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  1. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    It also has a nasty habit of going through fad treatments. There was an era where lobotomy was considered the cure all. Likewise electroshock therapy was became very popular before it was cut down to cases where it was actually effective. I don't think it will really become a part of modern...
  2. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    There exists no such thing as homophobia. Nobody has an irrational fear of homosexuals. What people do have is a disgust reaction to abnormal sexual fetishes. Disgust is not fear. Psychiatry is the name for the category of medical research we are talking about here. The German researchers no...
  3. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    Human sexuality is clearly malleable even after puberty because people can develop new fetishes from pornography. The gender theory of human sexuality is a poor approximation if not outright pseudoscience. The human subconsious uses baysian belief networks for statistical predictions, which is...
  4. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    Bullshit. 120 years of legitimate psychiatric research on anything simply does not exist, the entire field is in its infancy, about a hundred years behind other forms of medicine. Phychiatric care is right now about a decade ahead of when opium was used as a cure all in 1920s medicine. We have...
  5. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    It is so obvious that I shouldn't need to, but here you go: We need to continue looking...
  6. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    There is no way to know. The orthodoxy is so strong there is no way to get funding for research on Reasignment surgery regret let alone therapy to treat the cause of the issue.
  7. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    Are you a compulsive liar or just stupid? Transition verses conversion therapy is encourage versus discourage.
  8. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    Of this I agree to an extent, as long as the outliers to harm or deceive others. But we should not encourage unhealthy behavior. That is the center of this whole argument. There is no room for doubt that gender dysphoria is unhealthy. But there is a concerted effort to encourage it rather than...
  9. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    Yes. No. Gender roles originate from sexual dimorphism. Women have a hormone cycle that makes them more vulnerable to stress. Their bodies and psychology are developed to care for extremely young children, where men are more suited for disciplining older children. There are differences in risk...
  10. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    No. This is all sophistry. You are deceptively trying to divorce things from their cause and purpose. The cause and purpose of gender roles are the existence of biological sex and to define how this fact interacts with society respectively. The performative aspects of gender roles are largely a...
  11. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    All trans activism runs on the premise that their beliefs are true. You have constructed a straw man to defend while I have attacked the actual attitudes that create a problem for society. Because people have a long recognized condition that makes them believe in something that is not true...
  12. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    This is a lie. You have made no coherent argument to support this claim. Show the logic to support how B follows A. When you rudely doubted my claim of a trivial proof from first principles, I provided you the proof. You did not take my proof in good faith, but instead responded with base...
  13. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    There are also the crippled mutants, but they are the exception the proves the rule, given the organ failure and cancer.
  14. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    Just because you believe ins something that is not real does not mean that it is not make the action of you believing not real. This is one of your worst problems with logic, you cannot separate the contents from a container. I proved that the contents of the beliefs and feelings that result...
  15. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    And I have proved that it is a delusion. Nothing you are arguing about has any causal relation to your assertions.
  16. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    Reality is that which remains true when you do not believe in it. The foundation of transsexual legitimacy is that a person is male or female because they believe that they are male or female. Then a person has the belief change, do they remain male or female? The state does not remain true...
  17. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    But they are not adults. Trans activists and lobbies demand plastic surgery for children and teenagers.
  18. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    That doesn't prove what you think it does. Do to how the brain works as a computational medium, its structure and software are equivalent. Any sort of mentall illness, behavior, or skill will have an effect on the brain structure if you look hard enough. Playing video games, for example, effects...
  19. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    I don't care. The legitimacy of thier claims is trivial to disprove from first principles. They are insane and should receive psychiatric care with the intent to cure rather than plastic surgery to encourage their beliefs.
  20. Doomsought

    Transgender Rights

    Its like political lesbians, but with surgery, so I'm not sure they can't just hate their way through any form of dysphoria.