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  1. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Of course, along with your idea to have spun the Legends into a proper, continuing, er, continuity rather than axing it. You talked about that on an earlier page, citing IIRC comics ability to have multiple realities and continuities without the audience being confused. Hence my somewhat...
  2. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    There are similarities through the "Star Trek approach" largely avoided a wider continuity, for the most part. Obviously that wasn't a 100%, writers did build upon their own and each other works, but broadly speaking a trek novel was designed to be pretty stand alone and connected more to the...
  3. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Eh, that's kind of what I'm talking about. Either the EU should have been its own thing, and therefore free to depict the prequal era because it would never be meant to be the same prequel era as Lucas's, or pick an era so far removed from canon it didn't matter what they did. As it was the EU...
  4. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    The EU had it share of good stories in it but ultimately I think it would have been better if they'd stuck to the "Parallel Universe" as Lucas called it. Establish it is its own separate thing, a what-if of sorts that uses the original films as a launch pad, that didn't have to reflect anything...
  5. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Kind of sounds like Vader would be the Augustus to Palpy's Caesar creating a more popular, well-intended empire if likely drenched in blood to achieve it. Considering how much she is like her father I actually wonder if Leia might inheret her father's role as Supreme Commander while the more...
  6. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Fully agree there, the ROTS novelization even goes into how the "perfect jedi trap" is one that it doesn't matter if it truly succeeds or not because all you needed was the Jedi to be distracted for that moment. I suppose my thoughts/curious of would having General Grievous around help the...
  7. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    So here's a what if I don't think has been asked in this thread, apologies if I missed it, but let's say Obi-Wan's mission to Utapau goes horribly wrong and General Grievous manages to kill him. How do the events of the series play out from that PoD?
  8. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Well if you want to talk about the EU, it matters since it had to conform to his view. Again the EU invented an entire reformation just to align itself with a throw away line from AOTC. So clearly Lucas's word holds weight. At the very least its important to better understand Star Wars, the...
  9. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Well it being a recent, learned thing does kind of jive with Obi-Wan's "strike me down" comment in ANH which was presumably in relation to becoming a Force Ghost. Presumably Obi-Wan, Yoda and possibly even Qui Gon helped Anakin "crossover" when he died due to his redemption. This might even...
  10. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    That's likely because Lucas's idea seems to have leaned with Qui Gon being the first Jedi to discover how to become a Force Ghost with all the ghosts seen in the OT having died after Qui Gon made his "discovery". Or at least I haven't seen anything to suggest Lucas explicitly acknowledge any...
  11. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    I don't think I'm "bemoaning" anything. I acknowledged Lucas action then noted how it largely didn't matter to my opinion of him. That what I respect him for has nothing to do with his politics. Oh I got the reference, I quite enjoy Razorfist, his rants and the coming Iron Age
  12. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    I feel like 3/4th of this had nothing to do with what I said bordering on "old man yells at clouds" and the remainder...I'd say Star Wars is more than the sum of its parts. That is is not just Korusawa films spliced with WWII footage. I enjoy Star Wars and I respect Lucas for creating it. I...
  13. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Not ideal, and I would be curious as to his motivations, but ultimately I don't think it effects my view of the man. His politics were, to my knowledge, always to the Left so that is what it us. I will always respect him for his vision and for the fun world he created. That like Ray Harryhausen...
  14. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Well to be fair they more or less are in the films and even the EU barely remembers the Imperial army exists. They clearly took some inspiration from them, being Stormtroopers, but if we're talking about how they're actually portrayed the seem closer to a Marines analogue operating in ship...
  15. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Personally I think it fits with the Galactic Empire being both a pulpy science-fantasy villain ala Ming the Merciless and being a Nazi Germany analogue that Stormtrooper armor is as crappy as it appears in the films. The Empire, being cartoonish evil, doesn't care about the individual lives of...
  16. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    It would be more accurate to say the Moffs are the local representatives of the Empire rather than a "local government". Indeed they are a rather recent and parallel system to the Imperial/Galactic Senate which the Empire has been hollowing out and intended to discard in ANH relying on fear of...
  17. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    To the first part, that's the beauty of things. The Core doesn't have to like or even really trust the Empire per say. As in all things politics its a marriage of convivence due to aligning interests. They could hate the Empire but as long as the Empire is the most likely to give them what they...
  18. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Something interesting to our discussion is the difference point of focus in our arguments. You primarily seem focused on the benefits of the Core and thus why the Rebellion/Republic focused on retaking it first. To get the prestige, the wealth and population from which to fight the Empire. That...
  19. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    The problem is you can't control those things simply by owning real estate. Look to the US occupation of Afghanistan as proof of that. Politics isn't capture the flag and taking something doesn't in and of itself doesn't grant you control over its people. You could win them over but in that...
  20. Crom's Black Blade

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    I would have to disagree on that. If I was trying to have an Empire survive as anything more than petty pirates or a hermit kingdom like North Korea the Core would be the best place to put it. If anyone would have a good view of the Empire or at the very least prefer it to the alternative it...