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  1. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    I'm starting to think for all of the unneccesary paranoia it brought out inward, the cold war was one of the best things to happen to us. Not only did it advance technology to a level we havin't seen in decades. (We walked on the freaking moon for crying out loud) but it worked as a good...
  2. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    Sent to thier room was supposed to be a metaphor for federal prison.
  3. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    And who's fault is it for white people not breeding? nobody is putting a gun to a white guys head and telling them to be celibate, and I'm sorry, conservatives are at fault for having a "Those that can't teach" attitude right up until high school and college kids started shouting "Marxist...
  4. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    There doesn't need to be an arm conflict when Antifa crumple at the first sight of resistance. The only places where they run wild are big cities that are ran by revolutionary wannabees, places where armed forces or armed civilians threaten to give them a bad time, not so much. these people are...
  5. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    Thing is the modern idea of the breadwinner is just that, modren, specifically when the concept of white collar work became a thing, the idea of corporate work was somthing that was virtually unheard of for most of human history, yes there were lords and such, but typically unless you were a...
  6. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    and in the real world people are trash and everyone dies, still doesin't change the fact I'm still going to live my life.
  7. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    That stuff was going on WAY before the invention of social media Sometimes, but not always, for starters the value of the dollar has plummeted as housing cost have skyrocketed. A working class house 30 years ago is now upper middle or even straight upper class now, It's silly to ask for...
  8. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    What I'm saying is change doesn't come behind a keyboard or an avatar, people can whine and moan about the enemy all they want but people are eventually going to have to put the chatrooms down and be the change they want to be, and frankly I think 5-10+ years of this keyboard warrior junk has...
  9. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    If the fate of the world hangs in the balance and only people like you can stop it, why are you hanging here, typing in a board filled with people you've made clear you don't like and think are worthless? To be frank this isn't just you, this is my question to A LOT of people.
  10. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    As much as Cyberpunk says it's a bad Idea, I'm starting to think Private business's having their own private Militia may not be that bad of an idea, especially given the existence of gangs and the general...ineffectiveness of the police. As the saying goes, "When seconds count, the police are...
  11. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    so hummanity dies with a whimper...yay....
  12. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    makes me wonder how long it will be till human's themselves are obsolete. We don't even need a true AI just a faux one capable of sustaining itself.
  13. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    really? cause it seems like I have about as much in common with the right wing (At least those within it) as an apple has with an orange Both are fruit, but that's about the only thing. quarantine has seriously made me question everything I thought I knew about humanity and frankly it wasn't...
  14. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    I'm starting to think I should change my status from right winger to "Capitalist with nationalistic tendacies" more accurate to my political beliefs and it'd at least separate me from the current crapshow that is Left wing-right wing crap.
  15. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    well thank you for at least admitting you and I are enemies at least. bye.
  16. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    *Sigh* This is why I say the right wing needs to be more clearly defined. We can't possible be both right wing when the only thing we share in common is a common enemy (in this case a hatred for Marxism.) One way or another this fire is going to die down and eventually someone is actually going...
  17. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    the desire for leisure, convenience, and social status is what has caused us to try to change politically and advance technologically in the first place. If these things were not a important tirade, we'd all be surfs DIRECTLY living under hierarchic kings. Virtue signaling and saying death to...
  18. KilroywasNOTHere

    What Should The Right Wing Be?

    It should be clearly defined for starters. Are we talking imperialist Luddites that want to turn back the clock culturally and technologically and restore the glory of the Roman empire or the majesty of the Russian czars? Are we talking Ronald Reganites who want to bring back the cultural and...