gives a user a catalogue of elements to use."

The gathered members of the Brotherhood who were not part of the project followed Philip's explanation easily, as did Aya, though she already understood the concepts behind the project.

In short, it was a spell gun, that could shoot several flavours of damage to get around resistances or specialise against certain creatures, such as fae by using the faebane version of the Elemental Spear. It was weaker than, say, a high-class Fallen, but it was a threat to a mid-class devil in the hands of a decent shooter. Massed ones, or the heavier versions, could threaten more powerful creatures when used in numbers, though Philip stressed that 'possible to hurt them' was not the same as 'able to kill them'.

Soon, the other members of the project took over from Philip, explaining why certain designs were chosen, and how each variant operated. They were interrupted briefly when a few more members showed up carrying the two 'cannons', but they carried on their explanations soon enough.

Most of the details went over Aya's head, and based on his expression, Philip's too. But she could understand the basics. Smaller guns meant easy to carry, and bigger guns meant more firepower.

The problem with the two cannons, a 20mm and a 40mm, when the explanation got to them was that they used the Elemental Lance spell, letting them do more damage, but at the cost of needing far more power. Again, Aya was able to grasp the basics, familiar with the spell.

The math behind the power draw was a bit beyond her, though she did understand that they needed a much larger crystal battery, such that the two cannons would have to be vehicle mounted.

That led to a brief argument over whether or not it would be worthwhile to bother, though that soon switched to discussing fixed defences.

"Enough!" Cain barked as voices started to be raised. "Perhaps it would be best if we let them finish, then ask them questions, then and only then, discuss possible use cases or issues?"

"Thank you, archmage," One member of the team said. "Now, regarding both cannons; yes, fixed defences are an option. We can set up something like how defensive enchantments pull off leylines, to power them. Though there is an upper limit to what the guns can handle, lower than what the spell can. Furthermore, I believe another group has been looking at more efficient batteries."

"That is correct," Cain nodded. "Perhaps enough that a person-sized golem would have the strength, or perhaps someone in an enchanted suit of armour. Regardless, that is something to discuss later. I believe you were going to demonstrate how these are maintained?"

Aya yawned as the discussion started to become boring, focusing on how easy it would be to clean such and such lens or keep dirt from the barrel, so the spell doesn't go off in the weapon, etc. etc. She checked the time and slumped when she saw it had been less than an hour. Not even halfway through the planned time.

She jumped in her seat when Philip appeared next to her.

"Bored?" He asked quietly as the demonstration continued. "My part's done at least. No one cares much about the spellwork or formula, just the artifice."

"Your work was important!" Aya quietly protested.

"I'm not saying it wasn't," Philip snorted. "Just making an observation. The Knights Templar representative seems very interested in the guns, for instance."

"Oh, is that who is in the white robes?"

"Yeah. Wanted a chance to ask about the history of his organisation, since I couldn't dig much up," Philip said. "But I could ask if we can leave early?"

"No, don't," Aya shook her head. "They might have questions later, and it would be rude."

"You sure?" Philip started to press. Aya felt her resistance wobble. It was boring listening to the others, not named Philip, talk. Before she could reconsider her position, Philip's phone rang.

"Hello? Hold on, I can't hear… what?" Aya felt a second chill crawl up her spine as she heard the call. She could hear the sounds coming through the speaker, thanks to her ears, but it was partly garbled by static. "Merlin, can you say that again?"

Aya flinched and paled as she heard the response. And the horrific noises that nearly drowned it out a second time.

"Uh, boss?" Philip lowered the phone as the line went dead. "We have a problem."

"How bad?" The archmage asked, breaking off from a conversation he was having with the Templar.

"Merlin is pinned by the local Fallen in a warehouse," Philip explained as his tone became strained. "Best guess is around forty of them, plus eight devils of unknown origin. A large number of armed mortals, and there are Sacred Gear users."

Hushed whispers of shock filled the room.

"Khaos Brigade?" The Templar asked. "I can have some of my people ready."

"As can I," Cain said. "Philip?"

"I don't know," Philip replied.

Aya winced.

"We agreed to help him, and they are a threat… but given how little we know, it could be a trap, or a ploy," Cain sighed through his nose.

"Calculation: This seems unlikely," Cabal interjected. "Subject: Merlin could have taken advantage of the invitation to steal secrets. Instead, he chose to investigate something he considered important. Theory: This is genuine. Theory: He is being manipulated himself. Theory: Call did not originate from him."

"It sounded like him, but there was a lot of static and I think gunfire on the other end," Philip said. He hesitated a moment before Aya placed her hand in his. "… What should we do?"

"Recommendation: Reconnaissance," Cabal spoke before anyone else could. "Such violence, while possible to hide from mundane authorities, would be easy to detect. A scouting party could determine the validity of the request."

"A decent plan," Cain nodded. "Well done, Cabal. Alright, do we have volunteers for a scouting party?"

Aya almost grabbed Philip's hand when it was raised and forced it back down. Instead, she raised her own hand, and then let out an unsteady breath.

"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised," Cain noted with a raised eyebrow before looking at the rest of the assembled members. "Grandmaster, I would like to send some of your people with them."


"Thank you," Cain nodded. "Now… are the weapons field ready?"

"I guess?" A member of the team shrugged. "I mean, they work, we have a bunch down in the testing range we were going to use to demonstrate more, and they worked even after we kicked the crap out of them in testing… except for the cannons. That's why we needed to tweak some stuff last minute."

"Very well. Pistols, carbines, and rifles. I have some people skilled with firearms we will give the guns to. Get as many as you can that you think will work," Cain ordered. "I will round up reinforcements. Grandmaster, thank you again. Any further assistance will be appreciated."

"We are old allies," The grandmaster of the Templar nodded. "Besides, even if this isn't the Khaos Brigade, the world can do with a few less Fallen and devils. Them working together is alarming though."

"Agreed," Cain frowned. "Aya, Philip. Wait until the Templar have people to go with you. And stay safe."
Chapter 65 New
A.N. Here is the other one. Kinda kills some of the suspense, but that's my fault, and wouldn't matter anyway for anyone reading this much later.

The building was on fire, and it was Merlin's fault.

The shotgun barked in his hands. He didn't need any spellwork to put his target down, so he didn't waste the power. The goon, probably hired from a local gang, had a brief look of surprise as his chest was shredded by the blast.

Merlin ignored his dying gasps as he rushed past.

He leapt over the dying man and shoved the door the man had been blocking open. Behind him, Lacresha kept close behind as the warehouse burned. Crates and pallets went up in smoke, filling the warehouse with the aid of a quick spell and leaving the pursuing foes blind and choking.

Mass property destruction was not his preferred modus operandi, but needs must when the devil drives.

A blast of demonic energy threw the door off its hinges, scant moments after they had exited the building.

"Now devils, too?!" Merlin cursed as he huffed, feet pounding against the pavement. "Since when do they work with the Pennies?"

"Now apparently," Lacresha shot back, sounding far less winded than him. "Any hope of the Brotherhood showing up?"

"Phone was smashed," Merlin huffed. "Left!"

The harried pair darted down another alley between two Chicago warehouses.

Initially, they had intended to accept the invitation to see the weapon's demonstration by the Brotherhood. But a call from one of Lacresha's trusted sources regarding a missing person's case had them cancel. Merlin always had been soft on children in trouble.

They arrived to find the source dead. Bullet to the back of the head.

Then they were being shot at by a mix of gang members who normally wouldn't be working together, led by several of the local Fallen, the self-proclaimed Knights of the Denarius. Pennies, as Merlin called them, in complete disregard for what a denarius was. They considered themselves 'knight worth gold'. He called them 'knights worth pennies'.

Evidently, they had gotten tired of his constant interference.

Magic barriers kept both of them from being harmed, but they had been forced to run rather than fight. Initially, Merlin had tried to outmaneuver them, ambushing pursuers with spell and gun.

But the Pennies just kept bringing in more and more people. Eventually, they were forced to just keep running.

And now with devils showing up?

"I think another Fallen landed ahead of us," Lacresha panted. "Boxing us in."

"Damn," Merlin cursed. The anger and frustration that bled into his voice was only fraction of what he kept bottled up for after people weren't trying to kill him. "Okay, take a right. That leads to the waterfront, we'll lose them in the water."

That plan, Merlin noted, failed. A group of gangers was waiting. He winced when he noted the silver guns and hilts in some of their hands. Fallen exorcists, too? He was a little touched that they were so concerned with killing him, pulling out all the stops.

"Nowhere left to run little wizard," A voice mocked from above them. "I'm afraid this little chase is at an end."

"Mal," Merlin summoned up a grin and mocking tone, glancing upwards. "All this? Just for little old me? I'm touched."

Malakh, eldest of the Knights and current employer, snorted.

"You would do well to at least use my full name. There is no shame in dying with dignity, though regardless, you will die," He glared down at the magician as he hovered in the air above them. "As for your compatriot… my dear, I'm afraid you have chosen a terrible escort for the evening."

"Still haven't gotten that jaw replacement, so no, I won't be calling you Malak," Merlin retorted. He glanced back at the way they came. Full of the pursuing Fallen and goons. "Besides, your name literally just means 'angel'. Honestly, it's like calling a human 'human'. Honestly, what were your parents thinking? Trying to play up the stereotype?"

"I doubt they were thinking much about that, to be honest," Malakh shrugged, letting the barb roll off him. "Too engrossed in whatever narcotics they had gotten a hold of, I suspect. I hold myself to a higher standard, and a higher goal."

"Right, how could I forget, you don't get high, you just enslave everyone else to your product until you control the city," Merlin snorted. "Look, I kinda have a thing I'm late for, so can we wrap this up?"

"Oh? Why the rush? I want to relish this," Malakh grinned. "Personally, I want to see how hard you struggle when I start ripping your woman limb from limb, slowly."

Merlin refused to his own frustration show. He always hated it when a villain, especially one like Malakh that tried to play themselves off as something more than scum.

"Ye gods, what happened to villains with class?" Merlin threw his hands aside, noting the goons didn't so much as flinch when the barrel of his shotgun passed over them. "Come on, man! Railroads, dynamite. Weren't you just talking about decent deaths?"

"Oh, I need to send a message," Malakh shrugged. "Some of my new allies, you see. They need to understand how far I am willing to go. So I will use you. It will further my cause, I think. And for the record, since you are about to die, I plan to go far beyond the city. The continent will do for a start."

"Gee, why not go for the whole world?" Merlin snorted, his mind churning, trying to think of a barb that might get the arrogant idiot to reveal who his allies were. It might be important, if he survived. "What, you going to have a mini clone of your follow you around too? A mini-Malakh?"

"Ah, at last, you use my proper name," The high-class Fallen sighed. "Music to my ears. To answer your question… I do, eventually, want the world. I would certainly be a better ruler than its current rulers. I would leave my allies their slices of it, and the underworld, but that is beyond your concern."

Merlin wanted to laugh. He was monologing. Malakh was monologuing.

Something flickered at the edge of his vision. Merlin's mirth grew, despite the exhaustion that had set into his body from the flight.

The hulking form of one of the devils slid into view. Literally slid along the ground. It did not move any of its appendages to achieve locomotion, instead moving as if a static object. It was behind the rear group of goons and Fallen and shrouded in darkness, so it was easily missed, but Merlin recognised a face that briefly appeared and winked at him.

Above, a Fallen resting on a warehouse roof suddenly had a gold claw burn through his chest, only to vanish under an illusion as if it had never happened.

Relief and joy exploded in Merlin's chest at the sight, despite the recognition of a non-human appearing. He knew very few non-humans that were friendly towards humans, but he'd take any help he could get here.

"I… might have a way out of this," Lacresha said. "But… there are some… complications."

"Plan B, then," Merlin replied, glancing at her and whispering. "Plan A… reinforcements are here. Just need time."

"How do you know your allies won't stab you in the back?" He shouted at the hovering Malakh. "I mean, if they're as power hungry as you…?"

"I have precautions, but they are beyond your concern. You will die here, today. Screaming," Malakh growled. "Now, you can let this end easily, and I might be convinced to simply kill your woman quickly… or you can try and fail to kill a higher being."

"Higher being my ass," Merlin snorted under his breath. "Are every Fallen so arrogant and pretentious?"

A spear of light smashed into a hastily erected barrier, making Merlin flinch under the strain, signalling the attack.

Before the assembled forces of Malakh could do anything to follow their leader's implied order, brilliant flashes of magic rolled across the waterfront in a storm of sound and light. Merlin saw more than a few people drop their weapons in surprise and shock. He also noted that the powerful spell was the work of several magicians, pooling their power together… and drawing from the underlying leyline.

The wave of light and sound warped and moved around Merlin and Lacresha, leaving them unhindered, while their foes were blinded and deafened.

Then from the falling illusions that hid them, Merlin saw a force of knights in white cloth and grey plate, with black-clad magicians holding bulky guns.

At their head, Cain strode forward.

A spear of light hurtled towards them, before twisting in the air to strike Cain, who simply ignored the blow, unharmed.

"No!" Malakh howled. "Damned magician! Not this time! You won't deny me this time!"

A second pair of dark wings sprang from his back as he dove towards Merlin.

"Move!" Merlin barked, leaping to the side, avoiding the spear of light that shattered the concrete. He did not avoid the kick that Malakh lashed out with.

As he was lifted up by the blow, he felt the burning agony from the broken ribs. The landing was no less unpleasant.

"Now, you die!" Malakh roared, lifting his spear of light high, to bring it down on Merlin's prone form.

A black blur struck him before the blow could land.

Lacresha didn't waste any words, just howling her fury as she swung at the high-class Fallen, a spear of Light in her hands. Distantly, he saw the knights falling to the ground, their every attempt at attack swallowed by Cain, the wounds inflicted turned against them, while the white-clothed knights pressed forwards, blades flashing and cutting down whatever was stupid enough to get in their way.

As Merlin tried to process this sight, another form approached.

"My master wants you dead," A voice said. "And since he is rather preoccupied with your Fallen, it would seem the duty falls to me."

The figure stepped from the shadows and stabbed a strange sword down at the prone magician.

In a start of panic, Merlin rolled away on instinct, snapping back to his senses. The sheer agony that erupted from his broken ribs was shoved to the side where he told it to wait until after people weren't trying to kill him.

The figure, dressed in black plate, calmly recovered from the failed stab, before striding forwards into another blow. This time, Merlin didn't need to dodge, as a spell, a flaming lance of power, came hurtling towards the black knight. The knight merely parried the spell with his sword, the fire dying as it was drawn into the blade.

Out of the side of his eyes, Merlin saw Philip ready a second spell.

"Leave now, magician," The knight said. "This is not your fight. Your spells cannot harm me, for the blade is a mage eater."

Philip ignored the knight's warning and sent another spell at him.

Merlin didn't waste the time he had been bought, scrambling to get up. His head rung and he found his vision swaying before he collapsed again. Something metal brushed against his hand.

The black knight parried the spell again, but this time, the spell vanished as it touched the blade, rather than dying. A fraction of a second later, their head snapped back as the real spell, hidden by an illusion, smashed into their helmeted head.

The knight howled in pain, tearing their burning helm from their head.

Merlin winced as he saw their face.

"You're the missing kid, Culbert, right?" Merlin heard his voice slurred in his ears. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I am Mordred reborn!" The teen spat. He battered a third spell aside, this time catching the hidden spell. "And I am your doom, as Master Malakh commanded!"

The teen lunged, dodging the fourth spell Philip sent.

Merlin cursed in his mind, snapped the shotgun he had dropped up, and squeezed the trigger.

The impact stopped 'Mordred' in his tracks. The teen stared at him, fury in his eyes, before dropping the sword and collapsing to the ground, his chest bearing a gory hole through the plate armour.

Merlin cursed again as he felt his ribs protest the recoil. A burning sensation was in his throat as he saw the light vanish from the teen's eyes.

Unsteadily, he pushed himself up. Philip ran the remaining distance over to help him up.

"Great timing," Merlin coughed. "Hope I didn't interrupt anything."

"Well, I think I have enough time left, so nah," Philip cast an enhancing spell on himself to support Merlin's weight. "Nothing important."

Merlin glanced at the fight as it wound down.

Malakh was dead, Cain and Lacresha standing over his corpse. Lacreasha panting, her face a mix of fury and worry. When she caught his face looking at her, it morphed into a look of shame and terror before she looked away.

The rest of his forces were broken, the Fallen and half-Fallen either dead or fleeing. The devils dead and dissolving. The morals that weren't dead were throwing their weapons down, some wearing shocked faces, while others looked as if coming out of a dream.

Merlin shook his head.

"I owe you people, a lot," He admitted. "… how did I not notice Lacresha was a Fallen?"

"I mean… I think Aya noticed right away she wasn't human," Philip said as he helped him limp towards where a Templar had started to treat wounded with alchemical ingredients. "So, there's that."

Merlin groaned.

"What the hell am I going to tell his parents?"


"Mordred back there, his parents hired me to help find him after he ran away," Merlin sighed. "Fuck, I hate it when these monsters use kids."

He never met the kid, but Merlin always hated seeing children hurt or taken advantage of. Far too many in the supernatural factions were willing to take advantage of naïve young idiots. Sometimes it was just a night of fun, usually leading to another half-or-quarter Fallen down the line, but with depressingly high chance, there was instead some poor soul condemned to life as a stray devil, their body twisted, or their soul ripped asunder for their Sacred Gear.

Philip was silent for a moment.

"The truth, I suppose," He said after a moment of thought. "He had fallen in with a gang and was killed in some fight."

Merlin winced. He hated lying by omission. Not to mention the guilt he felt for killing the teen, but… was there a better option?

"I don't suppose you have a phone then?" He asked. "If I'm going to do that, I should call the cops. The chief is in on the whole masquerade, plus some of her subordinates. Might as well help her with her job… and warn her over the power struggle this many deaths will cause in the Chicago underworld."

Merlin winced as he saw Lacresha again.

"And I… should probably talk to her, too."

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