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  1. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    Well, modern Western atheism mostly did originate as a consequence of raging egoism. So I guess you agree with Jormungandr?
  2. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    And that is large part of my problem, and why I am - in this question - actually closest to Jewish viewpoint. I simply cannot reconcile the strict, slightly psychopathic God of the Old Testament with an all-loving Christian God. Meanwhile Islam is not that hard to explain - it is just an...
  3. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    Uh, I never said that gay sex is not wrong. Read again what I wrote: Gay sex is wrong because purpose of sex is procreation. "Sex for fun" is something animals do. But gay sex is not evil because it does not violate free will. So it should not be promoted (or accepted) but you shouldn't...
  4. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    Well, Islam accepts pedophilia, so I'm not sure I care much for using religion as a sole measure anymore. My religiousness took a hard hit ever since a) I started reading Qur'an and b) kept hearing that Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same god... But innately evil means violating basic...
  5. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    Homosexuality is innately wrong, it just isn't evil. Communism and pedophilia however are innately evil. As for what "most people think"... that is not a measure you can use for whether something is wrong or not. After all, most Muslims would agree that a 60 year old screwing a 9 year old is...
  6. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    To be fair, USSR also actively financed LGBTQWERTZ nonsense in the West, trying to destroy it from the inside. And they succeeded. They just collapsed first.
  7. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    The only transgender right should be a right to free psychiatrist sessions.
  8. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    Not necessarily. Babies are actually hard-wired to learn from their parents, and that starts from birth. Therefore, actual methodology has to be significantly different. Likewise, parenting may be psychologically hard-wired as well...
  9. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    Coming system isn't feudalism, it is technocracy / plutocracy. Feudalism, in modern society, is nearly impossible. Trust me, whatever is coming will be far worse than feudalism ever was. Or even would be, in modern society. It was also better because people and wealth were connected to the...
  10. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    Feudalism was far better than what we have now.
  11. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    No, it is because we are living in the Brave New World and majority of population are NPCs who simply don't give a shit about anything other than normal pork-family concerns: what to eat, drink, shit and where to sleep.
  12. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    Reality has become a parody of itself.
  13. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    A bit of sanity:
  14. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    Alfred Kinsey himself was bisexual, so... yeah. Groomer alert.
  15. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    Any possibility Left would start fighting for rights of trans-nuclear powerplants self-identifying as solar windmills?
  16. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    Problem is that all the "green" solutions are extremely temporally and/or geographically limited. Geothermal? You need the ents. Solar? As you said, you need sunny days. Wind? Strong winds. Tidal? Depends on geography. Hydro? Depends on geography, and also mostly utilized already. And except...
  17. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    In other cases, however, hydro is an environmental disaster. And it usually destroys precisely the most fertile land available. So we have a choice between bird genocide machines, land destruction and... nuclear energy. I know what I would choose.
  18. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    Look at what British (parliamentary monarchy), Americans (democratic republic) etc. did in war. Such stuff is par the course, though Mongls were unusually brutal by standards of the time (half the population of China died during conquest). But Mongols, once they conquered you, were actually not...
  19. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    That is why I noted "feudal monarchy", although I should note that even other types of premodern monarchies (e.g. Byzantine Empire etc.) were nothing like 20th century absolutist dictatorships. In some ways, modern democracy is closer to said dictatorships than traditional monarchies were...
  20. Aldarion

    Transgender Rights

    In that case, we will have to give up half of what makes up modern states: public schooling, social security, state military, anti-capitalism... basically, if we are to reject everything that Hitler and Stalin agreed on, we ought to go back to feudal monarchy. Which might not be the worst of...