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  1. sir_fire

    Crossover Apotheosis (D&D x Berserk)

    [X] I cannot ignore a freaking Aeon! I need to reconnect with my patron deities. They are the only ones who can negotiate a treaty with the Axiomite Godmind. I had other problems to deal with. I didn't need an Aeon smothering me in my crib. When I was still a baby! How the heck can baby Arlan...
  2. sir_fire

    Fictional "Villains" Who Did Nothing Wrong Thread

    I'll let this picture speak for itself.
  3. sir_fire

    The ol' 'Rona - got sick? Got vaccinated? Tell us!

    And isolating them from all the other pathogens they're expected to catch at their age is any healthier than building up immunity to a virus as wimpy as a bad flu? And kids are way more likely to die in car accidents, your point? So just like with outbreaks of common viral diseases that we've...
  4. sir_fire

    The ol' 'Rona - got sick? Got vaccinated? Tell us!

    All of my 60+ aunts got the 'Rona. Two of them are diabetic and one more takes rad therapy for Cervical cancer. None of them were any sicker than them getting a cold and all of them recovered well. So I believe this "pandemic" is a crock of bull.
  5. sir_fire

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Likely cause you were too retarded even for them. Leftists may be stupid, but I'd like to think they draw the line with an actual special ed Magna cum Laude.
  6. sir_fire

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    That would be Battlegrinder. I'd say this guy is a stray... Or a plant.
  7. sir_fire

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Go back to SB @Unoriginal Zero, I'm sure your ideas and opinions would be far better received in the Whitehall than here. Given that you're echoing the crap they say ad verbatim.
  8. sir_fire

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    A total coincidence why a lot of nurses and medical health professionals refuse to take it then?
  9. sir_fire

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

  10. sir_fire

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Could've fooled me, cause if he was doing this for free...
  11. sir_fire

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Against enemies of the state? But who's job is it to decide who and what are the enemies of the state retard? The Delta variant you retard. The kind that predominantly affects the vaccinated.
  12. sir_fire

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    The black death and spanish flu are coronaviruses like Covid? You retard. By freeing them and doing nothing else, duh. How would you react if all of a sudden there were a million-plus homeless, jobless people? Probably really stupidly and in a short-sighted manner. Say it straight to me then...
  13. sir_fire

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    I just have one question for you Are you being paid to be an idiot?
  14. sir_fire

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Don't forget clinically retarded.
  15. sir_fire

    The War in Afghanistan

    Nothing as "noble" as that, it was for the opium. Why do you think there are so many Americans on painkillers and why were they enabled?
  16. sir_fire

    The War in Afghanistan

    It was for Drugs and Oil. But the oil was for the EU, at least according to @IWD and others who have been looking at the bigger picture of the Iraq war and the fact that the American continent itself shouldn't have a need to import any oil.
  17. sir_fire

    The War in Afghanistan

    The cope is so thick in this post that I think I'm getting a contact high from all that copium.
  18. sir_fire

    Serious question about anti-Semitism.

    In the first world perhaps.
  19. sir_fire

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    And why did that happen in the first place? It didn't happen abruptly, nothing in politics ever does.
  20. sir_fire

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    How do you think such openly treacherous snakes got there in the first place?