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    Quest A Tale of Extreme Focus, A CKII Quest set in ???

    [X] Plan Screw Marx
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    Quest A Tale of Extreme Focus, A CKII Quest set in ???

    [X] War Is A Science
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    Quest A Tale of Extreme Focus, A CKII Quest set in ???

    [X] Path of the military academies: First go to the Unterrealschulen until 14, before passing on to the Oberrealschulen until 18, after which you have a 3 years course in a Militärakademiebefore joining into one of the various branches of the army with a grade of leutnant.
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    Quest A Tale of Extreme Focus, A CKII Quest set in ???

    Military academies or a university path are the ones I'm in favor of.
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    Quest A Tale of Extreme Focus, A CKII Quest set in ???

    Is German taught in schooling? Or is that only by asking the soldiers.
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    Quest A Tale of Extreme Focus, A CKII Quest set in ???

    Mhm, alright then.
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    Quest A Tale of Extreme Focus, A CKII Quest set in ???

    We’re learning how to read and write in school, wouldn’t it be better to put it to use for some German?
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    Quest A Tale of Extreme Focus, A CKII Quest set in ???

    [X] Plan Military Focus and Logistics Training -[X] Compulsory schooling – The time has come for you to finally attend this school things, it is a place where you shall socialize, learn about the greatness of the Emperor and the necessity of the church while learning the basic of reading...
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    Quest A Tale of Extreme Focus, A CKII Quest set in ???

    Gotcha. Should we really need more learning for mathematics? Wouldn’t it be better to focus on literature these six years now?
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    Quest A Tale of Extreme Focus, A CKII Quest set in ???

    Is this 7 actions overall with two locked ones plus the five choice or two of the five actions are locked?