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  1. Bear Ribs

    Building a Fantasy Army

    One issue fighting giants is that their range is always going to be longer. You want to fight the giant with a spear? His is the size of a telephone pole, good luck getting close enough to nail him before you get splattered. You want to shoot the giant with arrows? His bow is an 18,000 pound...
  2. Bear Ribs

    Building a Fantasy Army

    Hmm, so would the reverse be the case if it's pixies vs. humans? Pixies even have the advantage of flight, making reaching eyes easier.
  3. Bear Ribs

    Building a Fantasy Army

    I can see why, with every fantasy system being different, it's hard to pin down anything, but this article series feels rather like it's a guide to AH rather than fantasy. There's almost no attention paid to how non-mundane-human non-horse units with different abilities will affect strategy or...
  4. Bear Ribs

    Building a Fantasy Army

    Final part of the series? We're not getting a chapter on aerial tactics?
  5. Bear Ribs

    Building a Fantasy Army

    Seems useful. I'm guessing the followup articles will discuss actual fantasy elements, such as how having centaurs or orcs would change up formations and the presence of magic? Also is your "click to support" link to a book you made or just pays you for clicks?