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  1. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: 966-970: Senatus Populusque Europeanus

    966 brought with it new steps in Aloysius VI’s plans for Senatorial reform. In order to simultaneously balance budgetary concerns, seating capacity in an expanded Tabularium and the nobility’s demand for prestigious sinecures for their younger children & brothers who stood to inherit nothing...
  2. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: 961-965: Out of Two, One

    961’s first half was a time of consolidation for the Dano-Roman alliance, as Earl Magnus and Prince Harald both advised King Sigtrygg of the Danes that they needed to firmly lock Norway’s major population centers down first before pursuing the Garmrsons into the more remote and sparsely settled...
  3. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: 956-960: Tying Up Loose Ends

    956 brought with it not only a new, uneasy peace on Ireland but also a shake-up in the Christian Levant. Adémar de Bonne had been succeeded as the first post-Crusade Patriarch of Jerusalem by a native from Galilee, Boulos of Cana[1], but now he too was dead and Aloysius V seized the opportunity...
  4. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: 951-955: A Roach Under The Sun, Part II

    The Britons continued their war in Ireland through 951, though in a generally lower-intensity form than the campaigns of the previous years. Elan took advantage of Irish disunity and disillusionment among the Ulster lords with their allies to seek a ceasefire & peace talks with Muichertach...
  5. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    That's right, for Dulebian's base I mostly looked to Serbo-Croatian, since those guys are their neighbors and I haven't found much in the way of linguistic archaeological fragments from the RL Pannonian Slavs before they got steamrolled by the Hungarians (especially not the northern guys from...
  6. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: Haemus' High Horse

    Capital: Mogent[1]. Religion: Ionian Christianity. Certain Slavic pagan traditions have survived into the Christian period as syncretized folk practices, but by and large, Slavic paganism itself has died in Dulebia – if not in the years before, then certainly after the ascendancy of the fully...
  7. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    Yeah, it's a meme that the Mongols demolished the ancient Mesopotamian canal network and turned Iraq into a desert, but from what I've found in my research that wasn't totally the case. They didn't help to be sure, but apparently those canals had been declining for a while to mirror the...
  8. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: 946-950: A Roach Under The Sun, Part I

    946 threw a complication into Romano-British plans for Ireland and beyond, as old Brydany (having previously survived a serious fever which took him out of action on the verge of his imperial cousin's invasion of Egypt) died of another fever early in this year. Elan's succession was smooth...
  9. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: 941-945: Tools of the Enemy

    In 941 the Romans continued to digest their conquests, investing plundered riches into improving their own economy and making sense of all those Islamic secrets which they had brought back from Outremer with them. Aloysius V worked with the new Pope, Victor III, to drain more of the Pontine...
  10. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: 936-940: The Great Emancipator

    Come 936, with the First Crusade now having reached its definitive conclusion, Christendom once more began to turn its attention inward. Upon landing in Constantinople Aloysius IV went on a lengthy overland march, practically an imperial progress packed with one victory parade after another all...
  11. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    Funny enough, the RL Teutons did actually get their start by running a hospital (the Hospital of St. Mary of the German House in Jerusalem - their motto of 'Help, Defend, Heal/Helfen, Wehren, Heilen' even seems to take after this history), though of course that was largely overshadowed in short...
  12. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: 931-935: The Ascent of Angels

    931 brought with it the climax of the crusaders' campaign in Syria, where all eyes were on the ongoing Siege of Damascus. Negotiations with both the Egyptian government of Al-Farghani and the defending commanders for the peaceable handover of the city and the evacuation of its garrison back to...
  13. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    Most certainly, being a conquering warlord (even one with some brutal sackings under one's belt) & an icon of chivalry are not necessarily exclusive in history. As exemplified by this old webcomic about Edward the Black Prince, whose atrocities weren't even aimed at Muslims but at neighboring...
  14. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: 926-930: Deus Vult! Part III

    As 926 dawned, all eyes in the civilized West remained firmly fixed on Jerusalem, where the concentrated might of Christendom was amassing to seize the holy city back from the Muslims who had controlled it for the past several centuries by any means necessary. Negotiations with the defending...
  15. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!

    The Cumans/Kipchaks historically seem to have emerged as a serious force in the 11th century (1000s). Might make a mention of them later, but unless I run out of things to write about ahead of schedule, I'll probably be reserving their proper appearance for Part II of the TL (so like, starting...
  16. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: Jerusalem, O Jerusalem

    Jerusalem, June 22 926 "Vrowe min, durch iuwer güete nu vernemet mine clage, daz ir durch iuwer hochgemüete nicht erzuernet waz ich sage. Vil lihte daz ein tumber man misseredet, als er wol kann; daran solt ir iuch nicht keren an…"[1] The sound of footsteps and his tent flap being lifted...
  17. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: 921-925: Deus Vult! Part II

    The Romans' Siege of Tyre dragged well throughout 921, just as the (First) Siege of Antioch had gone slowly and painfully before. Not only was Governor Abdallah stubborn and fiercely loyal to the Egyptian regime which appointed him in the first place, but the city's defenses were nearly as...
  18. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: 916-920: Deus Vult! Part I

    While Aloysius IV and most of the Roman world spent 916 finalizing their preparations for the imminent launch of the First Crusade, Brydany was feeling the pressure to wrap up his conquest of Ireland as quickly as possible. If he could not do so within this year, the Emperor had increasingly...
  19. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: 911-915: Taking up the Cross

    911 saw the Council of Thessalonica remaining bogged down in theological minutiae surrounding the adoption of Rome and Carthage's proposed concept of an automatic indulgence for all who should take up the cross and wage holy war against the infidel. Emperor Aloysius had to contend with more...
  20. Circle of Willis

    Alternate History Vivat Stilicho!
    Threadmarks: 906-910: The Red Dragon in Gold

    Come 906, the Seven Years' War might have been over, but the Roman world's road to recovery amid its ongoing struggles had clearly just begun. Aloysius IV had defended his family's hold on the purple from the Stilichians and Greeks, but now he had to protect the empire it represented from the...