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  1. Big Steve

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    Personally, I admit I never really avoided Chik-Fil-A for that purpose alone, I don't have the spare income to eat out often unless I make use of sales (like the coupons I get with the Burger King and Wendys apps, and those are the two fast food chains I still occasionally use, or the specials...
  2. Big Steve

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    They do have fine quality, but their prices are such I don't eat there. And I admit I may never again as I support gay rights. Then again, I don't go to McDonalds or Starbucks either. :p
  3. Big Steve

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    That I wasn't aware of. Except as you argued, teachers are mostly female. So their exposure to masculine figures are more likely to be the ones I mentioned, and you have a greater chance of those figures promoting negative behavior. The ad opens with the montage of guys shaving, segues into...
  4. Big Steve

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    Could you elaborate? Interesting that you went to that example instead of, say, Gillette making a commercial encouraging black men to start families and live law-abiding lives, given the complaints about the single-parent issue you raise further down and,honestly, the fact that it would fit...
  5. Big Steve

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    My experience is that it's been used to describe the idea of taking masculinity so far it becomes toxic. To not just encourage things like stoicism or being able to fight, but to demand it, and to demand you let you get your ass kicked without getting help, and that to refuse to be such is...
  6. Big Steve

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    I'm sorry, but to me, that's like saying toxic chemicals exists to kill chemistry, or toxic politics exists to kill politics.
  7. Big Steve

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    Even if the "kids fighting" is "one kid pushing around and knocking over another who's asking him to get off/stop?" Or the idea that "boys/men don't cry! Shut up and don't cry, if you cry you're not a real man!" Sometimes that can even go to showing any kind of softer emotion.
  8. Big Steve

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    If you're talking about the interested guy approaching the woman walking by and getting stopped by another guy, no, I didn't consider that "toxic" behavior needing to be stopped, and it was definitely one of the bits in the ad that was not thought through. I got the context that the guy was...
  9. Big Steve

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    So, is this the issue? Because... what's so anti-masculine about this? It's a bit heavy-handed, I'll grant, but the basic message seems to be to teach boys that it's not okay to gang up on and bully someone, or to treat women like pleasure objects? (Although I'm thinking more the bit of the...