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  1. Curved_Sw0rd

    No Enemies To The Right? It's an older article less yesterday's news and more three months and several news cycles ago news. That said, I meant to post this, ask about it, feel for it. The long and short of how this article came to be was Rod Dreher seeing...
  2. Curved_Sw0rd

    Culture Bait and Woke Media.

    So I stumbled on a tweet by one Auron MacIntyre that got the gears in my head turning. This isn't an original thought, there's other in the Dissident Right echoing such sentiments. In a nutshell, the brains behind Woke Media and "The Message" as Critical Drinker puts it, is at this point aware...
  3. Curved_Sw0rd

    When is punching to your right acceptable?

    Gonna start with what I mean by punching right. Punching Right as I see it is a right-winger attacking another right-wing, typically for being more, well, right-wing than them. The chief example I'd cite is Pedro L. Gonzalez being attacked by Douglass Murray as an antisemite for calling one of...
  4. Curved_Sw0rd

    The Emotions of Reaction and Socialism?

    So this is a question born of reading tweets from the Distributist, a Dissident Right YouTuber, and in a discord server having an exchange with a Socialist friend of mine in the same day. I couldn't help but recall several examples of Socialists and Reactionaries all looking at the general...
  5. Curved_Sw0rd

    Philosophy Notes From Underground: A rebuke of Rationalism and Utopianism

    Quite recently I finished Fyodor Dostoevsky's Notes From Underground, which if you haven't read, is frustrating but ultimately a worthwhile read. It is the story of the nameless "Underground Man" who is defined by being a miserable bastard who overthinks everything and everyone, seeing the flaws...
  6. Curved_Sw0rd

    The LGBT and the Right

    While it seems many on the Right, even the more Traditional portions of it, have made peace with the LGBT, as always there are those who... haven't given up the ghost, so to speak. In fact an argument that comes to mind that I have seen made quite often is something along the lines of "You have...
  7. Curved_Sw0rd

    Culture Requiem for the Humanities

    Some days ago I read an article on Quillette, called "In Defense of the Humanities" by Elena Shalneva. Detailing her own experience with the Humanities, and one of the more difficult sides of it, Philology. Reading through the article, I felt a sort of mounting sadness, knowing that courses like...
  8. Curved_Sw0rd

    Has there been much progress made in the reduction of government's size in the US?

    Or perhaps influence or involvement in the day to day life of the average US citizen. It's not something I can accurately quantify, at least not on my own.
  9. Curved_Sw0rd

    Methods to keep politically grounded/to not become a partisan hack?

    A topic I've been wanting to explore for a while but I've been putting it off for... well, no good reason. The purpose of this thread is to explore exercises that make one better at debating politics without just becoming a robot that regurgitates talking points or hissing and screaming or what...
  10. Curved_Sw0rd

    Common Arguments Against Free Speech (And How to Respond)

    Count Dankula is a rather avid advocate for Freedom of Speech, after all, he knows firsthand how it feels to get punished by the government for his words, yeah? And this video here is him tackling ten common arguments against Free Speech. Be warned, Dank is a memelord, and is quite edgy when he...
  11. Curved_Sw0rd

    Lent is on the way...

    This Wednesday, specifically, so us Catholics are going to have to make some sort of sacrifice. So what's it going to be? I've been contemplating doing the usual "No more energy drinks" as those are my weakness, but there's so many zero calorie options these days... Hrm.
  12. Curved_Sw0rd

    Religion How does anger at God factor into Atheism?

    Had a conversation with a friend, the other day, regarding religion. Dangerous topic, I know, but anyway, Atheism came up and he brought up a point I've not heard in a long time. "Atheists are angry at God." I kinda want to see how some of the more erudite posters would take such a...
  13. Curved_Sw0rd

    Hedge Funds, Vulture Capitalism, and The Decay of Rural America

    It's not every day a video speaks to you, especially when that video is produced by a big new outlet like FOX. And yet, this ten minute segment from Tucker Carlson managed to do just that. If you're from or travel frequently through Small Town, USA, the opening will ring true. As a resident...
  14. Curved_Sw0rd

    The Legalization of Drugs

    A somewhat minor political point but it's worth talking about. I think we all know someone who has, let's say, heavily used one sort of drug or another, especially those of us who live in poorer communities. Drug "Culture" is pervasive, ranging from Stoner Films, legalization advocates, and even...
  15. Curved_Sw0rd

    Suggestions Being able to PM yourself

    SB has a function that allows a user to Private Message themselves, and it works as a sort of alternative to Google Docs and the like. Could we see something like this on The Sietch? I ask as I have writing notes on SB, but I couldn't Copy/Paste them to a PM to myself here.
  16. Curved_Sw0rd

    Sympathy for Soleimani from the West

    One would think that the death of Qassem Soleimani would be a cause for near universal celebration in the US, as the man has played a significant contribution to US deaths in the Middle East. Yet... Not so much. The picture of apologism for Iran and Soleimani is painted rather well, by...
  17. Curved_Sw0rd

    Britain Millennial Woes and Hope Not Hate: a Lecture

    In this lecture, Millennial Woes goes over the actions, methods, and targets of the UK-based organization known as Hope Not Hate. As you can see the video is quite long, nearing an hour in length. That said, HnH is a busy organization, so there's a massive amount to pick at for Woes, not the...
  18. Curved_Sw0rd

    The clash between Trads and Libertarians.

    I've been noticing the Coomer meme more and more, and the more I watch Dissident Right content the more I see this attitude of skepticism for Liberalism as a concept. Even here there's been disagreements about Porn, among other things, and it has some traitorous part of my brain worried, like...
  19. Curved_Sw0rd

    When is it best to extend an Olive Branch in the Political World?

    To elaborate, when is it best to reach out across Political Aisles, and how best does one do it? This is in light of both the Culture War and, in part, the whole Groyper fiasco. Because as I see it, nothing really productive comes from just hurling insults at one another.
  20. Curved_Sw0rd

    Woke Librarians and Children's Books

    The part books play in the education of a child can't be overstated. They can literally set the tone of a child's entire life, their worldview, how they process and learn as an adult. And of course, it seems Woke Culture has cottoned on to this...