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  1. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    I'm not sure passive sensors would be able to work in this context. It works for a naval setting since submarines are constantly putting out signal/noise which is conducted through the medium they move through. So if you get a "ping" you can start stealthily searching for the source. That's not...
  2. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    All right that would be one point in favor of your interpretation then. Well if 40k Sensors can't reach out farther than their weapons range then they are incredibly short-ranged by Starfleet standards since the two factions share similar weapon ranges topping out at the hundreds of thousands...
  3. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Indeed they couldn't detect it through that is likely more due to their unfamiliarity with Borg technology and ship structure than a fault in the sensors themselves. Which could by all accounts detect and track the Borg ship, give an estimate on the damage it had sustained ect. So this is hardly...
  4. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Fair question. There isn't such a scene in that clip. However it wouldn't be a very effective tactic in the Star Trek galaxy since any peer opponent could easily follow/return fire. Edit: To elaborate further, I'd argue that under more ideal circumstances the tactic is pretty lack-luster...
  5. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    No worries and considering how inconsistent 40k can be at times it wouldn't surprise me if both statements are true. Is there any hard details on how long the Orks have been on the planet in Caves of Ice? If the Orks landed in another hemisphere and the Promethium refinery is the only...
  6. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Love it! The Borg: Lower your shields and surrender your ships. Resistance is futile. Starfleet: Fuck that! Shoot them!
  7. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Communication via Astropaths was what I was refering too actually which was the only form of FTL communication, other than using message boats like the Tau, I was under the impression the Imperium had. To quote from the rule book : Page 20 With the Wiki stating cross communication across a...
  8. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    I would largely agree with the above. The Imperium certainly can communicate at FTL velocities but it's more an analogue to age of sail sending messages which can arrives days or weeks later. Which means its going to be operationally slower. Granted it's not just their lack of real-time...
  9. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    In terms of Strategic mobility, raw sheer speed is only a minor facet. We're talking more about the issue of the Imperium knowing where it's ships are, relaying orders to them, them gathering and preparing for the coming battle relying on information that could be months, years or even decades...
  10. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Thank you for the information. So Void shields are basically depending on the writer in terms of effects. The Strategic mobility front is unlikely to go much better for the Imperium through. The Federation has the advantage of fighting from more condensed territory, has real-time communication...
  11. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Well let me know once you confirm whether or not it does I guess. And what is the difference in this context? Unfortunately them simply being lasers tells us very little about their targeting and accuracy. You previously talked about them scoring hits on Necron and Eldar ships. I'm sure in...
  12. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Unless the Picard series retconed things Torpedoes have always been depicted as a physical ordinance not unlike Warhammer torpedoes if far more compact. Could you provide more details? What precisely did they shoot and how? Depends on how far away said planet is from the jump point. The...
  13. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    I would have to politely disagree. There's no reason the fleet would have to drop out of warp in front of the escorts and, should they desire too, could drop well beyond them and attack the battleships directly. It wouldn't even be out of the possibility of dropping to sublight firing a salvo...
  14. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Depends on what you mean by "usually do". Star Trek is a visual medium and thus battles do tend towards cinematic affairs but when actual distances are given for combat ranges they frequently are in the tens if not hundreds of thousands of kilometers which are not massively different from the...
  15. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Okay I think you're memory of the episode is a little off. For starters the episode starts by confirming that "It has been nearly a year since a peace treaty ended the long conflict between the Federation and Cardassia." There are no "peace talks" since the War is long over by this point in...
  16. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Oh, I see. I mean yeah, that's taking accenting the negative of the episode to a large degree. I certainly get disagreeing with Picard's decision in the episode but I'm not really sure he had much choice. Maxwell had gone rogue and was attacking Cardassian ships and outposts in his own private...
  17. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Not sure I follow your logic. Sure we the audience don't understand how the Warp actually works but the same can be said of warp drive, replicators or transporters from Star Trek which are generally not assumed to be magic black boxes in these kind of cross over scenarios. Further Necron pylons...
  18. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    I think your exaggerating the threat. The Imperium is not a well-run organization and especially for planets out on the periphery it's existence is frequently more of theory than a hard reality. To quote from the rule book again. Core Rule Book, 2020, pages 20-21 In comparison to a border...
  19. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    Depends on when exactly in the franchise this is set. Up and until the Picard series, no. It was a plot point that they didn't fully understand how Data worked. Come the series they did start mass producing androids for slave labor but I never really watched the series so I couldn't tell you...
  20. Crom's Black Blade

    What If? Star Trek Federation is transported into the 40k galaxy

    I'm guessing you are referring to ECM? Considering how alien Federation tech is, its a toss up how effective any such measures are going to be. Yes, to a degree. Each ship has a computer which has some but largely basic intelligence. Through on at least two occasions the Enterprise-D computer...