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  1. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    Of course they have no objective value, save for as scrap metal or something. It's art, their value is entirely subjective and based only on what people believe them to be worth. But I strongly object to the idea that merely because they were mass produced (and, as with many things related to...
  2. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    There is a vast differance between evaluating two cultures and noting the strengths and weakness of one group vs the other and using that information to inform your decisions and actions, and appointing yourself some kind of culture judge and weighting the worth of some cultures vs others and...
  3. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    It doesn't matter, even if they were the worst people ever (instead of just being notably more racist than the rest of the world), that doesn't justify your overt hatred and contemptuous "what right do you have to not be spat upon and ground into the dirt beneath our heel" attitude.
  4. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    Because doing that kind of shit tends to engender resentment and start another war? Like, for a guy who's putting on airs about superior education and knowledge of the field, you seem shockingly ignorant of the fact that people have tried it your way on many an occasion, and we stopped doing it...
  5. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    Ah, my bad. I interpreted that as "Forrest goes to far, but otherwise we should be careful about what we remove and why".
  6. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    If such proposals exist, I've never seen them, aside from that "no, we never had a street named after stonewall Jackson, no sir, we're a nice modern progressive city who never did anything racist like that!" thing I mentioned before. Also, I don't agree that tearing down a memorials honoring...
  7. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    I didn't say they didn't address history, I said they were not pushing a particular narrative or history. It's the difference between "these people died and we are sad" and "these people died in defense of the glorious southern cause and we are sad".
  8. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    Because there's never, or at least almost never, a proposal to replace them with something that still addresses history, it's pretty much always just a demand they be removed and nothing more. And how do they do that, exactly? Like I said before, most them are just "blah blah, commemorate the...
  9. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    I'm aware people were racist in the past. I'm also aware my family is not, and that are hilarously off base with your guesses as to what movies they watched and and how they raised thier children. For example, my grandfather was not even born when Birth of a nation came out, so you'd be talking...
  10. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    You do realize that when I requested no inflammatory language, that bare-veiled accusations about someone's entire family being racists is in fact quite inflammatory and insulting, right?
  11. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    For the most part, no I don't. But I do remember the scene where Clark Gable tells a bunch of Confederates that they're idiots and the north will kick their asses, a bunch of them go "nuh uh, we're gentlemen, they could never beat a bunch of gentlemen" in the most entitled, arrogant manner...
  12. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    Yes, I'm aware sometimes shitty people put them up for shitty reasons. I don't see that as relevant, art and symbols exist independently of their creator and take on thier own meaning. I'm sure some portion of them are objectionable even on thier own merits, but that's a decision to made on a...
  13. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    I don't see how that's the case, actually. Last I checked most people learn about history from school and the media (which are very clear on the CSA being the bad guys and almost entirely silent on the subject, respectively), not by wandering around town and deciding that various dedication...
  14. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    What do you mean by "celebratory"? As far as I'm aware, most statues or moments just say something along the lines "dedicated to all those who lost thier lives in service to thier country blah blah blah" or something like that. That's basically what that statue at UNC said about the student and...
  15. Battlegrinder

    United States Confederate Statues, symbols, and memorials debate thread

    Contraversy over the public display of memorials to the soldiers of the CSA or the display of symbols of the CSA and what they stand forever should be seen as standing for is an ongoing debate within the US. This thread is devoted to an exploration of the issue. All I would ask is that...