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  1. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    It's weird being able to watch Mr. Beast build a dynasty for himself in real time. The man has a net worth of over 50 million and has a small business empire. He's essentially amoung the first of a new generation of New Money people as the likes of people like Musk Zuckerberg and Bezos become...
  2. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    Jesus Before Pilate 28 Then the Jewish leaders took Jesus from Caiaphas to the palace of the Roman governor. By now it was early morning, and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness they did not enter the palace, because they wanted to be able to eat the Passover. 29 So Pilate came out to them and...
  3. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    I'd still argue the following: civilization is good for whom? I've seen it do far more to protect the wolves than the sheep. *Gibberish shock* how uncivilized.
  4. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    Yeah this I agree with. I guess I should note that I am at a point where I don't fully buy the absolute pacifism of the likes of the quackers, just that I think there was plenty of stuff wrong with catholicism.
  5. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    Waldensians, Lollards, Freticillians, just off the top of my head. These guys were existing long before the reformation. They were a minority but they were there. And being a minority or a majority does not mean being right or wrong. It just means a belief is popular or at least not looked at in...
  6. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    *Sigh* no @King Arts they were not the only ones. There have been various secs against the Catholic church throughout the centuries the two big ones being a return to pacifism and a return to poverty. Up until the reformation however they were essentially the vocal minorities of there time and...
  7. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    it's not really either or though. Christianity has ebbs and flows throughout history, Christianity gets a spiritual wake as a result of cultural collapse<slowly becomes a part of the new mainstream culture<becomes corrupted by mainstream culture and customs<cultural collapse occurs due to...
  8. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    But I don't know what else I can do if this is the only thing you're going to talk about. You may be willing to spend the rest of your life whining and moaning waiting for your grandchildren to fix your mess ups but I rather go down swinging.
  9. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    Then perhaps I should block you before I say something that gets me in trouble. You may be willing to spend the rest of your life whining and moaning but I rather go down on my feet.
  10. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    And I get it but at some point a there needs to be a call to action or the conversation needs to be put to rest.
  11. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    I use them as examples because they were the ones primarily brought up in the gospel but your point is valid.
  12. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    Also valid but I'd argue that as far as egalitarian goes the left is hypocritical at best and downright pharasees at worst. These guys are so tolerant they support minorities by... bullying minorities who don't Carter to their demands. Judge them by there fruits not thier words.
  13. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    Not...Really? Christianity when it first started seemed to be more or less a reaction to the cultural war that was going on between the Jewish elites and the Roman empire at that time. On one side you had the jewish nationalist who thought a messiah would arise, reforge the line of David and...
  14. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    to be frank it probably depends on the 60 year old. granted this isin't 60, I've seen some 50 year olds who have more energy, better skin and are in better shape than others in thier 20s. if you you don't mind adopting as opposed to having birth kids I can see it working out for some. BUT they...
  15. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    most conservatives are already like that though. How is it a purge?
  16. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    So how do we survive it? or do we just drink and drink and drink some more and hope that kills us first?
  17. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    still for the sake of those last surviving remnants of western society, I hope something is created that is at least palatable. life should never be so harsh and feel like such a burden that death should feel like a sweet release.
  18. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    we've had this conversation many times dude.
  19. KilroywasNOTHere

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    ...oh boy, alright, well this is where you and I become at an impasse.