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  1. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    Here's one big WHAT IF Alternate Scenario: Oswald kills BOTH JFK & Connally on the November 22nd, 1963. The ramifications of the Lone Star State's political fallout & here's how the TX Governor's Mansion would look like: 40.) Preston Smith (D): 40th Governor from November 22nd, 1963 to...
  2. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    Nice avatar picture you've got there. Gearing up for the upcoming Philippine Independence festivities for next month ?
  3. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    Could this lead to a successful victory in the Korean War for the US & Co., ? If so, does Truman get so triggered by MacArthur's triumphant success & still fires him ?
  4. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    What If Scenario: NJ Governor Jim McGreevey (D) wins reelection in a bigger landslide victory in 2005 & wins the Presidency in 2008. Then the big corruption scandals & sex scandals blow up during the 2010 Midterms. What are the ramifications of these scandals ?
  5. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    You're referring to the 1988 Presidential election correct ?
  6. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    @The Immortal Watch Dog @Sergeant Foley @Red_Tornado @bintananth @Buba @Val the Moofia Boss Here's an Alternate History discussion: What IF the 1955 Coup against Argentinian President Juan Peron fails badly ? Peron stays in power indefinitely & cements his grip on Quinta de Olivos (Residence...
  7. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    Buba got blackballed on this discussion thread I see.
  8. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    What If Scenario: 1.) 1986 Midterms results in vicious backlash against the GOP. 2.) Reagan impeached by the Dem-controlled US House of Representatives. 3.) Sensing the United States Senate would potentially vote to convict, Reagan announces in early December 1986 resigns from the Presidency...
  9. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    Babbitt vs Bush 41 in 1988 would be juicy.
  10. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    Alternate History What Ifs: 1.) AZ Governor Bruce Babbitt (D) easily wins reelection to 3rd full 4-year term in 1986 with 61% of the statewide vote. What are the ramifications for the Grand Canyon State since it will butterfly Nutjob Mecham ? 2.) The Revolution against the Duvalier's fail badly...
  11. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    It would open the door for MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) in 2024 in that scenario.
  12. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    Political What Ifs: 1.) Christie defeats Hillary in the 2016 presidential election & wins reelection handily in a landslide over Sleepy Joe in 2020. What are the ramifications going forward (IF Trump does not pull the trigger) ? 2.) Sandoval wins the NV US Senate election in 2016 against Cortez...
  13. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    Ok. I'll check it out!
  14. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    On the third topic, I'm assuming you're referring to East Timor Leste correct ?
  15. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    Entertainment What If Scenario: Diana DeGarmo pulls off the upset & wins Season 3 of American Idol. What are the ramifications going forward ?
  16. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    @Skallagrim Here's one particular What If discussion topic: The Vatican hires Dr. Pedro Ara of Spain to do embalming methods on the late Pope Pius XII instead of that incompetent idiot, who botched the embalming job.
  17. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    Basically you're saying the Shah was fucked regardless with his modernization efforts SMH. Now if he had those Ayatollahs whacked years earlier, Iran would've been a much better place & better off.
  18. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    I was referring to the oil embargo hitting the Middle East back in the early 1970s.
  19. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion

    Didn't that play a slight role in the Shah's downfall in 1979 ?
  20. 49ersfootball

    Alternate History Ideas and Discussion
