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  1. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    I actually think Zach would turn out to be a fine father, he would most likely tell bad jokes and not always understand the latest thing but he would love his children and try his best to prepare them for the world.
  2. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    All of the big people who looked at historical cycles and how empires rose and fell warned that an ever growing buracracy was the biggest danger to long term civilizational survival. And its made us one of the least free civilizations in human history, don't belive me? We live in a...
  3. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    It was because he was too obvious that he was ignored.
  4. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Dubya was very much the last president of the old republican party. It died under his watch floundered and now its being remade in trumps image as a populist party.
  5. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    The money is being drained at ever increasing rates, and the boomers did not save for their retirement and will demand more and more from a tax base that simply can not support it. This is all a very painful process of course but for the current establishment they have decades of an...
  6. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    That gives them 30 more years. The problem is people are having less children globally, so by the 2050s that tactic no longer works and the children of said illegals now grow up dealing with the conquences of their parents and the establishments bullshit. This is my demographic prediction on...
  7. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    going to be a global thing, not just in Ireland but across the entire western world.
  8. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    You know there was a country that thought that way, about imported workers. It was called Mexico and the man who led it was named Profio Diaz, that ended in the single worse revolution in mexican history....
  9. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Ok were going to have to talk about this. In life there are trade offs, there is no such thing as a free lunch and no matter what you do there will be a price. The price of immigration expecially large scale immigration is social stability, because adding lots of people from a completely...
  10. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    On the local level you know how every time you try to build more affordable housing it gets blocked by nimbys. How attempts to allow duplexes, tri plexes and the the america's missing middle options of housing all get rountinly blocked? The people who talk about how more housing that is...
  11. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Every generation tends to blame the previous generation for how fucked things are. But when the 3 decending generatios (Xers, Milianials, Zoomers, and the 2 preciding generations (the greats and silent generation) all blame one generation for the world being fucked. Their probally the ones...
  12. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Look at India and how the Hindu majority bent over backwards during the creation of the country to attempt to be nice and fluffy and reconsile dispite centuries of oppression, and how the muslums slapped that out streched hand of friendship away and proceded to act like asshats. Now you have...
  13. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    This is in a strange way progress. They have been forced to admit there is a problem and that people are pissed at them for creating this problem. Next phase is it doesn't work and they discover what you said is completely true. The good news for you is that the people your getting are low...
  14. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Its going to get a lot, lot, lot worse before it gets better.
  15. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    you know he could have just you know not stabbed a man...
  16. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Right now were currently in the process of learning the hard way why we used to have so many social rules.
  17. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Populism as a political force really only gets going when things are borked. the current maga movement happened when the american people just could no longer lie to themselves about how much things fucking sucked. It was the moment where the discontent which had been boiling up under the...
  18. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    When the backlash for all of this seriously hits its going to be ugly as hell.
  19. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    brother Ive seen walmart women lets not ever complain about girls getting excersize.
  20. C

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    No your not. And I'm not insulting you by saying such. Your not, while the conservative (actually populist these days) movement has a whole vairety of beliefs you there are actually quite a few base principles that your just not groking, and it shows up in how you debate, what you say and a...