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  1. Bassoe

    General military questions thread

    I think they're talking about our electrical grid. Because, you know, so much of it relies upon Made In China™ hardware and software.
  2. Bassoe

    General military questions thread

    No, insofar as if I was, we wouldn't be in this mess, insofar as I'd be the one running China. That's where the 'we'll use nukes if someone attacks us/attempts to prevent our imperialism' claims are coming from, China's leadership. How is this supposed to comfort me? If we're subjected to MAD...
  3. Bassoe

    General military questions thread

    That does us zero good, given that the revolutionaries wouldn't be the ones in control of China's preexisting nuclear arsenal, the PRC leadership would be. If they're going down, what motive do they have to not take us with them?
  4. Bassoe

    General military questions thread

    That's not my point. Yes, we could destroy the dam and yes, destroying the dam would cripple if not outright destroy China, but if we did, they'd retaliate and they also have the ability to cripple if not outright destroy us. Our ability to destroy the dam was never in doubt. Our ability to...
  5. Bassoe

    General military questions thread

    Everyone's missing the point. The issue isn't 'would destroying the dam cripple the PRC, doing enough damage to cause it to lose stability/the Mandate of Heaven/what Liu Cixin described as 'the foundation of human civilization is to have things to eat'. Nor is it 'could the dam be destroyed'. It...
  6. Bassoe

    General military questions thread

    A better question might be, why should we care? Your mistake is correlating the interests of the American Empire's leadership with the interests of its citizens. Letting China play at imperialism might not be in the best interests of the American Empire's leadership, but I'm a plebeian. All my...
  7. Bassoe

    General military questions thread

    The corporatist foreign legion has realized almost nobody wants to die for it, if a draft was called, most men would just say they identified as women and therefore couldn’t be drafted. So suddenly, there's a totally organic push for changing the laws so women and self-identified women can also...