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  1. Bear Ribs

    Humor/Comedy Celebrity Cringe Thread

    LeBron James continues his messaging in The Shop. In this episode, he talks on the subject of Griner still being held in a Russian prison, and opines that it's better to be locked in a Russian prison than free in the hell that is The United States.
  2. Bear Ribs

    Humor/Comedy Celebrity Cringe Thread

    John Stewart believes ending Abortion is a slippery slope that leads to the government stealing your organs out of your still-living body.
  3. Bear Ribs

    Humor/Comedy Celebrity Cringe Thread

    It's not really the books so much as one of those rando things Rowling said to gain woke points. In the books, Hermione regularly turns pink with embarrassment or white with fear, reactions that are unlikely to be noticeable on a black girl, so the text generally goes against it.
  4. Bear Ribs

    Humor/Comedy Celebrity Cringe Thread

    Isn't Hermione supposed to be black anyway? Emma Watson should be ashamed for suggesting she'd take a PoC's role in the franchise for herself.
  5. Bear Ribs

    Humor/Comedy Celebrity Cringe Thread

    Ehhhh... Matthew Goldin routinely posts dry sarcastic stuff on his Twitter Feed and treats his tweets as a comedy routine. There's no reason to think this obvious and continuous mood whiplash is his actual opinion as opposed to him deliberately doing it because he thinks it's funny. Granted...
  6. Bear Ribs

    Humor/Comedy Celebrity Cringe Thread

    Good to see somebody's looking out for those marginalized extra-terrestrials.
  7. Bear Ribs

    Humor/Comedy Celebrity Cringe Thread

    He also assumes you have the time and energy to care for 3.9 million tomato plants by yourself, and can go for two years before making any income.
  8. Bear Ribs

    Humor/Comedy Celebrity Cringe Thread

    It's baffling to me but there really is this persistent and weird belief among certain people that crops grow themselves. Farmers (and by extension most ruralites) are lazy bums who just squat on land they stole from natives and charge hardworking city investors (who are doing the real...
  9. Bear Ribs

    Humor/Comedy Celebrity Cringe Thread

    For those not in the know, Nick Huber is the CEO of Sweaty Startups. He's got over 100K followers because he freely shares his deep insights into how business works, such as his analysis of the farming industry here. Pretty sure he learned how to farm from Minecraft.