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  1. DarthOne

    Five minutes of hate news

    Good question. Anyone have answers?
  2. DarthOne

    Trump Investigations Thread

    ...what. Where are you getting this from? I have never heard anyone espouse this on the Right. Not to say that such a thing is impossible or that no one ever did, just that it's likely a minority viewpoint. I anything, the resistance towards government welfare comes from 1) a dislike of...
  3. DarthOne

    Food Pyramid Is A Pyramid Scam (or how USDA poisons you)

    I did not know that. Good points. Though wouldn't the plastic used in pipes and so on also be a concern? Also, a thought occurred to me- who was this study saying tires are the main cause done by? I bring this up because it could be used to push...
  4. DarthOne

    Food Pyramid Is A Pyramid Scam (or how USDA poisons you)

    Then start making the effects of microplastics and so on well known. Public push back will do the rest.
  5. DarthOne

    Trump Investigations Thread

    One; get rid of the incentives that make them want to come in the first place. Both in terms of Free Stuff (tm) and cracking down on companies that use illegal migrants and punishing them. Also make sure that they get their names splashed across the headlines so people know about it; makes...
  6. DarthOne

    Food Pyramid Is A Pyramid Scam (or how USDA poisons you)

    Yeah and as we’ve seen, people will shit in the streets rather than use a bathroom if they can get away with it. People are lazy and undisciplined as a whole.
  7. DarthOne

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Sounds right. Because it means that people can accomplish things besides sitting around with their thumb planted up their backside and bitching.
  8. DarthOne

    The Americas Pride crosswalk defaced outside West Vancouver police station

    …your good at mimicking their nonsense.
  9. DarthOne

    United States US presidential election 2024

    That’s what the illegal migrants are for. That and the ballot printers.
  10. DarthOne

    The Americas Pride crosswalk defaced outside West Vancouver police station

    I am almost certain that is the point on some level so they can continually scream about being persecuted.
  11. DarthOne

    Trump Investigations Thread

    Yeah, but the point I was trying to make is that there’s a 9 in 10 chance this isn’t going to end like a normal Presidential election in the USA.
  12. DarthOne

    United States US presidential election 2024

    If Trump goes to prison after guilty verdict, Secret Service would have to go with him Top House Democrat pushes bill to remove Secret Service protection from Trump if he is sentenced to jail
  13. DarthOne

    Trump Investigations Thread

    Because they- and I mean the Uniparty- do not intend to lose again. Ever.
  14. DarthOne

    United States US presidential election 2024

    Biden Co-Chair: If Trump Wins, It’s Not Democracy, ‘He Has to Destroy Democracy’ to Be President If anyone has not yet asked themselves this yet, you’d best...
  15. DarthOne

    Food Pyramid Is A Pyramid Scam (or how USDA poisons you)

    That it was.
  16. DarthOne

    United States US presidential election 2024

    Annoyed enough to not vote for him? That’s the question.
  17. DarthOne

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    “I just wanted to play video games.” -first words of Prime Minster Carl Benjamin’s biography.
  18. DarthOne

    Food Pyramid Is A Pyramid Scam (or how USDA poisons you)

    About that…. East Germany has you covered.
  19. DarthOne

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    It’s more of a ‘they’re using this to create slush funds for themselves, as well as an excuse to ask for more power’. Of course not. It’s the same reason why modern buildings are fugly. Beauty and a healthy society gives people something to motivate them. As well as probably being able to do...