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  1. Bacle

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Dude, you are an accelerationist who is only an immigrant to this nation, and brought your bullshit with you from your home nation thinking the US public would be widely receptive. Hint? The US public is a lot, lot different than you imagine, is not as head-in-the-sand oreinted as you, not as...
  2. Bacle

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Looks like a couple someone's aren't going to the party they set up this year.
  3. Bacle

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Simple; uploaded AI can survive interstellar journeys and conditions a squishy meatbag, even a biologically immortal one, cannot, or cannot as easily. After all, if you could just grow a new body or build a new mech to inhabit at the far end, interstellar travel becomes much more feasible.
  4. Bacle

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    They are just saying it outloud now. Brain-uploading is the end goal of the WEF; it's why they act as they do. The goal is effective immortality in digital form, where the human body becomes effectively a vestigial organ/amusement park.
  5. Bacle

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Oh, I agree; I just wanted to point out the case for edible bugs in relation to space travel and weight savings. Personally I think we'd be better off trying to figure out how to raise and rear goats in space; they can give you meat, milk, cheese, clothing/fab material (goat hair as 3-D printer...
  6. Bacle

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    No, it's more that with bugs and fish you could potentially grow them in zero-G sections of ships/habitats, instead of needing to spin them as well, which saves on thrust mass/wear/tear on the spinning sections.
  7. Bacle

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    There are real issues with some grubs being poisonous, which was a real concern for our ancestors, and yes, humans learned feeding grubs to larger animals was a better way to get nutritional value out of them. It is better to feed them to other animals, as you pointed out, and humans realized...
  8. Bacle

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Yeah, the fisheries poaching the CCP gets up to is atrocious and frankly would have been an act of war in earlier ages. But since Beijing owns DC and has enough firepower to push around anyone outside the G7, they'll keep getting away with it.
  9. Bacle

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Which is another reason why CCP poacher militias posing as fishermen should be targets of Letters of Marque.
  10. Bacle

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    Faraday caged back-ups and EMP hardened critical assets. And unlike a nuke EMP, there is no radioactive fallout to content with during the recovery. A Carrington event would fuck up a lot of things in the short term, but not badly enough to actually stop the likes of the WEF. In fact a...
  11. Bacle

    Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

    This is far from just 'emotional manipulation' in terms of what it can be used for; think of it's use for the battlefield, ala Halo-like 'neural laces'. There is a reason groups like DARPA and such have been fiddling with this sort of thing for years, and is probably much farther ahead in this...