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  1. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    Radfems probably know that but don't care.
  2. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    Wow this comment is something else this has to be a troll/bait post
  3. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    Its alright i started the derail to begin with. Its my thread anyway so I don't mind.
  4. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    Wow this thread is something else SJW's calling people who support MGTOW patriarchs and calling it a Hate group LOL.
  5. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    Yeah /Pol is like stormfront but with better memes.
  6. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    Polish nazi? why would people support a ideology that genocided their country in the past? Also im starting to think most /Pol/acks are just in it for the shock humor.
  7. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    /Pol and Stormfront seem to fucking despise each other oddly enough.
  8. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    This image describes stormfags and SJW's pretty well.
  9. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    They're like SJW's but instead of blaming "whitey" for their problems they blame "Da Joos" and black people.
  10. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    Stormfags would probably say your " Lying " or some other delusional shit.
  11. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    When i was lurking on stormfront a few years i saw a thread on MGTOW, and oh lord those loons think mgtow was created by the Jews to divide and depopulate the white race :LOL: .
  12. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    No just wondering because i like his vids
  13. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    Has anyone seen sandman's mgtow videos on youtube? /
  14. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    Yeah i don't plan on getting married, to deal with an ungrateful wife and annoying children leaching off my money.
  15. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    Not to mention all of the false rape accusations
  16. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    Well women do a lot of bullshit these days so i can understand people thinking its not worth it.
  17. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    Lol i remember that from a SB thread. But a MG Davey Crockett thats where the good shit is at
  18. Duke Nukem

    MGTOW Opinion

    What is your guys opinion MGTOW. Personally i don't mind them