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  1. GoldRanger

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    I logically observe that either all or the vast majority of people want to maximize happiness either for themselves or for others they care about, as this is human nature. I deduce that an individual in a functional society would have a better chance to pursue or even achieve some form of...
  2. GoldRanger

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    A society can't function on a very basic level if murder is permissible to all. Ergo, any society that lasts for any serious length of time must have prohibited murder. You, on the other hand, are basing your morals on a fantasy novel and are deluded into believing an "omniscient being" is...
  3. GoldRanger

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    All morals are, to a degree, arbitrary (aside from common sense ones that are necessary for any society to function, such as "murder and theft are bad"). The difference is that yours are based on a popular fantasy novel.
  4. GoldRanger

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    The idea that the Christian ideal of abstinence is sustainable in anything resembling a free society is as rational as the idea that workers will happily and productively work for the same reward as people who don't work at all, i.e. the Communist ideal. Hey, technically if everyone adhered to...
  5. GoldRanger

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    I'm not even a libertarian and oppose unrestricted immigration or open borders.
  6. GoldRanger

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    So go ahead and judge it. As long as you don't try to regulate it you're free to judge it to your heart's content. Just don't get all offended on me if I judge your dumb-ass religion.
  7. GoldRanger

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    You have exactly the same methods. Horseshoe theory is real. Yes, you are the same, and yes, you are my enemy.
  8. GoldRanger

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    That's exactly why I'll respect you, despite our disagreements, but will forever consider Certified_Heterosexual and people like him as my enemies, exactly like the trash currently rioting on American streets, and their handlers.
  9. GoldRanger

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    I'm sorry if the literal definition of enabling offends you, but that's something you should take up with someone who cares. Enabling can be passive as well as active. If someone is about to offend a black person and I don't physically restrain them from doing it, then I have enabled that person...
  10. GoldRanger

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    It's not the state's business to gauge who has "self respect" or not. Some people just want to fuck, deal with it.
  11. GoldRanger

    Conservative vs Libertarian... Round One... DEBATE!

    I... What? There's exactly zero things wrong with wanting to fuck strangers. And I like it how the state fucking out of private citizens lives means that it's "enabling" things. It's not the state's business who is fucking who unless coercion is involved, period.