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  1. S'task

    United States Dystopian America

    Military bases are relatively small in actual land use. I mean, you can see on the map I posted even places with lots of military based like Virginia barely breech 10%. The East Coast and central US States seem to handle it just fine and maybe, just maybe, there is to much land held as...
  2. S'task

    United States Dystopian America

    You're missing the point, and falling for one of the Federal government's modern myths, that it is a SUPERIOR government to the State governments. Constitutionally speaking, the Federal Government is subservient to the State governments, it exists to create a single point of contact in regards...
  3. S'task

    Religion and theology thread

    His result from the above quiz. Not that I've ever heard before. Of note, that's the result the quiz spits out if you're neutral to Catholic and Orthodox while testing high on the "Christian" religious category and low on all the other religions. Basically, they lumped all Protestants into...
  4. S'task

    ROB wants you to organize and lead the colonization effort of a new planet

    Getting ten thousand in secret is definitely the hardest part of all this mess, but I have a decent immediate and extended family to draw on, and both my mother and father are still alive and my father has a lot of contacts and my mother is an organizational wizard, and, last I checked...
  5. S'task

    High School, College and University Cringe MegaThread

    Try since the 1910s. The issues in the Universities date back to the Fundamentalist/Modernist split in the Protestant Churches and Universities in the west. The reason the issues date back to that time isn't the religious aspect per se (though in an ironic twist pretty much all the early 20th...
  6. S'task

    Fallout Perpetual Debate of Bethesda Versus Interplay/Obsidian Fallout World Design

    Interesting that you're using things that cannot be fairly measured due to the age difference between the games. Things like "more detail" are very arguably subjective. If you mean more detailed environments, then absolutely the Bethesda Fallout games have more detailed environments. They...
  7. S'task

    Helldivers! Managed Democracy Foreign Affairs Simulator!

    . . . Well folks, it appears the impossible happened: The Gamers won, Sony appears to have caved.
  8. S'task

    General Gaming Thread

    See, this comes down to a core difference between Microsoft and Sony and how it drives their business decisions, much like how MS is slightly less evil than Google due to this same difference in focus. Microsoft is, at it's heart and soul, a SOFTWARE company. It sees its greatest business...
  9. S'task

    'Climate Change' and the coming 'Climate Lockdown'

    Given that other surviving giant land based arthropods people have eaten, specifically giant bird-eater tarantulas, apparently taste like crab. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say they'd taste like something in the crab-lobster range.
  10. S'task

    Fallout Perpetual Debate of Bethesda Versus Interplay/Obsidian Fallout World Design

    And elder Millennials thank you very much. I played all but Brotherhood of Steel when the Fallout games were still fairly fresh, and the only reason I didn't play Brotherhood of Steel was due to it be a CONSOLE game when I was a PC gamer. I remember the days when the fandom was mainly kept...
  11. S'task

    Fallout Perpetual Debate of Bethesda Versus Interplay/Obsidian Fallout World Design

    I have. Fallout 1 is by far the weakest game structurally and the time limit unnecessarily punishes exploring or making honest mistakes. There's a reason Fallout 2 didn't put any timers on the main quest and that most modern game design shy away from it, mostly because timers don't actually...
  12. S'task

    Post-update bug reports

    Verifying this report, when I click the "Show all" I'm getting the following error page:
  13. S'task

    Breaking News Cannabis to Be Moved From Schedule I to Schedule III, Per AP

    Yeah, reading over that list, Pot sticks out as being weird for being Schedule I, it definitely doesn't really fit in with those other substances which either have ridiculously high levels of physical addictiveness or strong hallucinogenic properties. I can see the case for it being II or III...
  14. S'task

    Free Speech and (Big Tech) Censorship Thread

    . . . Look, while I agree the solution is less loopholes and lower, simpler taxes for all brackets, this idea that the rich don't pay taxes is entirely a myth, in point of fact the top 1% of income earners paid for around 46% of all Federal taxes paid in 2021 (the most recent data that I could...
  15. S'task

    Trump Investigations Thread

    See, you all yave really bad short term memories if you think the Dems are content with Establishment Republican control. The Dems demonized more Establishment Republicans al.ost as extensively as they did Trump, I mean did you all forget the Bush / Hitler memes? Biden claiming Romney, fucking...
  16. S'task

    United States Anti-Semitism in the United States (and elsewhere)

    It's also kinda funny when you think about it, the claim that all the US is on "stolen land" in effect denies the agency and sovereignty of American Indians to have either sold land to the original colonists, or to enter into treaties that ceded land and recognized borders... yes, certainly...
  17. S'task

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    There was a period of time, from the 1970s through the mid-1990s that saw a series of what amounted to domestic terrorist attacks against Abortion "clinics" and targeted assassinations of abortion "doctors". The result, due to the media being all in for Abortion, was that Abortion saw it's...
  18. S'task

    Leftist Child Grooming

    Be moving to Eastern TN here in a few months... looking forward to getting away from the progressive hellhole that Northern VA has become.
  19. S'task

    "TradWives" Triggering Unhappy Feminists

    . . . No it's not. It may be the largest in membership, but Orthodox + Protestant is more Christians who ignore Rome when it comes to doctrine than follow it. Further we're talking about the United States IN SPECIFIC and in the US the Catholic Church has had non to NEGATIVE influence on the...