Search results for query: *

  1. Captain X

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    What you said. Which wasn't that. I mean, you're not wrong about the stuff happening, but it isn't because of marriage equality so much as others taking advantage. You can already see the effect of this as they are already throwing gay men under the bus now that they are no longer of any...
  2. Captain X

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Well thanks for clarifying that point. And here I thought you were making a generalization about men and women. I don't because you won't explain it. I mean, you explained your last point, so why not this one? Or are you afraid I'll rake you over the coals with it? 😏
  3. Captain X

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    In that you say men only want sluts/whores and are not interested in the romance aspect of relationships. This is an argument right out of the purple-haired feminist handbook that describes men as little more than animals. Not really. About all I can assume is that you're referring to your...
  4. Captain X

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Words mean things. Usually it's the regressive left I have to explain that to. :cautious: Yeah, it's the generalization there I have problems with. You actually sound not unlike an intersectional feminist now, who basically demonize male sexuality. What you said is bullshit because the...
  5. Captain X

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Actually they're just two different kinds of feminist - sex posititive vs sex negative. The current loudest ones are the sex negative crowd, who belong to the intersectionalist identity politics crowd. Which was? Wow, that manages to be sexist against both men and women at the same time. I...
  6. Captain X

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    It is if you are demanding others change while being unable to yourself, even if you claim to be "struggling" with it. Not with me, since they are asking others to essentially quit cold turkey while being unable to themselves. Of course this would be a non-argument for me anyway because there...
  7. Captain X

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    And I'll never understand an the attitude anyone has against porn (this topic has been previously discussed at length on this forum, and I have no desire to have the same arguments again), but to support prostitution while wanting to ban porn is a new one for me, and that much more bewildering...
  8. Captain X

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Your STD concern could easily be mitigated by regulation, a lot more than just trying to ban it can ever hope to accomplish. And as someone who is not Christian, the other aspects of your argument do not bother or concern me. Not everyone is going to get married, not everyone wants to get...
  9. Captain X

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    This is literally something very similar to what a commie would say. :rolleyes: Yeah, you are. And I really care not about your views on libertarianism, any more than I do those of the SJWs. No, it illustrated overregulation quite well, and not only how it makes criminals out of people over...
  10. Captain X

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Because it's true. The thing you and other traditionalists/conservative Christian busybodies/whatever you think of yourself as don't seem to realize is that there really isn't much difference between you and the sjw commies. :LOL: You certainly have a strange way of seeing things.
  11. Captain X

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Freedom is always worth protecting. And someone making a mess out of their life is a consequence that they will have to deal with and is no business of yours. But for most of the sex industry, that isn't really much of an issue, except for the part that is currently illegal. Even that...
  12. Captain X

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    You know, looking through here is really making me wonder about some of the people here. Like a lot. Two things: 1) I believe in freedom (why do you hate it?) 2) I choose to use "sex worker" because it is an accurate, non-degrading term that encompasses a wide range of jobs.