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  1. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    Why do you think I said all the fun that follows?
  2. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    If only space travel can happen faster then our descendants can just migrate like they usually do and go plant their flag and say this here planet is our shit and all the fun that follows.
  3. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    Just not in our lifetimes. Our leaders just love to tell their people to stick their dicks in a blender for some cause. Last couple of years I saw the Russians annex the Crimea right under the West's noses. If some country wants to do something ill advised they'll do it and drag the rest of us...
  4. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    Stranger things have happened. I woke up one day just to find Lebanon had a big ass explosion because of corruption and government approval is at rock bottom. If things don't get better for Lebanon that petition will increase when the idea sinks in further and if Macron won't do it one of his...
  5. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    I don't know if it'll happen but after the bomb and an unpopular government that is utter shit at their job the possibility of welcoming former colonisers with open arms in exchange for stability is a surprising trend to follow.
  6. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    Regardless of morality, I feel if someone wishes to take what they want and is able to get away with it they will do it. The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must like the Mellian dialogue which keeps changing like a musical chair. One minute you're strong and can dictate...
  7. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    You just made me realise something. Whatever fancy word is said like this colonialism shit it comes down to migration at the biological level. Both animal and human migration have their quirks but it all comes down to resources in the end. The European Empires in the end were simply repeating...
  8. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    Here's an example of this legal colonialism through legal migration I found. Portuguese going to Mozambique a former colony of theirs to make a living when back home things are shit. The locals didn't like that.
  9. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    All of our ancestors used to live in shitty housing. Considering human stupidity from people seen in the West I'm not sure if it's IQ and more due to bad habits of their culture while following the tribal mentality that can make Arab armies shit. I honestly wonder for all the claims of unity...
  10. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    @almostinsane what do you feel about former colonies that wished to remain a part of who they got colonised by? Seeing that most of them are a bunch of small islands it's easy to see why they chose to stick to their former coloniser.
  11. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    Maybe things have changed after the years it was published. Can't tell since I don't live there. I get some amusement from Uganda when Idi Amin thought it was a good idea to kick out Indians and to seize their property. Didn't turn out well for their economy even when he mocked Britain...
  12. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    I don't have good hopes of that happening. Maybe after a century.
  13. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    Lol. He just wants the quality of life where he lives to improve.
  14. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism,8599,1713275,00.html Found another local who wants the Belgians to come back lol.
  15. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    A way for colonialism to come back will be through immigration. When third world countries turn from shitholes to paradises people will migrate there. Back then it was the same. The promise of opportunity and people come the government controlling the land authorises the migration policy. The...
  16. Arch Dornan

    Examining Colonialism

    I notice that a lot. Truth be told there's always corruption everywhere but there is a corruption that becomes very noticeable when your surroundings turns to shit while your government just whistles hiding their slush money and visible luxuries.