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  1. Circle of Willis

    WI: Muhammad was a Christian

    I mentioned it in my OP, but given the presence of the (at least partly, and likely majority by the late 6th/early 7th centuries) Nestorian Christian Lakhmids, as well as Miaphysite and Nestorian theology being more diametrically opposed to each other than either was to Roman Christianity, I...
  2. Circle of Willis

    WI: Muhammad was a Christian

    Re: Persian meddling in Arabia, it looks like the Persians never conquered the Hejaz even at the height of their power, though they did kick the Ethiopians out of Yemen (which they invaded in the first place, led by who an Unbiased History-inspired vid calls the most based black man to ever...
  3. Circle of Willis

    WI: Muhammad was a Christian

    Good question. I've mentioned before that Muhammad was likeliest to convert to one of the non-orthodox branches of Christianity, since those were the ones strongest in and around Arabia. However, that doesn't necessarily rule out the Arabs accepting Chalcedonian Christianity at a later time...
  4. Circle of Willis

    WI: Muhammad was a Christian

    I agree that that's the likeliest case if Muhammad's personality isn't also changed. If *Arabic Christianity (for lack of a better term) still carries over certain aspects of OTL Islam, like the iconoclasm I mentioned before and/or the lack of a centralized top-down religious hierarchy, and...
  5. Circle of Willis

    WI: Muhammad was a Christian

    Honestly, I think even a 'Muhammad is a peaceful Christian and there is no sudden Arab expansion in the 7th century' scenario could be interesting. That at least would probably mean the continued survival of the full-strength ERE with its Levantine & Egyptian borders, the Sassanid Persians (I've...
  6. Circle of Willis

    WI: Muhammad was a Christian

    Christianity was known to have penetrated into Arabia by the time of Muhammad: the Chalcedonian Christianity of the Romans wasn't particularly popular in the region to my knowledge, but Miaphysitism (Coptic Egyptian & Ethiopian Christianity), Ebionism (the remnants of the Judaizers) and...