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  1. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    Some one being wrong on the internet has spawned entire books, series and I think at least one documentary by now.
  2. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    George W bush has just refused to endorse Trump, I see this as a good thing for trump and the republican party.
  3. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    Political realinments suck, the republican party after Dubya burned all of the things collapsed and died and has been reborn as some thing saner, the democratic party is in its current state getting ready for its own collapse and destruction. No one knows how its going to shake out but things...
  4. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    its not like Chuunibyou syndrome that's a lot funnier to see in real life.
  5. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    any friends you want to bring our way?
  6. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    You go to school, most of your teachers are some verson of left wing, every now and then a conservative pops up but their pretty rare, then you get to middle school and high school still pretty rare, but before all of this the schools had to put on some kind of breaks on the crazy train in order...
  7. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    SB has a rule the affairs of other forums do not concern us. Its a good rule you never want to get the chans to start messing with you.
  8. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    Give it time, sooner or later one of the crazies will commit a terrorist attack and kill some one. Canada has much more stringent and scarier rules on the books then America does, and space battles is on a candean host. When that attack happens and it will the owner of the site will get a knock...
  9. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    If you need all of your enemies to be litteral Nazi's that tells you more about yourself then your enemies.
  10. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    SJW's describes a real thing and phenomenon, its a self righteous asshole who uses left wing politics as an excuse to be an asshole. Litterally every one has met them. Incels are also real their people who cant get laid and end up going into a self loathing spiral. SJW's need a reminder to...
  11. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    because orange man bad is the best icecream flavor ever fight me.
  12. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    we occasionally do. Quite a few serial killers are like that, and I know a few bangers who told me they were in it for the money and the thrills. Ironically those bangers for some reason hurt a lot less people and did a lot more for the community then the ones who told every one they were down...
  13. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    I also pointed out that their censorship makes montioring actual hate groups that much harder. Seriously when storm front was a thing the FBI could just sit down watch them, ocasionally make posts to convince people not to do anything crazy and head off violent attacks before they happened...
  14. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    I don't even particularly like trump I find him obnoxious but they get on my ass because I point out that censorship is a bad idea, that due process protects every one and I like the idea of being able to defend my synagogue with a loaded shot gun if things get dicy just like my grandpa did.
  15. C

    Why Did You Choose To Register & Enter This Thread?

    Spartan 303 is a pretty chill guy so when he said he was starting a new thing I wanted to see what it was.