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  1. Crom's Black Blade

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    For me, its less whether or not they "need it" but whether if they typically have access to it. If they do then they should have it in this scenario but if they don't it seems unfair to just hand it to them.
  2. Crom's Black Blade

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    Well what got them to the planet would, if the Cain series is any indication, be a troop transport that would land Cain and his regiment into a secured landing zone and then leave. The wiki seems to suggest Valkyries typically are typically assigned to Stormtrooper squads or drop troop...
  3. Crom's Black Blade

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    Do the Catachans have organic Valkyrie support at the battalion level? From what I've seen not even every Regiment has access to Valkyries even relatively well-supplied ones like Cain's Valhallan 597th.
  4. Crom's Black Blade

    A Catachan Battalion vs Na'vi at Avatar 1

    Assuming "battalion" and "Platoon" mean roughly their real world equivalents in this scenario I'd have to lean towards Na'vi on this one they have superior numbers and not only are intimately familiar with the flora and fauna of their native jungle, unlike the Catachan's who will have to learn...