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  1. S'task

    Food Pyramid Is A Pyramid Scam (or how USDA poisons you)

    While that is interesting and all, the thinness of this type of glass is still much thicker and heavier than comparable plastic containers. So while it does beat the prior glass containers, it still isn't better than plastic for distribution. Further, for distribution of goods you generally...
  2. S'task

    Religion and theology thread

    Yeah, it doesn't get into actual theology aside from some very basic stuff. Which makes it meaningless as far as "what religious should you look to" test.
  3. S'task

    Food Pyramid Is A Pyramid Scam (or how USDA poisons you)

    . . . Because plastics provided significant advantages over prior materials? You talk about glass bottles not contaminating the environment and being, in effect, perfectly stable. Certainly all true, but what happens when said glass bottle falls from table height onto a hard floor? They...
  4. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    So the issue here isn't communication but in definition. If you define "left wing" as "for change to the status quo" and "right wing" as "against change to the status quo" then yes, the "Left wing" was "anti-slavery" and the Republican Party of the 19th century was arguably the "left wing"...
  5. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    . . . You do realize that when we compare Apples to Apples (IE Cable News Networks to Cable New Networks) Fox has more viewers than MSNBC and CNN COMBINED? Now yes, if you decide to include all BROADCAST TV NEWS into the mix, then Fox becomes a much smaller player, but as my above essay...
  6. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    I'm surprised you haven't, they were critical parts of building the idea that the media was "fair and balanced" in the 1960s and 1970s that the mainstream media used to build it's reputation. Prior to WW2 the US media landscape was very fractious and divided. Sure you had a few big...
  7. S'task

    Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

    You going to mention the reason being that Democrats purposefully wrote laws that drove conservatives out of media visa via the Fairness Doctrine and Johnson Amendment? That there was little to nothing Conservatives or Republicans at the time could have done to prevent either from being...
  8. S'task

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    I have two children myself.
  9. S'task

    General Gaming Thread

    Ok, yeah, in that case that's stupid and terrible.
  10. S'task

    General Gaming Thread

    . . . Ion Cannon Frigates say "hello"? HW1 spammed massive energy beams like crazy. I mean, FFS, the Kadeshite Multi-beam frigates were some of the highest DPS ships in HW1. Unless, for some strange reason you consider a massive energy beam weapon a "projectile", HW1 also had a weaponized...
  11. S'task

    If the Triple Entente lost WWI, it is likely that Britain, not France, would have been the most revanchist of the three

    While I think you're right that France is not a good mirror to Germany for becoming a revanrchist power, England lacks a critical component forbthe rise of Fascism and other extreme ideologies that both France and Germany had: Continental Philosophy. I know this sounds idealistic, but there's a...
  12. S'task

    Fallout Perpetual Debate of Bethesda Versus Interplay/Obsidian Fallout World Design

    You say the Institute makes no sense. Stop and remember what the Institute represents: elitist university types. Now go look at the real world Universities and the type of people who are running those places and the ideas they have. Yeah, the Institute seems accurate to me.
  13. S'task

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    . . . I'm guessing you didn't pay much attention to W Bush's term while he was in office, but it was a huge deal that he tried and failed to reform Social Security while in office. It was a huge effort that ended up failing. He also pursued other efforts that saw varying degrees of success...
  14. S'task

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Yes and no, many had retirement accounts that were wiped out in the market crash of 2007-09 and there's no rebuilding in only ten years what was supposed to be in those accounts after twenty to thirty years. They were told not to "save" per se, but use those investment accounts, along with SS...
  15. S'task

    Fallout Perpetual Debate of Bethesda Versus Interplay/Obsidian Fallout World Design

    This criticism specifically I think goes back to the underlying PnP system for FO1/2. Yes, there's a dice system in there, and it seems likely that there's multiple steps to resolving damage after a hit. My guess is that Armor is applied to all incoming damage, and while Critical Hits deal...
  16. S'task

    Food Pyramid Is A Pyramid Scam (or how USDA poisons you)

    Note, you're not wrong that our lifestyles have become more sedentary since the 1970s though, and that DOES play a role. It's a combination of things and I suspect that even if one of those thing didn't change we'd still be seeing an increase in obesity and related diseases. The food could...
  17. S'task

    Food Pyramid Is A Pyramid Scam (or how USDA poisons you)

    Actually, the processed foods of the 1970s were dramatically different than those in the 1980s up to now, in fact, the late 70s/early 80s is where the transition occurred. What was that transition? Well it began with the demonization of Natural animal fats. To give a major food example, up...
  18. S'task

    United States Anti-Semitism in the United States (and elsewhere)

    A cute thought but one that ignores the actual realities of the politics involved. Firstly, remember that it was not the US that declared war on Germany, rather, Germany declared war on the US in tandem with Japan. This means, immediately, that your "play both sides against each other" plan...
  19. S'task

    United States Anti-Semitism in the United States (and elsewhere)

    . . . Liberals in the 1930s spoke very highly of Hitler. FDR and the Democrats of the time saw Hitler's centralized control of the economy and the alliance he built between big business and big government as something to be emulated and good. It was only once the Leftist wing of the Dems...
  20. S'task

    United States Anti-Semitism in the United States (and elsewhere)

    If you go look back at what Progressives and Leftists were saying in the 1930s regarding Hitler, they actually liked him it wasn't until he attacked the Soviet Union that they changed their tune on him and suddenly Fascism went from being a center-left / centrist political philosophy (as anyone...