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  1. Flintsteel

    Hydroxychloroquine and it's Discontents

    Here is a long but good read on the sorrid tale of poor HCQ. Credit to @S'task for originally sharing it.
  2. Flintsteel

    Hydroxychloroquine and it's Discontents

    Well it looks like the disinformation brigade is out once again trying to talk down hydroxychloroquine. One wonders how many lives will be lost because the President must be wrong...
  3. Flintsteel

    Hydroxychloroquine and it's Discontents

    My father has a saying - 'People will tell you what they will do to you by what they warn you other people will always do to you.' They claimed Trump was pushing HCQ because he would make money - they are actually trying to discredit it to sell more of their high-priced drug!