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  1. Agent23

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    Yeah, I was thinking more along the lines of, would a Na'vi be able to walk n miles faster on Pandora than a human would on Earth. Depending on the denser atmosphere's make up this might mean more Oxygen content, and with a lower gravity it might be possible to walk faster/expand less energy...
  2. Agent23

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    Now, when you mention travel speeds I am starting to think of something we have all overlooked. Namely, how much faster can you travel on a lower gravity planet/moon. Wonder if that might have played an impact on Na'vi warmaking ability.
  3. Agent23

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    Tbh a moder encampment is a lot more complex than what you describe, which is wall and guards on wall. And things thet don't work all that well against modern adversaries, like moats, will at the least inconvenience the Cat Smurfs. Crew mounted lascanons will be a nasty surprise to the natives.
  4. Agent23

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    You seem to be forgetting tech like pill boxes, mines, trenches and barbed wire, as well as all of the vehicles the Catachans have.
  5. Agent23

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    Lots of holes here. For starters, you can not mobilize every able bodied fighter even if you wanted to, since at least some will have to continue hunting and foraging for the tribe, and guard the tribal grounds against beasts or opportunistic enemies. For deathworlders accustomed to fighting...
  6. Agent23

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    Valkyries or no, they still stomp. the Na'vi and even the nastier fauna controlled by the Parasitic Tree will run out before the Catachans run out of wood for fires in which to recharge their lasweapons. 😂 :ROFLMAO:
  7. Agent23

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    Even without that we are talking highly skilled and trained deathworlders with very advanced military tech against hunter-gatherers flinging spears. The population density of hunter-gatherers was 1% of even that of pre-industrial farming civilizations and the density of even advanced...
  8. Agent23

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    For starters, even if the weaponry the Catachan use might look primitive, it is of the same scale as anything else in 40k, which means that one IG "flashlight" can do the damage of a modern-day anti-material rifle. Second, the Deathworlders have had to deal with a far worse environmnet than...
  9. Agent23

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    So as it says on the tin a Deathworld with everything eveloved to be deadly and everything out to kill you. I'd wager that a few thousand years of inhabiting such a planet would alter the human colonists into being far deadlier than even a 40k baseline human. And Catachans IIRC started...
  10. Agent23

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    Yeah, the place is a death world, where everything is out to kill you, from the bugs and the microbes to the vsrious types of rapidly growing megaflora thst IIRC burrowed under buildings to destroy them. Also, we really shouldn't forget that 40k weapons are a lot more powerful than current year...
  11. Agent23

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    Video slightly relevant: :love: 😂
  12. Agent23

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    I'd assume that either they can use some of their own equipment or they can get something from the RDA since technically the Catachans are in their service for the duration of the operation. I wonder if Chem Dogs and/or Krieg will do well, since they all have air filtration gear. I'd assume...
  13. Agent23

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    Much better than the RDA, I think they take this one easily.