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  1. AndrewJTalon

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    I don't disagree that the game is geared more towards combat, but I do think that overall, it is a positive direction for Star Trek. I do want more non-combat missions but again, that's game mechanics. It's not a rap on the story, which can be quite good. And certainly leagues above Picard...
  2. AndrewJTalon

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Honestly, many of the admirals going rogue (Like Admiral Pressman trying to develop a Federation cloaking device in "The Pegasus", and Admiral Leyton trying to pull a coup in "Homefront/Paradise Lost") are probably a symptom of how bad things had gotten in the Federation government. As we've...
  3. AndrewJTalon

    Star Trek The Birth of a Federation Military

    Another option is that the member worlds of the Federation itself begin contributing their own, native designs. I mean, the ring-nacelled Vulcan ships are, in STO, still in use (albeit in smaller capacities), the Andorians have their own warships, and the Caitians have their own Supercarrier...