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  1. Arch Dornan

    German News - Old News Today

    Obviously it would be but that would be the Soviet propaganda.
  2. Arch Dornan

    German News - Old News Today

    Sorry it's too much effort. If I can't find it online I can't verify what you say. The only thing I can find about the Russians trying to link 1410 was against the Teutonics because of Smolensk even if the claim was shaky.
  3. Arch Dornan

    German News - Old News Today

    I'm not going to spend money to translate Polish to English.
  4. Arch Dornan

    German News - Old News Today

    I cannot find mention of that.
  5. Arch Dornan

    German News - Old News Today

    Some German homecoming video I found. Isn't 1410 against the Teutonics? I'm not sure which war you're talking of. Lithuania started the first one with the Muscovites supporting the claims of the principality of Tver even earlier from 1368 to 1372.
  6. Arch Dornan

    German News - Old News Today

    You may not but once again it is your leadership that decides and one of them that did was Sigismund III who had other plans. He wanted the crown of the tsardom and the Russians to convert from orthodox to catholicism. Wasn't a bad move to incorporate Russia at the time but he should've...
  7. Arch Dornan

    German News - Old News Today

    Poland. They lost their common wealth for that reason. Those do existed like Auschwitz and Treblinka. They were the Muscovites then. Your nobility supported false Dmitris intervening in their succession crisises and paid dearly for it.
  8. Arch Dornan

    German News - Old News Today

    I have no idea what you're talking about. They were far more ambitious. They went for Russia.
  9. Arch Dornan

    German News - Old News Today

    The only thing the Prussians were guilty of were being the same as the rest of Europe with ambitions of their own.
  10. Arch Dornan

    German News - Old News Today

    WW2 broke them they fear having a military or giving someone too much power.
  11. Arch Dornan

    German News - Old News Today

    They have a Nazi complex.
  12. Arch Dornan

    German News - Old News Today Fraulein metoo?