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  1. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    Canucks are an option, too. Or, you can build your own. It will put more money into precision engineering and help you grow up the value chain.
  2. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    Kurwa! (Meant as an exclamation, not an insult.) I say it before, I will say it again. Build nuclear power plants, NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS!!!111 Budowa elektrowni jądrowych.
  3. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    Aaand some people tried to explain to you the various problems with coal...
  4. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    190 years, actually, at current consumption.Bulgaria has 75 years of proven reserves, and both Poland and we import coal for some bloody reason.
  5. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    The way I see the power stack is like this: 1) Nuclear, for all the reasons I listed above. 2) Hydropower, which is actually quite cheap, all things considered: Coal for winter thermal generation and extra power during predictable anal increases as well as industries that need it, like steel...
  6. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    In some industrial processes the use of gas is more efficient, in others it is unavoidable. Coal plants are larger and more expensive and complex and less flexible than gas turbines and also require a lot of water and produce a lot of stuff you do not want to breathe in.Soot, mercury, small...
  7. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    The UK deserves a lost decade because they are retards and they pushed a lot of this shit.
  8. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    Do you purpously dig around for long-dead threads to necro with off topic stuff?
  9. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    WTF, you guys are still discussing shit in this thread despite the poll closing...?!?! I mean, I kinda know why Marduk and WolfBoy are still posting here, I am surprised I see normal people... 😂 :sneaky: Yeah, no, combining so many metrics in a single poll is IMHO bullshit, also don't forget...
  10. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    So long and thanks for the fish, dunno about it, but you sure smell like a concern troll. :cool:
  11. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    Take a look at all the entitlement spending and other handouts, including makework for the MIC parasites, and repeat that. The USA has lots of socialism, for the rich and the special interest groups and the like. How Much Medicaid and Medicare Cost Americans Total monthly unemployment...
  12. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    I am attacking concrete fucktards, not the whole of the USA. Your MIC and all your chickenhawks, as well as your libtards need to go die. You have degenerated massively since even the days before Wilson and LBJ, and frankly the faster you fall into civil war the less dangerous your decline will...
  13. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    Then maybe you should kick out your deep state that is trying to spread hegemonic liberalism abroad, creating deficits at home and making money from crony capitalism. Oh, yeah, right, the Unitary won't let you. And neither willshallow minded retard chickenhawks like a few of the posters here...
  14. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    I have zero fucks for sanctimonious pricks with zero skin in the game pushing their retarded ideological crap. I despise leftist SJWs, I despise rightist SJWs just as much.
  15. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    And here we have more bullshit from the whiny sanctimonious fuckwit. I am paid in Euros, you stupid fuck, as are most people in Europe, and the other currencies are pegged or otherwise connected to the Euro and the European economy. So, once again, fuck you, you delusional prick. Eat the...
  16. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    Euro at the start of the year - 1.16 USD. Euro now - 0.99 USD. You really don't understand that there are such things as inelastic supply of key material. Oh, and also fuck you and everyone in the USA and UK that supports Ukraine. You fuckwits are costing me and mine money, so I am not gonna...
  17. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    TBH I do not see any reason for the Russians to want to genocide you Poles. There isn't really any outstanding territorial dispute between you guys, nor do you have resources that the Russians lack, there is no Russian minority within Poland, cultura, ethnic or lingual. Unless of course you...
  18. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    I post a simple, specific question and a poll.A bunch of the DebilZovites whine and post random gibberish. How is that childish, exactly?
  19. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    Dogeboi, I see you are snipping out the meat of ATP's thesis that that the CIA and the KGB (which is still around and controls everything as per his other comments) are part of a shadowy NWO cabal. Classy, very classy. Why don't you and the other autistic Ukraine fanboys stick to your...
  20. Agent23

    How much purchasing power would you be willing to lose to support Ukraine?

    Now I am starting to think Marduk is a bot, since he is responding to ATP's usual claims that Putin controls the global deep state with some infodump on HIMARS. Both of which are off topic, of course.