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  1. Free-Stater 101

    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    Can you prove the Chinese are better by a wide enough margin to actually matter?
  2. Free-Stater 101

    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    This ignores a few realities of war from the U.S. perspective. The U.S. unlike Britain had no pre-existing obligations by treaty to defend Poland from the Soviet beyond the interest of national security leaving the issue to be decided by the government on the whims of interest.' The U.S. entry...
  3. Free-Stater 101

    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    What Zacho said. I have yet to see a country with a GDP the size of Poland get invaded that the U.S. was formally obligated to protect and had a vested economic interest in, the Ukraine doesn't count as it's almost always been in the Russian sphere and in no way aligned formally with the U.S. or...
  4. Free-Stater 101

    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    That's unfair, as everybody knows that Taiwan is in a position where it couldn't declare itself independent if it wanted to over PRC threats. Taiwan independence movement - Wikipedia Their has even been several polls in which a majority of the people on Taiwan want independence and furthermore...
  5. Free-Stater 101

    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    The question is Taiwan worth WWIII and the correct answer morally is 'no' because nothing is worth bringing us towards nuclear war. The problem is though, is that if we are at the point where China is taking Taiwan by force everything is probably going to hell, with China that desperate whos to...
  6. Free-Stater 101

    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    It would probably degenerate into a limited conflict as the U.S. isn't going to invade the mainland and China doesn't have the capability to destroy the USN, same for nukes really. Neither side wants Taiwan itself destroyed and neither the U.S. not China have reason to truly go nuclear.
  7. Free-Stater 101

    Is Taiwan getting invaded worth world war 3

    If China got to the point that they were invading Taiwan by force it would be worth it based on strategic reasons alone, never mind diplomatic ones.