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  1. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Okay, then name exactly what they've decided to replace them with long term.
  2. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Which is exactly what I said and, funnily enough, if you had bothered to read this thread before trying to argue with me on it, you would find I was the one that originally quoted that article back in October in here lol. You're so desperate to beat me you trip yourself up every time. This is...
  3. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Unless I missed the news article, they aren't. Based on recent wargaming results and what the USAF was saying since last Fall, it's obvious to see why now.
  4. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    People have a hard time accepting that lesson when it comes to the United States, but the writing was on the wall by last fall when the USAF started rotating out F-15s from Okinawa.
  5. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Four day weekend means I can come terrorize the resident midwits.
  6. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Remember when multiple people argued with me in this thread about air superiority? So about that:
  7. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Since I posted that: Just as a recap: Vietnam has Pro-China leaders Vietnam has increased economic ties with China Vietnam, as part of ASEAN, has moved to De-Dollarize and is moving towards a use of Yuan and local currencies Vietnam has publicly stated it wants to increase defense...
  8. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    You cannot rest a case which has yet to be made, unfortunately. The problem here continues to be you are intentionally avoiding the Cause and Effect chain, as I already pointed out once before. My position is that there is surging Pro-China sentiment, and you agreed by noting the DPP has to...
  9. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    But you haven’t provided proof Marduk, you just re-cited the article I already provided. You then further made my case for me, as I will get to in a moment. By the same right you choose to insert your own views as it regards my country, if you recall you opened this thread by calling me a...
  10. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Except declare independence after seven years in power, refuse to meet McCarthy in Taiwan so as to explicitly avoid provoking China and refusing to not increase ties, such as by allowing direct flights between China and Taiwan. Good thing I quoted that to begin with and we both agreed the DPP...
  11. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Except I didn’t, hence why you actually sidestepped the majority of my reply and are now trying to focus on word usage rather than the actual point. That’s a pretty clear indicator you know you’re wrong and don’t want to admit it.
  12. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Which is precisely the point and directly stated in the article; the DDP sees provoking China as a negative to their election prospects in 2024. Which is, if you recall, exactly as I said. So what do you consider the objective standards of Pro/Anti China? Please elucidate them for the audience...
  13. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Indeed they are different parties, which is why it's all the more notable the DPP feels it must constrain itself because of the KMT; their position with regards to China is viewed as that popular in Taiwan that the DPP is having to tread carefully because of 2024. Have you also bothered to look...
  14. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Good thing the article says exactly as I said it does, which you would've known had you actually bothered to read past the second paragraph. It's rather remarkable you talk about "equivalent statements", and then just brush past the fact even the paragraph you're citing qualifies with "Even...
  15. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Because I am almost always right, as evidenced in this case by things that happened since my last post that validated exactly as I said. It's also why you both waited to post until I couldn't respond, because we both know I was right and why neither of you actually engaged the argument. I've...
  16. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    So checking in, let's see how that prediction of yours went: Taiwanese officials have advised McCarthy's staff, according to people familiar with the matter, that a trip this year would be exploited for political purposes by the opposition Nationalist Party, also known as the Kuomintang. The...
  17. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Honestly, you're a case study in projection to such an extent I'd love to have you studied in a lab but I'm afraid being in an enclosed space sharing oxygen with you would permanently damage my IQ from your sheer ignorance. As I said before, truly, we are lucky Poland is due to get wiped off the...
  18. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Yes, and it got exactly the reaction I wanted out of you. You dance to my tune better than a puppet. No, that was also you. Unless of course "retarded" isn't an insult in Poland, but that's just further cause why another round of wiping your nation off the map is called for. No, it's actually...
  19. History Learner

    Taiwan Straights Tension

    Totally agreed, hence why I linked the score card and the article about Air Denial.