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  • Users: Aldarion
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  1. Aldarion

    Dothraki (ASoIaF) vs Huns (Mulan)

    By act of RoB, Dothraki from ASoIaF and Huns from Mulan (1998) are both dropped in Westeros, somewhere around the Trident. Both sides have cca 20 000 soldiers each, and have no previous knowledge about each other. Both sides are also looking for a fight so there will be no negotiation.
  2. Aldarion

    Legionary Camps in Pannonia Four large legionary camps were tasked with guarding the river of Danube along its Pannonian segment. Camps were at places which were settled by barbarians even before the arrival of Romans. Once Romans arrived, Danube...
  3. Aldarion

    Politically Incorrect History Repository

    If you want to control the future, you need to control the past. And Left is doing precisely that, either ignoring or rewriting the history as it suits them. So whenever you find articles on Left-ignored/rewritten history, post them here. For starters, few blogs, including my own...
  4. Aldarion

    Modern Medicine is Killing the Patients

    Related to my Food Pyramid is a Scam thread, it turns out that the best way to save the patients may be to fire the doctors!
  5. Aldarion

    Multiculturalism in Fantasy

    Multiculturalism in Fantasy Much of modern fantasy often shows various degrees of multiculturalism and, particularly, multiracialism. In Elder Scrolls, various human races and species of intelligent humanoid beings mix and coexist together. There are different reasons behind it. In...
  6. Aldarion

    Warfare in Rings of Power Season 1 As in everything else, Rings of Power have chosen to go for brainless "epicness" in their depiction of warfare as well. Not many good things can be said about this "epic" TV show, and warfare in it is no exception.
  7. Aldarion

    How Establishment Fakes Elections

    Current Croatian elections as a case study:
  8. Aldarion

    What if Pacific Rim had a sequel

    So as everybody knows, Pacific Rim never had a sequel. But on the off chance it did, and you were in charge of it, what would you like to see? For me, I'd like something like the Pacific Rim: The Black. After all, if the aliens were so set on conquering the Earth, why didn't they build another...
  9. Aldarion

    Imperium of Man vs Galactic Empire

    By act of ROB, Imperium of Man from Warhammer 40 000 and the Galactic Empire from Star Wars are dropped into a single mega-galaxy, side-to-side. Imperium of Man is from after Guilliman's return while Galactic Empire is from the Return of the Jedi era. There is no Great Rift, Eye of Terror, or...
  10. Aldarion

    Roman limes Limes means road – originally, it really was a road connecting border fortifications with each other. Over time, it began denoting a geographically shaped or fortified border. It is incorrect to use limes as a term for all borders of the...
  11. Aldarion

    Europe and progressivism Just few days ago, France became the first country to enshrine right to abortion into its constitution. This is a major step in further descent of West into the hell, coming on top of the immigration, moral relativity and...
  12. Aldarion

    Francisco Franco Ruined Spanish Right

    While Franco was the best option Spain had at the time, his inability to create anything beyond his own persona and cult of personality led to defeat of his beliefs and ideas immediately after his death. Franco was in fact apolitical, and while he wanted to save Spain he never really understood...
  13. Aldarion

    Roman Army and Society During Dominate Wars in the late antiquity are led for more-or-less the same reasons as today: resources and profit, which means control of the trade routes (Roman – Persian wars) as well as robbery and/or living space...
  14. Aldarion

    Reasons for War in Premodern Societies Wars do not happen without reason, even if some reasons may seem stupid to modern readers. This is important, because objective of the war also determines the conduct of the war. War whose objective is...
  15. Aldarion

    Best Weapons for Fantasy Giants For giants, weapons depend heavily on their size. For a giant of sufficient size, ideal weapon to use against humans will be a sufficiently large broom. In fact, larger the giants become, lesser is their need for...
  16. Aldarion

    Dwarven Battle Tactics

    Dwarven Battle Tactics Modern fantasy dwarves are based largely on Tolkien. Even the plural "dwarves" was made up by Tolkien – actual English plural being "dwarfs". Yet Tolkien himself has not written much about dwarven battle tactics, and in general fantasy they can vary a lot.
  17. Aldarion

    Stupid Fantasy Armors An overview of dumb armor tropes seen in fantasy.
  18. Aldarion

    Land and Military in the Roman Empire It is often assumed that thematic system of military lands was a wholly novel measure, and that later pronoia grants were significantly different from previous stratioka ktemata. Yet neither assumption is likely...
  19. Aldarion

    Could Great Germany have prevented the world wars?

    So basically, what if Habsburgs had managed in their plan of "great Germany" (or however it is called), that is, unification of Germany under Habsburg crown (as opposed to "little Germany" which is what historically happened). Would this butterfly away the world wars?
  20. Aldarion

    26 Modern Misconceptions About Medieval Warfare A Song of Ice and Fire and other "realistic" medieval fantasy works have been trying to challenge the set-in conceptions of Middle Ages and provide a more realistic take on the era, one that tries to...