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  1. almostinsane

    Leftist Child Grooming

    When I was six year old, I confused "being gay" with my close relationship with my twin brother. I'm convinced these people don't know anything about children.
  2. almostinsane

    Leftist Child Grooming

    Society is going full Slaanesh. Never go full Slaanesh.
  3. almostinsane

    Leftist Child Grooming

    What really is infuriating is when they groom and mutilate kids and rub it in our faces. At no point in human history have they abused children and made us watch and clap for them if they weren't intimidating us into silence. It feels surreal that there isn't mass unrest, like this is an...
  4. almostinsane

    Leftist Child Grooming

    CNN: Why Homeschooling Is the New Tactic of the Alt-Right
  5. almostinsane

    The Americas The Tyranny of Trudeau's Canada

    Don't move to Illinois until we succeed in excising Chicago from us.
  6. almostinsane

    Leftist Child Grooming

    Me: There's no conspiracy against black people. Me: (reads this) There's no right wing conspiracy against black people.
  7. almostinsane

    Leftist Child Grooming

    Young people are returning to traditional faith practices That they are. Younger Catholics who attend Mass frequently become more conservative and long for pre-Vatican II liturgies and styles of preaching. A more hard line will attract more young people than changing to fit the culture. No one...
  8. almostinsane

    Leftist Child Grooming

    Reparation is needed. The justice of God cannot be delayed forever. At some point, we need to remove these criminals and make constant reparation to undue the spiritual damage done to this country. No more value neutral spaces. That is all a lie. Values will be transmitted by a culture. What...
  9. almostinsane

    St Fauci's Blessed Vaccination

    I'm feeling sick! Give me my eighth booster shot!
  10. almostinsane

    United States US presidential election 2024

    Because they keep playing the Trump Card again and again. It is better that Trump throws his support behind a chosen successor who can run in 2028.
  11. almostinsane

    EU France is on fire. Again.

    France needs a Bourbon Restoration.
  12. almostinsane

    United States George Floyd Protests, Reactions and Riots

    Minorities like safe neighborhoods too. Who'd have thought? 🙄
  13. almostinsane

    How do you picture other members when you think of them in realife?

    Me next, me next! 😁
  14. almostinsane

    How do you picture other members when you think of them in realife?

    I picture Aldarion as a young 20-something in a Knights-Templar inspired hoodie.
  15. almostinsane

    Reading too much fanfiction can be bad for you?

    It's not healthy. I've found that the more I've abstained from it and explicit content, the healthier I've become in multiple areas of life, especially in my romantic and non-romantic relationships.
  16. almostinsane

    China ChiCom News Thread

    Keep in mind that the three people the Gospels explicitly say Jesus raised from the dead was a personal friend, a 12 year old dead before her time, and a widow's son. Of these, the widow's son was the only one He raised without anyone asking for His help. Losing your only child has always been...
  17. almostinsane

    Reading too much fanfiction can be bad for you?

    I understand. I am merely pointing out that certain things are harmful for you to be exposed to. As a faithful Catholic, I am convinced by faith and reason of the existence of the spiritual entity called the Devil and of his cohorts. Thus, invoking him or imagery associated with him is...
  18. almostinsane

    Reading too much fanfiction can be bad for you?

    He is responsible, but he shouldn't have read it. He shouldn't ever put himself in a situation where he is tempted.
  19. almostinsane

    Reading too much fanfiction can be bad for you?

    Satanic-themed fanfiction is no joke. If it's led a bishop to forsake his vows, there's the proof right there.