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  1. C

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    the good news for them is that the normies are starting to figure things out. So the tide is turning but very slowly.
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    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    I know dear God I know
  3. C

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    torerous interference is a sueable crime. Honestly I'm just waiting for the tipping point to be reached were people collectively just get sick of this shit. Once that hits...well those activists have done a whole lot of very illegal shit all that's lacking is the will.
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    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    when the fear is replaced by hate it will happen.
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    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    like many things in society things have kind of gone horribly wrong.
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    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    This story has played out numerous times, a decadent elite goes into cult bullshit gets dislocated from reality and drags everyone down until they go down. Their not willing to listen their too far gone.
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    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    It comes from the foundation of how they see the world. Conservatives see human nature as one that is inherently flawed and self interested and society is how we try to correct for said flaws so we can function. The left thinks of humanity as naturally good but society corrupts them...
  8. C

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    Communists are asshole control freaks and have to absolutely control everything and every one around them. Its almost pathological.
  9. C

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    the farms is hard to kill and now has a grudge to survive on.
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    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    honestly wokies like mother jones have been doxing and harrassing people for years that coming back and biting them is well deserved.
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    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    You realize your basically proving my point right?
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    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    While that sounds nice how many normies have heard of Kiwi farms? I garnetee its practically nill.
  13. C

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    That might take a couple decades
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    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    You have to remember that the people here have better pattern reconition then most people do. Thus we get to a point faster then most. The normies will get to our point it just takes them longer. A lot longer, and yes I know this is frustrating as fuck.
  15. C

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    To be fair after WW2 we said don't be nazi's and the germans actually did that and it worked the problem is we really should have said don't have authoritarian governments.
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    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    were not at civil war but we are seeing the kind of moral behavior that leads to one.
  17. C

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    Im going to go against that. In many cases gate keeping is nessary because some places are purposefully built for communities of various types. I am after all not against the left having safe spaces only their blantant assholish demand that only they have safe spaces and every one else should...
  18. C

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    that has been the general rule of most of human history, so that's probally a wish that will be granted. There is going to be a lot of blow back when this maddness all ends and the country will go hardcore traditionalist for quite some time when this madness ends. I think black people...
  19. C

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    mans like the fucking terminator.
  20. C

    Kiwi Farms under attack again

    It's become a standard tactic of the left because they don't think about said tactic ever being used against them.