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  1. FriedCFour

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    Well thats just not true. There are many, many legacy small businesses handed down generation after generation. I guarantee there are plenty of restaurants, for example, that are both successful and only have one store in your area. Or like, highly expansive anti-trust law, very low taxes and...
  2. FriedCFour

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    I'm not a fan of big corporations. Ideally everything would be artisanal, small, focused on the local, and have community. As much self employment and small business as possible. Your boss is much better when he knows your name, your face, your family, than if you are a number on a piece of...
  3. FriedCFour

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    No, because there are a shitload of variables in play. And strong moral opinions aren't necessarily unprofitable, they can give you profit or they can take away from it. In the case of something like YouTube their moral opinions are making bitchute into a competitor. But as a competitor they...
  4. FriedCFour

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    Toxic masculinity as used and applied is to say that societally masculinity is toxic and responsible for a whole host of societal ills. That is just not true. Individuals can have unhealthy ideas and opinions but it serves as an argument that masculinity is entirely a social construct and a bad one.
  5. FriedCFour

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    Theres a middle ground to both. You should be able to fight, its a skill you just should have. Everyone needs a good punch in the face every now and then and to know what that feels like. Stoicism is also good to an extent. There is absolutely a value in being able to suck it up and press on and...
  6. FriedCFour

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    There is no such thing as toxic masculinity though. Its a parade of dads doing that, and boy's will be boy's and letting kids fight is a totally valid thing to do. Its good for them.
  7. FriedCFour

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    Companies are run by people who have all kinds of beliefs and ideas. Actions can have levels of profit motivation or of belief in a cause attached to them. Right now tech companies dont seem to care much at all about profit and are more about changing society to how they wish to see it using...
  8. FriedCFour

    Gillette lost 8 billion over the toxic masculinity ad

    Dont go walk up and try and talk to a woman. All men are a part of a problem and need to do better. Its talking down to men as toxically masculine. Meanwhile they also did this. Men, you need to be better and do better. Also slay queen, healthy at any size! Adding to and glorifying a movement...