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  1. LordSunhawk

    Ghost in the City Cyberpunk Gamer SI

    I'm thinking more Beatrix Kiddo vibes myself. Love the latest chapter, BTW
  2. LordSunhawk

    Ghost in the City Cyberpunk Gamer SI

    What Fujimura should do is contact Watako and take out a contract for Motoko against Moritaka. Then get his people well clear, it will have the benefit of making it clear that it is TC vrs TC internally, while also allowing him to preserve his people and, maybe, make a positive impression on...
  3. LordSunhawk

    Ghost in the City Cyberpunk Gamer SI

    Hiromi has made more than enough big deposits in the trust bank to cover a few minor withdrawals, and since all of those withdrawals have rebounded to Moto's benefit, they immediately turn into deposits.
  4. LordSunhawk

    Post-update bug reports

    And what part of Xenforo being a very poorly documented mess did you miss? I will note that we test things on a test server before pushing them live, but sometimes we can test the update ten times, it works perfectly with no issue all ten times in the test environment, then fails the one time...
  5. LordSunhawk

    Post-update bug reports

    That happening was what alerted us to the issue
  6. LordSunhawk

    Post-update bug reports

    We are currently experiencing a backend server issue involving the approval queue. This is being worked on. In addition, we think we've solved the issue with subforum bans to some of the newer subforums resulting in multiple bans rather than solely the subforum in question. Xenforo 2 is a...
  7. LordSunhawk

    Ghost in the City Cyberpunk Gamer SI

    If she ever decides to hit a Corp target *hard* then she totally needs to set the run to Muse - Uprising 8-) Love this chapter! Ties up some loose ends and sets up for an awesome rampage against some deserving gonks. Will Moto ever get to truly let loose with her HMG?
  8. LordSunhawk

    Ghost in the City Cyberpunk Gamer SI

    Also the fact that Akari is there watching him is evidence enough that the Claws understand the conflict of honor and respect it, weebs that they are. Wonder if the Claws will decide to pull the Gordian Knot thing and hire Section 9 to resolve the situation 8-)
  9. LordSunhawk

    Let Us Unite: A Battletech AU

    ...would the ISF and the Mask be working together, even by accident, and who does this REALLY benefit?' Then pauses to consider just who would have the means to know anything at all about a secret peace conference that was negotiated over HPG... *eyes swivel to look at a sweating Comstar Precentor*
  10. LordSunhawk

    The One Stop Football Thread (NFL,CFL,CFB)

    On the positive side, apparently the new helmet designs that have been approved this year are both lighter than the old ones while providing significantly superior protection against concussion. Regardless, I am very pleased with how well both the Cardinals and the Packers did in the draft this...
  11. LordSunhawk

    Catholic bullshit and defenses for it

    Considering the utter ignorance about Catholic theology shown by some here *rolls eyes* But I expect little else from so-called 'Bible Protestants' who pick and chose what parts of the Bible they follow and thus fall for multiple heresies with great self-righteousness and enthusiasm.
  12. LordSunhawk

    Ghost in the City Cyberpunk Gamer SI

    Loved the scene with the Mox, and I agree, damn you for the cliffhanger! Money on Hiromi lining up more gigs for Moto! Whether of the Rockerboy or Section 9 variety. And is that foreshadowing I see for some gonk trying to steal a preem ride?
  13. LordSunhawk

    Warbirds Thread

    You've already been given the exact numbers from public records, there is nothing secret or hidden about them. That you can't be arsed to verify public information is not my problem, it's a you problem.
  14. LordSunhawk

    Warbirds Thread

    Actually, Agent, she was comparing developmental aircraft, not over entire lifespan of program. AKA Apples to Apples. Right now the F-15 is arguably the greatest combat aircraft to have ever flown, yet it had a very troubled development of its own which saw critics demanding the program's...
  15. LordSunhawk

    Boomstick's and shooty shooty bang bang's - The GUN Thread!

    That reminds me, also check the magazine, if the follower spring is weakening it might not be putting enough pressure on the round to feed properly
  16. LordSunhawk

    Warbirds Thread

    I will neither confirm nor deny that it was the December 1990 issue.
  17. LordSunhawk

    Ghost in the City Cyberpunk Gamer SI

    IRL yeah, but this is Cyberpunk and these are gonks.
  18. LordSunhawk

    Boomstick's and shooty shooty bang bang's - The GUN Thread!

    Might be spring wear-in as you think, as that seems to fit the symptoms best if you've eliminated limp-wristing. It could be a timing or headspace issue as well, if the bolt is trying to cycle to battery before completing extraction of the next round. If the spring wear-in doesn't solve it...
  19. LordSunhawk

    Ghost in the City Cyberpunk Gamer SI

    OK, who else thinks that some dumbshit gonk Scavs are going to try and wreck the concert to get revenge on Motoko and Section 9, only to get their shit pushed in for the most epic concert XBD in Night City history 8-)
  20. LordSunhawk

    Warbirds Thread

    Pretty much, yeah. I actually just found the... magazine... one of the articles was reprinted in, it was also in the NYT Magazine and Time, but the one I have is... Playboy 8-)