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  1. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    It also means both your ideas on what is moral are equally (that is, 100%) arbitrary. What possible materialistic reason could you have for believing Maoism is wrong, as a believer in subjective morality? The most you can say is that you personally get an icky feeling when you consider it.
  2. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Is programming a sapient sexbot so that it always wants sex a violation of the NAP?
  3. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Before I log off for the night, I'm gonna release one more volley into the libertarian camp on the poverty of the idea that all you need for society to work is for people not to initiate force against each other (in libertarian philosophy they call this the "Non-Agression Principle," or NAP)...
  4. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Biting the bullet unnecessarily in my opinion, and a very un-Christian way of looking at things to boot. There's nothing hypocritical in believing that some social ill should be eliminated and also admitting that you struggle with it yourself. In fact, to my mind that makes your advocacy even...
  5. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    What materialistic basis do you have for leaping from is to ought? You've said that this is all part of human nature, and that's true. But by what standard are you concluding that this facet of human nature should be indulged? Surely the mere fact that people feel a certain way is not by itself...
  6. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    What materialistic reason do you have for saying that a functional society is preferable to a dysfunctional society? You're not a society, you're just a person. And I'm not under any delusion that God is speaking to me. I'm just repeating what 2,000+ years of scholarship by people far more...
  7. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Nope, it's all based on logic. An omniscient being is one which knows the correct answer to all logically valid inquiries. Therefore, an omniscient being is by definition incapable of being incorrect. So... why are some morals "common sense," and others not? What materialistic grounds do you...
  8. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    What a joke. Libertarian ideology, like other branches of Leftism, is fundamentally disconnected from humanity, possibly even moreso. Whereas at least Leftists feel some solidarity towards the wretched of the earth (at the expense of their fellow countrymen, granted), libertarians see everything...
  9. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Not quite the end of story, I'm afraid. What's your definition of "completely unfeasible?" If your standard is "100% successful 100% of the time" then you're right, enforced abstinence does not work ever. If your standard is not that stringent, then you're plainly wrong. Prohibitions on...
  10. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Please. The left is more than happy to compromise with libertarians because they understand that they're no threat. Like I said, they're more than happy to legalize whatever hedonism libertarians want, because they understand that those things will make excellent soma. Libertarians have far more...
  11. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Reposted from my aborted essay thread:
  12. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Except for our beliefs on the role of the state in human life, metaphysical presuppositions, opinions on religion, basic morality, physiognomy, distinctions between public and private, loyalty, etc... I mean sure, if you cut out all our actual beliefs and focus instead on the fact that we don't...
  13. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    lol sure bro, having diametrically opposed visions for American society makes me and antifa totally the same, sure. Libertarians rightly concede that one’s freedom must end at the point at which it starts to impinge upon another person’s, but they radically underestimate how easily this...
  14. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    LoL glibertarians have been hyperventilating over enforcement of basic moral obligations on society being LITERAL COMMUNISM since day one, and it's never once been true. Anything to cover up the fact that their ideology is blatant simping for billionaires--who, by the way, are almost...
  15. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    Aside from disease, abuse, drug addiction, single motherhood, social degradation, destroying your own ability to pair-bond... I'm sorry if the literal definition of enabling offends you, but that's something you should take up with someone who cares. Enabling can be passive as well as active...
  16. Certified_Heterosexual

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    I believe in freedom. However, the freedom to make an enormous mess of your life and ruin yourself and others is not a freedom worth protecting. I believe in dignity (why do you have none?) Imagine thinking that willingness to fuck and be fucked by random strangers is worthy of respect...